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Sunday, September 27, 2015

More News Rumors, and Opinions Late Sunday Afternoon 9-27-15


Guesses To Exogens Picture clues/Intel: (First time in many months!)

Ranger4564:  My guesses... some are rough because they're tough

USA caves to pressure

Iraq Parliament votes on a basket of laws

Pope calls on Bohener to hit the road

Watch Bonds

Countdown of parallel conversions

Exponential (gazillions) lubricating credit

AIIB reaches agreement with IMF to fix

IQD flows worldwide

Old system is out, new system is taking over


I think that one pic denotes someone having to take their medicine... Don't know about the hot dogs and hamburger though..JMO. But good job Ranger! :)) xoxox

The hot dogs and hamburger all have 'all the trimmings'?

Ranger4564:   Rodji,

Burger is STACKED = ON

Hot Dogs = 2

Don't know which pic you mean is medicine... I think blood pressure gauge, = pressure building

Looking again, I see I missed a pic.

USA caves to pressure

Pressure building on Iraq Parliament to vote on basked of laws

Looking for Bonds countdown to parallel conversions

Gazillions flowing into credit markets

AIIB and IMF reach agreement (the fix)

IQD pumping through the world

Old system is out, new system is taking over

Carol:  Castor oil...flush it all out?

Ranger4564:  Got it, but i saw the castor oil not as a diaretic, but as flowing... not in the medicinal sense, just flowing out of the bottle. Maybe it is as you and Rodji say, it's flushing out the credit markets. I think it's lubricating the credit markets.

ElaneR:  Late coming to the party. Am I correct in what I'm seeing? SNOW! Exo has posted snow?! Wow we must be nearing the end of this ride.



  All the little DINARIANS on Jaybird Street

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