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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Bretton Woods Origin Of The Cold War   Part 2 of 2

POM EXCLUSIVE: The Bretton Woods Origin Of The Cold War Part 2 of 2

Counter-Intelligence, Atomic Bombs, Operation Paperclip, and the Liquidation of the British Empire

By JC Collins

The statement which speculates that “apparently imagining that the issue was one of mere bookkeeping” which is attributed to Robertson is absurd considering he was one of Britain’s greatest economists.  Are we to believe that this peer to John Maynard Keynes would consider the use of one domestic currency as the global unit of account to be a “mere bookkeeping” issue?

The other part of the above quote which fails to pass the sniff test is the consideration that Robertson had fallen into the trap laid by Harry Dexter White.  Again, Robertson would have been much too astute to have believed that such a move by the American’s would not be made to the detriment of Great Britain, and other member countries.

The more probable scenario is that Sir Dennis Robertson, the man who was at odds with John Maynard Keynes, and wouldn’t support Keynesian policy, had sabotaged the original intention of the Bretton Woods negotiations by not communicating back to Maynard Keynes about what was happening.
As stated, Keynes was distracted by the World Bank proceedings, and didn’t even catch the fundamental change until after he had left New Hampshire.
Though Benn Steil brushes over these obvious discrepancies, his book is nonetheless resourceful and should be considered an otherwise reliable testament to what happened at Bretton Woods in 1944.
In Washington Lord Halifax
Once whispered to Lord Keynes:
“It’s true they have the money bags
But we have all the brains.”
Robertson sharing such information with Harry Dexter White is suggestive of a betrayal and a fatal division within the British negotiating team.  White would have been set on a mission to prove that the Anglo’s didn’t in fact “have all the brains.”
The Bretton Woods Conference took place in July, 1944, at the Mt. Washington Hotel in Carroll, New Hampshire.  The town was later renamed Bretton Woods to reflect the importance of the agreement which took place there.
The institutions of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund were created at Bretton Woods.
The intent of the agreement was to design the post-war global monetary system.  Though most participants approached the agreement from the multilateral framework point of view, the United States had other intentions.
America was positioning itself to grab control of the world economy from Britain, and prevent other rising powers, such as the Soviet Union, from gaining too much influence in the new system.
The concept of a supra-sovereign unit of account, such as the Keynesian bancor, was never seriously considered by the United States and Harry Dexter White.  It was always intended by the US that the dollar would be the global reserve currency, or unit of account used in the new monetary framework.
White began planning on using the dollar as the global unit of account as far back as 1936, when he was a mid-level official at the US Treasury.  This would strongly suggest that the concept of the supra-sovereign bancor was never seriously considered by the United States.
The other goals of the US and Dexter White at Bretton Woods was the liquidation of the British Empire after the war, and the establishment of American hegemony.
The Soviet Union, originally onboard with a new monetary framework, and participated in the negotiations, refused to ratify the Bretton Woods Agreement.  This has never been fully understood, but after the fall of communism, and the release of once secret documents, it has become clear that the Soviets felt betrayed at Bretton Woods.
As stated above, the wording of the final agreement was altered by Harry Dexter White, the man who was considered by many to be a Soviet spy.  Considering the information presented here, it is highly probable that Harry Dexter White was successful in running a complex and intense counter-intelligence operation against the Soviet Union.
It was only when the wording of the final agreement was distributed that the Soviets got wise to the operation.  It’s not hard to imagine that White was feeding the USSR a steady stream of misinformation regarding the American position on restructuring the international monetary system.
The Soviets, to their credit, refused to sign an agreement which created global institutions as “branches of Wall Street”.  Dexter White, once considered by the Russians to be their man in Washington, had led the Soviets down the garden path, only to betray them in the final hour.
From this moment on the Soviet Union and America became locked in the early hours of the cold war.  What was once a great ally of the United States, Great Britain, and Canada, in the battle against Nazi Germany, now became a great enemy.
The actions and events which unfolded from that point in 1944 can be more easily understood through the context of what has been explained here.  But before we review that last segment, let’s do a quick review of the American goals at Bretton Woods:
Peaceably and profitably dismantle the British Empire.

