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Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA 9-28-15

aggiedad77 » September 28th, 2015, 11:08 am 

Monday News Summaries and Commentaries

Definitely some interesting news this morning that is worthy of some talk......are we seeing an approach to the "day of reckoning" for the IQD....perhaps on a worldly scale.....the Iraqi Official Gazette getting geared up for some good things.....all those LAWS that have been talked about recently......coup or to not coup......

The real question is "who stepped in the coup?".....come on that was funny......Islamic Banks are coming.....Islamic Banks are coming.....again more innuendos about security I for things to really start improving....IMO.

Rafidain Bank qualifies its branches and enters the modern banking technologies work
Several good articles that all point to the same thing from the Rafidain Bank.....they are working on modernization of some of their branches, specifically their ME branches and it sounds like they may be investigating the opening of other branches in countries where they currently do not have branches......

Why would they be so willing to expand in the face of such financial strife at home in Iraq.....maybe things are turning around.....turning in a positive direction that will warrant their presence in more places around the world.....why you ask?......because the Iraqi dinar could be poised to be seen as a currency to be reckoned with on a world scale.....IMO....just maybe.

Iraqi Official Gazette published a number of laws and resolutions

On to the pages of the Iraqi Official Gazette are published new laws and resolutions that affect all of for what shows up there.....maybe the Gazette is about to put on a second shift to cover all that will be coming forth from Parliament.....working overtime to keep up with the laws that are about to spill forth from for it.

Rapporteur of the parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget will arrive in Parliament on the tenth of next month

In the presence of a man who knows how big business should be run.....I'm speaking of PM Abadi and how he attempts to run things on a tight schedule.....the 2016 budget looks to be in the hands of Parliament maybe by the 10th of October.....we shall see and certainly be surprised if it is.....a budget of 113 trillion dinars on a deficit of 29 trillion do they ever make ends meet.

Deputy close to Abadi denies foil coup in green and clarify the reasons always disable Today

Ok several articles you can read here about an attempted coup against the government......or was there really such a thing going on yesterday.....well those close to PM Abadi say now.....rumors that are the first article it is "Keywords" who speaks out....and who is Keywords???????......the acting governor of the CBI....or perhaps Dr. S himself....why would he be saying such a thing.....

And then you see it is the State of Law bloc that is talking......Maliki's there goes any level of authenticity in my book....just saying.....I'll stick with Abadi's close aides for information for coup....ok.....I'm good with that.....even though it probably would be wise on Abadi's part to deny such an effort even if it did occur....his life is at stake because of his vast reform efforts.....don't forget that.

Expectations of higher GDP growth rate of 8% per annum

So if the economists and advisors are suddenly predicting that a GDP for Iraq to be growing at 8% plus per annum what would be causing that.....we know oil continues to tank at or below $40/barrel so it is not likely the cause......look at the reform effort that PM Abadi is pushing......the strong cuts he's made and continues to make.....

He is redesigning the Iraqi way of government right before our eyes and cutting the fat in some very wide swathes......the commencement of loan programs to small and medium enterprises......the reignition of the private sector.....all this is being seen in a good light.....laws are helping in the process as other words they are saying that future prospects are looking good for Iraq.

Parliament is expected to determine the law of survival or cancel the posts of Vice President of the Republic: offers two readings

Ok it is time to do your business or get off the pot......hasn't the Legal Committee within Parliament already sent this request along to the Federal Court back in August when PM Abadi first approached Parliament with his reform of these VP positions.....they said it was legal to forward that to the Courts without a a vote.....oh the confusion reigns it seems.....have to wonder what is up their sleeve....and just whose sleeve it is.....will be watching their agendas to see if such does jump on the list in the coming days.

The Iraqi government is preparing for the opening of the first Islamic bank

Yes days old news for sure here.......says the Islamic Banks will be opening in the next couple of months in Baghdad, Najaf, and Basra.....the big thing here is this speaks to security.....IMO.....big time security or they wouldn't be taking such a venture into Iraq at this time......a foretelling of the future I believe
Central Bank of Iraq lifts SMEs’ financing budget

In my strongest opinion......the first part of this loan process to small and medium enterprises (SME's) has to be working better than originally planned or they wouldn't be throwing another 5 trillion dinars into the process.....this is GREAT news I believe.....activation of the private sector......stimulation for these businesses stepping up to take advantage of this process as well as stimulation for lowering the unemployment rate......all part of the easing of financial concerns for Iraq.

Investment Committee: The government ratified the industrial, agricultural and housing projects loans

More being publicized on these SME's.......great news that they are seeing good success with this loan process.....kickstarting the private sector as well as specifically the agricultural, industrial and housing sectors.

Parliament receives the final accounts for nine years

So for the years 2005-2013 final accounts have been made to Parliament for what happened to monies in those years....three words probably summarizes well.......WASTE and CORRUPTION.....heavy sigh......better late than never I guess.

Better jump off of things for now, time for a break.....cookies....cookies.....cookies.....oh hi Frank.     Aloha     Randy

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