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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

BGG Roundtable 9-30-15

Bgg roundtable 9/28/15    (Posted In Forum 9-30-15  3:32 PM)


BGG Bax: We've got BIG NEWS coming...


BGG: Ok - rcookie - where did you want to start off?? With the Maliki indictments??

rcookie: The evidence against Maliki and his clown car of criminals mount daily...He is ready for a fall!!....Just in the last couple days....
Pablo: Has he been formally indicted?

wilson6060: WOW...awesome

rcookie: But the biggest Maliki news has to be Shabibi going public with CBI details

BGG: Agreed - do we have an article on that??

rcookie: Shabibi^^^^^

BGG: P.S. by "Maliki indictments" - I am referring to these very public allegations by Shabibi and others.

_firefly_ BGG: So that would take us back to our conversation a few weeks ago about Shabibi going back on trial and the translation of the article

BGG: not official indictments - "per se"...

BGG _firefly_: I don't think he was ever going back on trial... Abadi was pointing out they were looking into the circumstances surrounding his charges, trial and conviction.

_firefly_ BGG: Yep, that's what we agreed on !

BGG _firefly_: essentially - who was behind it and what were they (Maliki) up to??

_firefly_ BGG: BINGO !!!!!!

rcookie: he has to counter these reports showing the obscene bonus money...real estate gifts and funds accountability

BGG _firefly_: and it appears... based on this - that Shabibi is the one who had the "legit goods" on Maliki and others...

Pablo: Has parliament finally voted to dismiss the VPs?

BGG Pablo: not officially - (yet)

_firefly_ BGG: Interesting times and timing to say the least !

BGG rcookie: explain please.

rcookie: but increasingly harder as the transparency and details become public

rcookie: The Advisers law ( 3 VP) is to be done this week if not today

rcookie: He tries to show his power by pulling off things like this

BGG rcookie: You're talking about Maliki then??

rcookie: Yes

BGG rcookie: Your point is...

BGG rcookie: Maliki is trying to counter these reports of his outright theft with "counter-allegations" of huge bonuses and other perks??

rcookie: Walls closing in and about to end for him as these details become more public and reforms implemented

rcookie: as these bonuses and real estate gifts and bribes become public he flexes his power muscles by showing he can still get his cohorts off

BGG rcookie: as we were discussing - IMHO Maliki still has considerable power - it is still a very corrupt structure - and Maliki attacks these smaller issues on a local level. I am sure he can walk in - drop a bag of money and walk out with this kid accused of kidnapping.

BGG rcookie: then he makes it public knowledge so he appears more powerful than he is.

rcookie: great point BGG and all the more significance of implementing the Laws and get him put away once and for all!!

BGG rcookie: and it can't hurt that he's getting another Shia militia thug off - they are likely the sole source of his current staying power.

rcookie: Agreed!

_firefly_: Or ... he fades off into never never land !

_firefly_: Oooops, sorry BGG

BGG rcookie: However, Point 1) is...

BGG rcookie: they are making all these corruption issues with Maliki public now - because, of course, they intend to move against him soon... he's still working to stay (on numerous fronts)...

BGG rcookie: if they meant to keep him - why go public??

BGG rcookie: short answer - they don't...

rcookie: exactly and now with more defined details of the mechanics of the schemes and operations...,.much tougher to deny and distance himself from

BGG: the big unifying question in Iraq right now is - who will be in charge of the Shia Militias??

BGG: Abadi is trying to consolidate this command under a central Baghdad umbrella...

BGG: and Maliki is throwing every vile accusation he can at the National Guard Law... it and the AML Law are the end of him...

BGG: they have chiseled, and chiseled and chiseled... and he's not as powerful as he once was.

rcookie: and the Kurds distancing themselves from the Iran, Iraq, Syrian. Russian front against ISIS from Syria

BGG: and this is good - Baghdad is foolish to get tangled up with Iran, Russia and Syria... no good can come of that.

joyojoy: what is it in the reforms that will cause this to be dealt with legally verses in the court of public opinion that is forming over his crazy antics? Why the wait? somewhat just answered

BGG joyojoy: this is just the icing on the cake... it's about public support.

BGG joyojoy: and support from the religious leaders.

rcookie: agreed BGG ! And an intelligence center in Baghdad for them as well

BGG joyojoy: there is no doubt about the details of corruption - they have all they need. However - he is rich and powerful - there needs to be a broad support for removing and trying him...

joyojoy BGG: Okay better understand, not really a specific law but more support from public so all won't fall apart when they take him down.

BGG joyojoy: Well - actually, several laws...

BGG joyojoy: 1) the AML Law... he's cooked on that one...

BGG joyojoy: 2) they have forwarded a law making the removal of these VP's and Deputies Legal...

BGG joyojoy: 3) the National Guard Law which will put Maliki's Shia Militias under Abadi's command (which I hear Abadi will get done soon - law or no...)... this is a biggie against Maliki...

joyojoy BGG: Got it Thank you

rcookie: I think when these new Investment Judiciary and AML ACT Laws are in place he will instantaneously become the poster child for prosecuting these criminals and set the new precedent for standards in corruption

BGG rcookie: I agree there - as soon as those are posted, legal and enforced - Maliki is toast.

