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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  9-24-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-24-15
Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  9-24-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: " Although the House vote to abolish the post of the Vice-President of the Republic, but the three deputies continue to conduct their business everyday, and enjoy the same privileges earlier."  chattels:

chattels: " ............ and enjoy the same privileges earlier."

Tootsie: 50 000 Iraqis have emigrated to Europe in three months due to the economic crisis and the war with Daash New York Press -arac -24 September / September: 
The United Nations announced, said that "more than 50 thousand Iraqis have left the country in the past three months in a campaign the largest mass exodus from neighboring Syria." International Migration Organization of the United Nations said in a report, at dawn on Thursday, said the number of Alaraceyen who emigrated during the past three months amounted to more than 50 000 immigrants, mostly young people.

Tootsie:. It said the report, that this number represents the largest mass exodus of campaign compared to neighboring Syria, which the state is witnessing battles with Daash terrorist organization since 2011 until now.

 And puts the report, the economic crisis and the war with Daash at the forefront of the reasons that led to the emigration of Iraqis, in search of a better life abroad after he allowed them to changes in immigration policy in Europe in recent opportunity to do so.

 The United Nations is expected to cross the 850 thousand people at least the Mediterranean Sea to seek asylum in Europe this year .anthy

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani said in an Eid message on Wednesday that political parties should resolve the snarled issue of the presidency and urged young Kurds to stop migrating in large numbers.

 "Many deep crises have faced Kurdistan, including the presidential question, economic problems, the decline in the price of oil, the flow of refugees which has strained our limited capabilities to host them and the Erbil-Baghdad problems,” Barzani said in a statement.

In a message for the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha on Thursday, he added that the crisis plaguing Kurdistan “above all” is the war with the Islamic State group (ISIS), or Daesh, which has continued since August last year.

chattels: The war, and the economic and other strains associated with it, have hit hard at Iraq’s autonomous Kurds, who were planning their own independent nation before the start of the war.

Adding to the strains has been a disturbing trend of migration, with the Iraqi Federation of Refugees saying in July that some 300 Iraqi Kurds were leaving every day in search of better lives in the West.

chattels: “The elimination of Daesh and self-determination are my priorities for the people of Kurdistan,” Barzani said.


chattels: Erbil’s celebrated carpet museum struggles to remain open due to war By Judit Neurink

chattels: [Baghdad - where] most likely a member of the economic and investment commission full parliamentary Ghurery, that the House vote on the draft amendment to the Investment Law Minutes after the Eid al-Adha.

Said Ghurery, told all of Iraq [where], that "the Committee emphasized the investment law, and in the first session of the House of Representatives will vote on this law, and openness to foreign and Iraqi companies to invest and open large and medium projects in the country." chattels:

chattels: [Baghdad - where] the security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Nayef al-Shammari said, that the House will go to the project compulsory military service law, in the absence of blocs to reach agreement on the Law of the National Guard. chattels:

chattels: " compulsory service law serves all Iraqis, regardless of component, nationalism and conservatism, leads to cohesion and national and we can through building military establishment on professional and efficient basis and be a citizen service for all Iraqis, regardless of affiliation to a component or province ".

 [08:29:08 AM] chattels: [Baghdad - where] the parliamentary finance committee, said that the law provides for the government to send the draft budget law next year to the House of Representatives in 2016 after 17 days from now.

Said committee member Masood Haider told all of Iraq [where], that "the government if sent the budget bill as stipulated by the law of any on the tenth of next October, the House of Representatives will vote on the law during the time period specified legally and constitutionally."


chattels: [Baghdad-where] called for the commander of ground forces, Lt. Gen. Riyadh Jalal Tawfiq, patience and constant fighting to defeat Daash terrorist gangs.


chattels: No Currency Auction posted for today : Holiday ? Sep.     *25        Id Al-Adha (4 Days)

chattels: Dates noted with asterisk (*) are approximate

chattels: Attorney Haitham al-Jubouri: Most judges do not have experience in dealing with financial issues 09/23/2015 13:01

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / called the parliamentary finance committee member Haitham al-Jubouri to the application of the Central Bank Law which provides for the formation of a competent financial courts, noting that most of the judges is familiar with the financial laws that require experience and study of specialized details. , he said in a statement to the National Agency Iraqi News / nina / "that many of the specialists judges issues of financial belongings do not have experience in financial transactions."

