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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-29-15    Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-29-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-29-15    Part 2 of 2

chattels: ( Dohuk – Media official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul Saeed Mamouzini revealed on Tuesday the killing of 10 ISIS militants by unknown snipers inside Mosul.

Mamouzini said in an interview for, “Unidentified snipers targeted ISIS elements recently in the neighborhoods of al-Intisar and al Faisaliah in the city of Mosul, resulting in the killing of ten of them.” 

​Mamouzini added that “Mosul has witnessed during the last period several killing operations by armed battalions that targeted ISIS elements in the city.” chattels:

chattels: " Unidentified snipers targeted ISIS elements .......... "

Donnie: IMO Iraq would be more secure if every Iraqi has ALWAYS owned their own guns                 

Donnie: ‹@chattels› "unidentified - aka US soldiers?

Donnie: Russian Soldiers?

chattels: ‹@Donnie› not likely - probably infiltration by Peshmarga

chattels: or local population / resistance

Donnie: as long as they are shooting ISIS members I don't care what country they are from but prefer them to be females so those ISIS members will never get their hands on the 73 virgins that await them LOL lol

Donnie: ‹@chattels› good point sir

chattels: Daesh is concerned about a popular uprising in Mosul

Donnie: ‹@chattels› as they should be

Donnie: i love it when the local citizens rise up and take arms

[09/29/2015 08:06:09 PM] chattels: there are still 750,000 - one million people still in Mosul

Donnie: even 25% (250,000) would do a lot of damage against Daesh

 Donnie: hmmmm if only they had modern weapons to use.....

chattels: the battle for Mosul will be fought on many fronts and in many ways

chattels: from within and without

chattels: it will have to be largely house to house

chattels: and Daesh will employ a scorched earth tactic

Donnie: i agree. as terrible as it will be, that seems to be Daesh's MO

BOBBY: Chattels..... any idea what there numbers are these days?

Donnie: if losing, "run and blow up everything on your way out"

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› not really

Donnie: Bonds gained 11 ticks, Crude rose 75 cents, Gold dropped $4, and the USD was lower.


blossom7454: ‹@chattels› Do u know anything about the Rial?

Donnie: Rial - Iran currency - 30 Sep 2015 01:14 UTC USD/IRR close:29958.05872

Donnie: 29,958 Rial per $1

Donnie: You can buy some on ebay for ~ $17 per 100,000 Rial

Donnie: ~ $170 per million

Donnie: ~ means approximately

blossom7454: ‹@Donnie› do you think this rial will be worth buying?

blossom7454: someone had told me about it and about a month ago you could buy a mil for 90 bucks

blossom7454: ‹@Donnie› u here?

TxBrand: I got a Million for 99.00 ( rial )

blossom7454: ‹@TxBrand› I wonder if I can get that still?

Donnie: i have no idea if the Rial or the Dinar will EVER be worth more then they are now.

blossom7454: seems there is movement with the rial

TxBrand: ‹@Donnie› right

Donnie: ‹@blossom7454› before you buy Rial just look at how well buying Dinar worked out for you :)

blossom7454: ‹@TxBrand› I know the price has gone up to buy it but is it ok to buy are they still under sanctions?

blossom7454: ‹@Donnie› ? for you both...

Donnie: i see some on ebay for $93/million

Donnie: which is down from $150/million 3 months ago

Donnie: so yes there is movement but it seems to be movement in the wrong direction :)

 Donnie: as far as legally owning Iran banknotes? I have no idea.

blossom7454: I thought you cant buy them if they are under sanction....

blossom7454: or was illegal?

blossom7454: IKR

Donnie: O says sanctions are lifted

blossom7454: ‹@Donnie› oh wow I didnt know that

Donnie: World Bank: We are working to lend to Iraq billion dollars by the end of 2015

Donnie: [Baghdad-where] World Bank Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa Hafez Ghanem said on Tuesday that the bank is working to lend to Iraq billion dollars by the end of 2015.

