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Monday, September 28, 2015

Mnt Goat Monday Update - “A New Sheriff in Town”  Part 2 of 2

​Next I am presenting an article to you that may seem insignificant but is very important.

So what does this now tell us?

It is my opinion that Abadi is directing all ministries, the judicial council and other applicable offices to wait to appoint acting general managers (proxy positions) until the completion of the process of implementing the reforms package.

First question is who are these General managers being referred to?

Second question is why wait until after the reforms are implemented?
The translation on this article stinks….

So I will try to address the first question. The proxy managers are those substitutes in the leadership positions for those personnel that were dismissed on corruption charges as part of Abadi’s reforms in cleaning up the government. Abadi has the right to place in “proxy” (or temporary) personnel in these positions. He has weeded out the corrupt politicians.

The answer to the second question is that Abadi is asking (directing) them to wait to appoint these proxy positions until the dust settles a bit and to let the other reforms take root, meaning allowing for the savings of the funds that would go to pay for these proxy positions thus allowing a gap in the funding of personnel saving many millions in the process. Do you remember that there were 300+ governmental personnel being dismissed in these corruption charges?  This is a significant savings in salaries that would have to be paid out.  Abadi wants to capitalize on the opportunity to realize these significant savings.

Article Begins


BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - the face of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Petrat ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry and all the provinces and the Supreme Judicial Council, appointed acting general managers until the completion of implementing reforms package.

Indicates an official letter issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers addressed to all ministries and the Judicial Council and the offices of the Conservative and non Almerttabh Bozrah and the offices of the heads of the provincial steering confirm Abadi wait to appoint general managers until the completion of the process of implementing the reforms package.

Article Ends

Then just after this article above was published out pops an article from a recent speech from prime minister  Abadi. In the speech he is talking about a few issues. One is about the limit of government savings has been reached. In other words he is telling us this part of the reform package is over and done. This is an excellent benchmark for us. We see the progression of reforms and laws over the last month on this topic.

But he is also giving a warning too that the extent of the loss funds through corruption can not continue and sustain Iraq into the future and to assure the citizens that they can make a difference in reporting corruption so it can be addressed.

This in itself is a new concept for Iraq and I feel will make a huge difference that now the people (the average citizen) can have a difference. This is the concept Abadi is trying to reinforce in the peoples minds.

There can be a safe and fearless avenue to which to report corruption. I quote from the speach- calling on citizens to "detect any corruption they see in their daily lives, to make the corrupt live in constant fear."

One example that comes to my mind is with the meal cards and how many of these cards were being sold on the black market so the citizens could take the money and buy safe food in the common market rather then eat the spoiled foods from Iran that the card could obtain. If you reported these food scandals or even forced to go along with them, you ended up in jail. Do you remember these articles from years past?

He is also talking about fighting ISIS and I quote Abadi, saying, "We are going to break Daash military and intelligence we need to pursue him."

But I feel the very significant part of this article is he is telling us the Russians are now also joining in on the fight against ISIS and Iraq is sharing intelligence on this fight with Russia. “A military source in Moscow revealed on Saturday (28 September 2015), an agreement between Russia and Syria, Iraq and Iran to create an information center in Baghdad, comprising representatives of the bodies of Staff of the armies of these four countries”.

So we see Abadi is being successful in getting a multi-international coalition together himself in the fight against ISIS / DASSH. This is all very good and will create yet more stability for Iraq. It is good also in that thru the UN they are taking charge themselves of this fight and no relying so much on a USA led coalition anymore even though we all know the USA is still assisting and advising in this effort with them.

From the information in this article this is all the kind of stability Iraq needs in its society going forward if it is ever going to realize its great potential and wealth. It is all very good and in the right direction.
Article Begins


The political system has to be an example to others, pointing to the importance of improving aspects of the economy.

BAGHDAD / obelisk announced Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Monday, that the government has succeeded to reduce its expenses to the maximum extent possible, noting that the political system has to be an example to others through reforms that reduce the gap between the salaries, while calling on citizens to cooperate in the detection of corruption and make " spoilers permanently living in fear. "

Ebadi said in a speech before heading to New York to participate in a United Nations meeting published by the local media and pursued "obelisk", "The government has succeeded to reduce its expenses to the maximum extent possible," noting that "the reforms reduce the gap between citizens and officials, through the revision of salaries state employees. "

He said al-Abadi, that "the political system has to be an example to others," noting "the importance of improving aspects of the economy."

The prime minister assured Haider al-Abadi, on Wednesday (23 September 2015), corruption "terrorism" of another kind, the corrupt in what was described as "the owners of mafias and gangs."

Abadi stressed "the need to stop the waste and the fight against corruption", calling on citizens to "detect any corruption they see in their daily lives, to make the corrupt live in constant fear."

On the other hand said al-Abadi, said that "Iraq intelligence committees established with several countries to fight Daash, noting that" Iraq has the intelligence cooperation with Germany, Jordan and several countries interested in fighting organization. "

He said al-Abadi, that "Russia in the recent period have shown Ahtama fight Daash to the presence of Russian citizens in its ranks, and they pose a threat to Russia's security in the event of their return."

He stressed Abadi, saying, "We are going to break Daash military and intelligence we need to pursue him."
He was a diplomat, a military source in Moscow revealed on Saturday (28 September 2015), an agreement between Russia and Syria, Iraq and Iran to create my information center in Baghdad, comprising representatives of the bodies of Staff of the armies of the four countries.

Article Ends

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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