 He added: "We met with the director of the Integrity Commission recently found that most judges do not have experience in dealing with financial issues."

He noted Jubouri that " countries of the world have the financial courts and international financial arbitration and there is a financial law firms competent, that's what missing from Iraq until today.

"He continued:" So far, the judiciary is still not seen the money used by private banks to buy foreign currency source which raises question marks, "he said "The judges are still considered to buy the currency right legally, even if I went to the smuggling or other and both achieved their desired interest or not."


chattels: It is difficult to prosecute alleged corruption if the Judge does not understand financial matters / transactions.

chattels: Baghdad Iraqi National / Agency News / Nina / head Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to New York on Sunday at the head of a ministerial delegation to attend the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations., Said a source familiar with the National Iraqi News Agency / Nina /

The delegation accompanying the Prime Minister to visit him, which extends for five days including Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, health Adila Hammoud, Displacement and Migration Jassim Mohammed dry.

"He added:" It is due to meet Prime Minister US President Barack Obama, and participate in an international conference to combat terrorism, "noting that" al-Abadi will address Iraq conference. "and hold a conference International anti-terrorism on the 29th of this month in the presence of an international large-chaired by US President Barack Obama and with the participation of 104 countries and about 100 regional organizations and civil society representatives.

chattels: It appears that Abadi will be out of Iraq for all or most of next week.

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / discussed the Ministry of Defense, axes progress to cleanse the city of Ramadi of terrorists Daash gangs and sustain the fight momentum in Anbar province. 

The ministry said in a statement that "a conference held yesterday at the headquarters of the Defense Ministry, headed by Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi to discuss progress axes to cleanse the city of Ramadi, in addition to the discussion of many topics and how to sustain the battle momentum and take advantage of the progress made ​​in Sector Anbar operations.

chattels: He stressed " the need to focus on the importance of military operations in various cutouts for battlefields and take advantage of high morale enjoyed by the heroes of the armed forces who are investigating victories over the terrorist organizations, which is now living its last days in Iraq. "


chattels: " ............ the terrorist organizations, which is now living its last days in Iraq. "

chattels: Positive and ambitious talk from Mr. Obeidi.

chattels: The scary thing about vanquishing DAESH is the suicidal element which makes traditional tactics less relevant.

TxBrand: living its last days in Iraq :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

chattels: " last " may translate like " soon " in Iraq :)

chattels: Pending our liquidity event I am reminded of the following wisdom : "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:11 So, it is off to work that I go,

chattels: The killing of the Minister of Finance and Director of Daash police in Anbar and Tal Afar [expanded] [Baghdad-where] the media cell military announced on Wednesday, killed Daash finance minister and director of police in Anbar and Tal Afar.

chattels: Daash subjected to frustration and killed more than 44 of them in Anbar

chattels: Progress in Anbar

chattels: XXX : [i have a thought, we have an anti money laundering bill because of the threat from IMF. ...the federal court law, national guard law and amnesty laws...anyone know where we stand with these important laws?] I doubt those three laws get done until "post-Malik" - they arrest him, they sail right through. You watch.

chattels: So, Maliki is NOT GONE, still a factor / obstacle and not a nuisance / fly on the wall ? !

TxBrand: chattels: " last " may translate like " soon " in Iraq  lol

chattels: XXX says that we should now watch for Maliki to be arrested, but just days ago opined that Maliki would flee before such ! ?

chattels: " The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers has announced that next Thursday, the first day of Eid al-Adha to resume working next Monday."
chattels: So, no currency auction today, and the Eid will end on Sunday. Back to work on Monday. Note that one MP expects action on the Investment Law as a first order of business.

chattels: [Baghdad - where] most likely a member of the economic and investment commission full parliamentary Ghurery, that the House vote on the draft amendment to the Investment Law Minutes after the Eid al-Adha. Said Ghurery, told all of Iraq [where], that "the Committee emphasized the investment law, and in the first session of the House of Representatives will vote on this law, and openness to foreign and Iraqi companies to invest and open large and medium projects in the country."


chattels: " .......... the House vote on the draft amendment to the Investment Law Minutes after the Eid al-Adha. "

Doug_W: I think to be correct that should read "will be voted"

chattels: ‹@Doug_W› " the draft amendment ", Yes.

chattels: The following article warrants repetition as I believe that it is most revealing about the current status of reforms :

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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