A statement by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari met with World Bank Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York,

 in search of the World Bank's work and the support that could contribute to its mitigation mechanisms from the lower oil price crisis, and its impact on development in Iraq. "Jaafari said during the meeting that" Iraq is passing through exceptional circumstance as Ajtaanna waves of corruption

and today we have a problem in the decline in oil prices as well as accumulations since the previous regime which Iraq Cable Indebted time,

adding that " Iraq is working to take advantage of the internal sources of wealth, and wished to provide all possible assistance to Iraq. "He stressed that" Iraq today offers his children and his money in his war against Daash terrorist gangs so we hope you will consider to Iraq from this angle,

pointing out that the elements of Daash in Iraq from more than 100 countries, adding that by saying that "we are fighting on behalf of the whole world,

 and if Iraq bears direct responsibility in the defense of his country and the world is in need of support and backing of the entire international community, and we hope that you put in your consideration of this fact."

He continued, "We do our part We will not hesitate in supporting the attribution of the World Bank in any single "stressing that" the work of the Iraqi government in the rehabilitation of destroyed cities therefore call on the World Bank project to help Iraq and be flexible with us.

"For his part, maintained emphasized the World Bank's focus on helping Iraq and to do everything he can to get out of this crisis, explaining by saying that

 Donnie: "we seek to increase support for Iraq, adding that" the International Fund is working with the Ministry of Finance to provide loan to Iraq billion dollars, adding that "the process is not easy but we are trying to provide the amount before the end of 2015" .anthy

Dianne777: so doesnt look like an rv in 2015

Dianne777: ‹@Donnie› ‹@Donnie› is my thinking right on that, if they would rv they wouldnt need a loan

Donnie: I report... YOU decide!  :)

BOBBY: Donnie..... thanks for the post...... very interesting

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / stressed the international coalition fighting al Daash terrorist, that his campaign against the organization will be long-lasting. ,

he said in a statement today: "we have made ​​progress in our campaign to weaken and defeat this terrorist scourge that is unprecedented.

As we have stated from the beginning , this campaign will be a long-term but the situation a year ago Carthyahit was the organization of the State, named Daash, ahead across Iraq and was threatening to Arbil, Kirkuk and Baghdad were additional attacks against Yazidi people seem imminent.


chattels: He pointed out that there are more than 5,000 trainers and coalition advisers from 18 countries in Iraq support the Iraqi government's efforts to promote and develop local security forces in the liberation of gray campaign and get ready for the Liberation of Mosul

chattels: Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi efforts for reform and reconciliation and decentralization, including cooperation with the Kurdistan Regional Government and representatives of the regions with the Sunni majority and ethnic and religious communities

and this totally reforms is an important element in bridging the ethnic and sectarian divisions, and the establishment of long-term peace and stability and prosperity of Iraq, and the defeat of Daash.

​chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / denied US embassy in Baghdad, the US military directly involved in ground combat in Anbar., Said on behalf of the embassy official spokesman in a press release that the media recent reports which indicated that the US military had participated directly in the fighting wild in Anbar is inaccurate,

noting that the Alliance continues to support Iraqi security forces in Anbar through air strikes, equipment and training within the efforts to provide advice and assistance in support of Ramadi campaign.




*SCZIN11: ‹@Donnie› ‹@OOTW› please check this out- IS IT REAL



chattels: Visser Reidar @ Reidarvisser 11m11 minutes ago Reidar Visser Retweeted Dalia Al-Aqidi Having Addition To In Its Own Oil Policy, Kurdistan Region Of # Iraq Now Pursuing Their Own Foreign, Defence Policies

chattels: " Ministry of Peshmerga: we're not a part of the coalition formed by Iraq, Iran, Russia and Syria to exchange of intelligence information."

chattels: [Kirkuk-where] the fight against terrorism and the forces of the Peshmerga forces launched a joint operation in the morning and a broad attack on the stronghold of the terrorist gangs Daash southwest province of Kirkuk.

Kurdish military sources said that "the attack began in the early morning hours to control the fledgling Heights to the west of Kirkuk toward Daash stronghold in Hawija." The joint forces liberated the villages of Falls this morning and Koazkoaan south of Kirkuk, and causing heavy casualties among the terrorists .


TxBrand: Putin tells O to get out of Syria

Donnie: ‹@OOTW› ‹@*SCZIN11› appears to be a real website but the data is not current. Looks more like test data we developers use to verify the layout.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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