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Monday, September 28, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 

Morning News Comments 09/28/2015

Rafidain Bank qualifies its branches and enters the modern banking technologies work

[tlm724] Rafidain Bank deliberately to rehabilitate its branches at home and abroad, and the introduction of modern technologies in the banking business in line with the reforms announced by the government package

[tlm724] *hallelujah*

[tlm724] has been rehabilitated

[tlm724] check mark cat !!!

The government is preparing for the opening of the first Islamic bank with a capital of more than 130 billion dinars, the center of economic debate

[tlm724] The government is preparing for the opening of the first Islamic bank with a capital of more than 130 billion dinars

[tlm724] "it is hoped the opening of the bank during the next two months

[tlm724] He continued a career that "the Central Bank of Iraq and the testimony maintain relationships, he is stressed more than once that in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance is seeking to restructure the largest banks government and two Rafidain and Rasheed result of the subject of its laws and mechanisms to prevent the development and support of the banking sector."

[tlm724] that in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance is seeking to restructure the largest banks government and two Rafidain and Rasheed

[tlm724] yeah we are seeing that right now Very Happy


Bankers plan to establish an association concerned with the work of Islamic banks

[tlm724] bankers seeking to establish an association concerned with the work of Islamic banks in Iraq and ways to strengthen coordination with the Islamic banks in the region and the world.

[tlm724] that" the reality of Islamic banking in the country needs to develop methods of performing banking services and updated according to the latest of the developments of global updates and coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq,

[tlm724] Islamic banking is expanding the international spread of base all over the world, without exception,

[tlm724] especially as the country has considerable experience in this type of banking and began to update its system the best systems.

[tlm724] yes  Very Happy best systems

[tlm724] It is hoped that up to thirteen banks will be formed, Assembly, notably (Mesopotamia Bank Islamic and Elaf Islamic National Bank and the Islamic Bank as well as the cooperation of Ceyhan and the Islamic Development Bank and the World of Kurdistan and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, as well as the Iraqi Islamic), in addition to two windows Islamist groups in a bank Rafidain and Rasheed.

[tlm724] awesome ! Happy to see Iraq grow up in the banking field !

Scales News / reveal transfers of dollars to outside Iraq to "false invoices"

[tlm724] about the existence of influential officials were involved and to transfer hard currency "dollar" out of Iraq as "fake bills

[tlm724] stressing the need to control the currency conversion through the re-import licenses

[tlm724] in the past there was a department in the central bank called" control of foreign exchange, "and after the fall of the regime have been canceled,

[tlm724] they should make every single person or business re-license !

[tlm724] The "economic expert Abdul Hassan al-Shammari said, earlier, that the fiscal policy in Iraq has proved its failure through currency conversion out of Iraq," while "the government called to change its policy direction."

[tlm724] that billions go annually to the outside without any accountability

[tlm724] the auction sale of the currency led to Iraq's entry of new Bmhalk over who is suffering from."

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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