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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-30-15    Part 2 of 2

​Post From Chat Room  9-30-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-30-15    Part 2 of 2

newbieDA: Economy Committee discussed the Second Amendment to the Iraqi Investment Law No. (13) of 2006 September 30.2015 The economic and investment commission hosted a meeting headed by MP Jawad al-Chairman of the Committee on Wednesday 30/9/2015 Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami al-Araji Raoof, to discuss the text of the Second Amendment to the Iraqi Investment Law No. (13) of 2006.

The MP-Bolani at the beginning of the meeting that the texts of the Second Amendment to the Iraqi investment law has been completed once and for all, after included several paragraphs,

most of which came modern concepts will be applied for the first time in the economic arena of Iraq, and that will meet the efforts of local development, as well as meet the Iraqi and foreign investors ambitions Alike .
olani He said that the recent additions to the law will have a significant positive effect for the benefit of the Iraqi economy and ministries that currently rely on the budget base class allocations,

which will open in front of her prospects enable it to invest the full resources and energies, assets and even its territory through cooperation with the private sector, which will have the role of investment projects the largest in achieving development.

He Bolani said sectors and local segments will benefit from the provisions of the law to move toward investment, for example, the right of agricultural land owners to establish related to the agricultural sector industrial projects, such as the manufacturing industries and the canning and the production of bags and other factories that revive this sector and pay it to the evolution rapidly.

On his part, Chairman of the National Investment Commission Sami al-Araji, expressed the hope that the passing of the bill as soon as possible to take advantage of its provisions in the activation of the investment side, which will be the key to the most effective solution to mitigate the consequences of an economic crisis the country is experiencing now, as well as providing safer and


disciple7: just get it done Iraq..

newbieDA: ‹@disciple7› amen to that

Donnie: ‹@Doug_W› your negativity toward the RV is.... DISTURBING. (said in my Darth Vader voice)

Doug_W: I am totally positive
Doug_W: that is for shock effect and I see it worked  :tongue:

lonegunman: OK !! let me get this straight !!!!!!!!! IRAQ is going to borrow more money #1 #2 if they CAN and are ABLE to increase their currencies value ! and buying power then why borrow !! what a conundrum ! >>>>>>>>>>co·nun·drum kəˈnəndrəm/Submit noun a confusing and difficult problem or question.

"one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts" synonyms: problem, difficult question, difficulty, quandary, dilemma; informalposer "the conundrums facing policy-makers" a question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle. synonyms: riddle, puzzle, word game; informalbrainteaser "Rod enjoyed conundrums and crosswords"

lonegunman: ARE THESE PEOPLE JUST ** AND STUPID OR AM i ???...... { don't answer that second part I already know the answer}  lol

Doug_W: ‹@lonegunman› its all messed up too

Donnie: raising the Dinar exchange rate will only affect the cost of imports (cheaper) but will have a negative affect on exports (cost more) - in Iraq a Dinar will still be a Dinar because the Iraqis are NOT exchanging anything.

Donnie: Iraq still needs the loan to pay off 2015 budget deficit

Donnie: people are so "fooled" by years of listening to dinar non_gurus that you don't know how this will work in real life

Donnie: PLEASE read and get educated on how this works so you won't be so disappointed when it takes longer they YOU want.

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› I am very lame when it comes to economics which is apparent but ! read paragraph that tootsie posted these people are not poor

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› been in this since 2006 have read enough to last a lifetime and I know just their oil can sustain their currency not counting the depleting reserves and gold

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› educate ?? really
lonegunman: their GDP speaks for itself

Donnie: what is their current GDP then?
Donnie: for 2015
Donnie: currency value is based on a countries GDP

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› no idea how much oil is being exported for petro dollars
lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› and reserves and giod reserves have no impact

Donnie: exactly
Donnie: too many people look at the CBI reserves and base the RV on that

lonegunman: I guess my ?? as so many is ! what will and does it take to go international with trade

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› hi - they have been told over, and over and over by IMF, and others to INCREASE the percentage of income from other, OTHER sources, and stop depending on oil. They have to bring down the dependence , for their country, to way less than 90% on oil. IMF has stated that

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› no not just that !! i understand they have to have an open mrkt.

Tootsie: total dependence upon oil is going to be their downfall -

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› not just CBI everything combined IMO

Tootsie: if they can get oil companies in to drill, they sure as hell can get mining companies in also

Tootsie: they just don't try IMO

Donnie: one step i read from IMF was that a country needs to prove credit worthy by taking loans and paying them back on time just like people

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› do you remember the geology report from the british

Tootsie: IMF wants revenue non 100% dependent upon one source, stated

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› vagually,

Tootsie: good spelling hahaha

Donnie: if a 30 yr old walks into a bank without ever having a loan or CC and wants to borrow $50k with no collateral the banker will laugh

 lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› first three letters threw me off  lol

Donnie: in order to establish credit worthimess Iraq needs a loan and make payments

Tootsie: GDP is also based on Natural Resources - , they even consider trees and so on.

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› you aint kidding thats why the low credit rating !!