_firefly_ BGG: Anti-Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism Act September 16 0.2015

Name of the people Presidency Based on what passed the House of Representatives and approved by the President of the Republic and based on the provisions of subsection (I) of Article (61) and item (iii) of Article 73 of the Constitution. Issued the following law: No. () for the year 2015 Law Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing

_firefly_ BGG: Notice the date

rcookie: Boulyaaah!!!!

BGG rcookie: OMG - I laugh so hard every time I see that Stub Hub commercial...

rcookie: Explains the announcement from WB today of the additional $1B in loans by end of 2015

rcookie: Obviously in compliance!!

_firefly_ BGG: any activity or another process determined by a decision of the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Council and published in the Official Gazette

_firefly_ BGG: and published in the Official Gazette

BGG _firefly_: Only a matter of time now.

_firefly_ BGG: That document is filled with goodies we are looking for !

BGG: Here is a very interesting article I used on the BLOG for today...

BGG: (courtesy of rcookie)

BGG: Bringing investment to Iraq Massive, popular protests for better public service in Baghdad and across Iraq this summer have prompted the government to announce and execute reforms,

which, among other things, reduce the salaries and privileges of government officials and parliamentarians and take steps to fight corruption. Iraqis are sending a clear message: they have had enough, not only of the so called Islamic State and the on-going war against it,

but also from years of perceived public mismanagement, corruption, and lacking basic service – for example, the electricity network is not robust enough to provide more than 6 to 8 hours of electricity to the average household.

All of this when low oil prices are expected to tear a double-digit deficit into the national budget, forcing Iraq to tap international bond markets for the first time in many years.

BGG: But next to these momentous challenges, the Iraqi government continues its agenda for economic reforms. And it is right in doing so as Iraq needs new and greater investment to get on the right track.

Economic revitalization, promoting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and regional cooperation and trade are key components of any strategy to reduce conflict and build peace, even more so in today’s turbulent Middle East. Creating jobs, raising revenues to pay for quality services,

and re-establishing regional economic cooperation are as important as reaching a political settlement and re-establishing security. They all contribute to the same goal, which is to create the conditions for stability and peace.

BGG: Governments have no choice but to prioritise action in this area. According to the World Bank, FDI in 25 countries that were classified as conflict affected or fragile grew at a compound annual rate of 12% compared to 4.5% growth in the rest of the world’s FDI in the period of 2005-2012.

The figures show that in such high-risk countries untapped resources, reconstruction needs and unmet consumer demand present opportunities for domestic and foreign investors.

BGG: Iraq proves the case: the country has witnessed FDI inflows of an impressive $4.8 billion in 2014, according to the 2015 UNCTAD world investment report, an amount similar to countries such as Egypt and Nigeria.

While most investments were in the oil and gas sector, the numbers show that a country such as Iraq can attract higher amounts of foreign capital. And while investment volumes will certainly remain somewhat muted and “below potential” until the overall political situation is clearer and security improves, Iraq should use the time to improve investment conditions to better attract private investment and capital now and in the future.

But how is it possible to build investors’ confidence in a country whose territorial integrity and scope for action is under stress from violent extremist groups, separatist movements, factional strife, and foreign interference?

BGG: It may indeed sound like an impossible task. But the reality on the ground is also that some businesses are doing well, that the country will continue to receive large inflows of oil revenues, and that the population is young and relatively well-educated.

More trust and opportunities can be built as sound reforms are undertaken. The “General Framework of the Government Programme 2014-2018” details the Iraq government’s economic reform agenda.

It includes expanding the role of private sector, improving the investment climate, restructuring State Owned Enterprises (SOE), and providing industrial and trade infrastructure through free trade and industrial zones. In line with these commitments,

the Government of Iraq has already launched its Private Sector Development Strategy, set up a committee tasked with reforming Iraq’s state-owned enterprises, and seeks to reform its investment law.Read More:

BGG: There is no way we will have time to cover all that - but it is HUGE NEWS...

_firefly_ BGG: Think I saw that on the UN site

BGG: shows a legitimate reason why - in the face of such adversity - that major banks and players are still looking to invest in Iraq...


rcookie: That OECD article was also off the report from PM of Sweden today committing support and expertise in economic development in IRAQ!!!

BGG: essentially - (if I read it right) the rest of the world has seen economic growth of about 4.5% (total) and Iraq has seen a 12.5% compound increase in the same time-frame...

rcookie: In spite of the tremendous obstacles and resistance they face!!

BGG: Yup!!!
​BGG: There's the reason... very curious also - as soon as they did what the WB wanted - then they start getting some support.

rcookie: The numbers in that report are amazing and should instill tremendous confidence in your investment in this country!!!

BGG rcookie: Amen.

BGG: Exactly how does Maliki see this ending for him?? Where does he go from here??

rcookie: Economic revitalization & development fosters Foreign Direct Investment!!!

BGG: OK gang - That's it for me today...

_firefly_: The meeting's agenda number (25) Thursday (1) October 2015 -

_firefly_ BGG: Ninth: The second reading of a bill defining the mandates of the three presidencies. (Legal Committee). (Article 8).

BGG: stay tuned - there's so much news coming out right now - we'll have more tonite.

Mrs BGG rcookie: Thank you for bringing in the articles and commentary!!

Mrs BGG _firefly_: Thank you for the article and commentary

rcookie: YVW!! Lot of fun and exciting stuff!!

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