Donnie: if they can get this loan from IMF and make payments it's one step in the correct direction

Tootsie: They are having a hard time paying anything, hexxs bells, just overextending. If a person is in big debt, has fantastic credit, going to a bank they are not going to get MORE debt given them to a bank. There is just sooooo much debt that can be incurred before they say NO

Tootsie: good credit or NOT

Donnie: i believe in mo opinion that Iraq knows that even if they pass the investing law, investing companies and employees are not totally safe with ISIS and Daesh running around. I believe that's the hold up

Donnie: why get invstors in just to have an incident with ISIS (kidnapping, killed, etc) and have the bad press???

Donnie: if would take longer to overcome that bad press then to just wait for ISIS and Daesh to be under control

lonegunman: ding ding ding ! that is the skeleton in the closet !!

Donnie: but thats just my opinion

lonegunman: ‹@Donnie› and a good one

 Tootsie: has happened already, and has for years. Taliban, and so on. always has been a worry, but now is soo much worse . But there are those , here actually, that state it is not what we are told, calm prevails. or so their relative states. ???

Donnie: as long as ISIS is beheading and murdering CHILDREN on the streets and showing it to the world on the internet, they are not under control "Enough" to allow investors to "take a chance".

Donnie: we all know ISIS won't be totally gone from Iraq but if they are in a corner and a very small corner then the Iraq Gov't will move on....

Donnie: that's why i pay attention to the news from Iraq regarding ISIS and Daesh.

BOBBY: Donnie..... your thoughts..... Isis a precusor for another wave of outside control?

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› I sure as heck hope not but something is going on behind the scenes in Iraq & Syria

SWSD: Afternoon all, any good rumors out there today? lol


Published on Sep 30, 2015

In this video Luke Rudkowski breaks down the latest propaganda and gives you a real look at what's happening with between Putin and Obama fight over Syria.

BOBBY: Donnie..... agreed....... more then what is being said/presented

Sam: Russia is taking over the middle east....all of the years we have put in is dissolving right before our eyes today

 Sam: and of course now we have john kerry speaking on fox with russia min lavrov... and the BS continues

BOBBY: Sam .... was always wondering if they were / are just laying in wait to make moves

Sam: don't have to wonder what is O going to do with the russia's demands to us

Sam: and taliban is taking over Afghanistan

 Tootsie: SOMEONE, please put into forum and such ~~~ Managing the Transition to a Healthier Global Economy Address by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF At "A Conversation with Christine Lagarde" An event hosted by Council of the Americas ~~~ link also has webcast connection

Tootsie: I am busy, or would do. THANKS

Tootsie: today talk


chattels: Abadi LIVE at the UN   with translation  chattels: Abadi has concluded his remarks.

chattels: Peshmerga chasing ISIS out of western Kirkuk

chattels: ISIS losing Kirkuk land in blistering coalition offensives

chattels: “Although we do not have pre-prepared plans to attack Hawija, we are just 20 kilometers away from the ISIS-held town," he added.

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – At least 15 ISIS militants were killed Wednesday as the international coalition formed to fight the Islamic State, or ISIS, conducted heavy airstrikes in the western part of the city of Mosul, a Kurdish official told Rudaw.

“The airstrikes shelled Daesh [ISIS] bases in Sheikh Fathi neighborhood, in the west of Mosul, completely destroying their base and killed 15 gunmen,” said Saeed Mamuzini, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party branch 14 in Mosul.

Mamuzini said explosives were also set off in Mosul’s Bashouk area of the ISIS-held city on Wednesday, caused the death of eight other militants, including one believed to be Abu Marwan Anbari, an ISIS leader in Mosul. The US-led coalition has been bombing the outskirts of Mosul for more than a year but there have been no ground attacks on the city.

​chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The man shaved his beard and then stood in the street smoking a cigarette in broad daylight - two major offenses in the so-called caliphate of the Islamic terror group ISIS.

Before too long, the group’s religious police, the Hisba, came and put the man in their car and drove away. In the car, the man pulled out a weapon and killed them all. He then escaped in ​the car​ of a friend​ that had escort​ed him on his mission​.

This Hollywood-like plot was recently played out for real in Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, which has been in the hands of ISIS since June 2014. It was reported by Mosul Eye, a historian who blogs in deep secret from inside the city.

chattels: .............sources in Kurdistan that are in contact with civilians in Mosul, reports have surfaced about acts of resistance amid an atmosphere of growing despair.

chattels: Details about resistance in Mosul are also scarce. Much of the action seems disorganised, such as the help some 25 Peshmerga got from civilians after they managed to escape from an ISIS prison in Mosul. Multiple reports said civilians hid them from ISIS and helped them to get out of the city.

lonegunman: huzzah huzzah !

chattels: For many, the situation in the city has been worse since the Iraqi government in May decided to cut all wages for civil servants in Mosul province in areas under ISIS occupation.

These salaries had still been paid for almost a year after ISIS took over, and the group had profited by demanding a percentage. To stop this income to the terror group, Baghdad stopped the wages completely.

lonegunman: brave man if true IMO

[07:43:48 PM] chattels: To scare civilians from rising up, ISIS executes people each week for non-Islamic behavior. Along with the Hisba and the Khansa Brigade, a secret service known as Diwan al-Amnya is also active. It is said to consist mainly of former agents of Saddam’s secret service.


lonegunman: on my way to rest ,very busy ! I see the religon of peace is practicing their faith

lonegunman: I have a hard time understanding how these people can exist and continue to create mayhem

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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