De-Industrialize Germany after the war.

Convince the Soviet Union to join the United States in a global alliance.

Elevate the domestic dollar as the global unit of account.

Unfortunately the Soviet Union was not forced, or manipulated, into the one-sided alliance with America.  As such, the powerful Soviet empire had to be contained. At least from the American perspective.
From this moment the United Stated began a policy of isolating the Soviet Union and reducing the communist influence in the world.  The increased push on the military forces to reach Berlin before the Soviets is the most obvious representation of this change in alliances.
Operation Paperclip, the move to capture German scientists near the end of the war, was officially ordered by President Harry Truman in August, 1945.  This operation was directly mandated from the Bretton Woods goal of de-industrializing Germany.  The technological advances made by Germany during the war years had to be transferred to America, and not to the Soviet Union.
Also in August of 1945 the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Japan.  On August 6, 1945, a uranium gun-type atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  On August 9, 1945, a plutonium implosion-type atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
The speculation that the Japanese were trying to surrender all that summer has been reasonably proven.  The purpose of detonating the bombs over these Japanese cities had more to do with sending a message to the powerful Soviet Empire, as opposed to putting the final touches on an already defeated and exhausted Japan.
The other speculation is that America actually recovered the two types of atomic bombs from Germany and wanted to test the capabilities of each.  This would support the theory that the Nazi’s developed atomic bomb technology before either the Americans or the Soviets.
Back in the Tim Hortons coffee shop I was told to ask myself what had happened to turn the Soviet Union, who had become an ally of Canada after the Germans invaded their territory in 1941, into the monster enemy of the West for the better part of the second half of the twentieth century.
A part of the answer can be found in Canada’s need to depend on other countries for intelligence.
The threat of Britain being invaded by Germany originally pushed Canada into the waiting arms of American intelligence, as it had already been determined that Canada needed a reliable source of foreign intelligence in order to establish a reliable foreign policy.
The severing of Canada from Great Britain was one of the greatest intelligence operations of the war time period, and unfortunately, little understood outside of the international intelligence community itself.
It can be expected that many other countries which ratified the Bretton Woods Agreement found themselves in similar situations.  This, more than anything else, is why the Bretton Woods Agreement was written and agreed upon in 1944 before the German threat was reduced and eliminated.
Today, we are witnessing the transformation of the unipolar American dominated monetary system.  The original monetary framework which was intended back during the Bretton Woods negotiations is being strategically implemented in phases and segments.  There are those within the American economic and military machine who are resisting these changes.
The more we understand the economic and geopolitical machinations of the past era the better we can understand the economic and geopolitical machinations taking place today.  The events in Ukraine, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and the South China Sea, are extremely telling of the manipulated outcome of the original Bretton Woods negotiations.
In Washington Lord Halifax
Once whispered to Lord Keynes:
“It’s true they have the money bags
But we have all the brains.”  
 Upon leaving the coffee shop I drove back home through the slush and puddles on the road.  There was much to think about and even more to research.  I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy presenting information regarding this restructuring of the international monetary framework.  There are many who feel I am off base and not trending the information correctly.
That may be.
But I’ll tell you one thing, it’s beginning to look more and more likely that there has been a counter-counter-intelligence operation orchestrated against American since at least 1969.  It was in that year that the International Monetary Fund created the supra-sovereign unit of account called Special Drawing Right, or SDR for short.
Though it is not the bancor currency envisioned by John Maynard Keynes, it is one step closer to the original intent of Bretton Woods, and one step further away from the imbalances and deficiencies caused by using the domestic dollar as the international unit of account.
The creation of the SDR was followed a few years later in 1971 when the United States officially ended the convertibility of gold and the dollar.  This convertibility was the “inscrutable” issue which started the problem in the first place.
The real problem now resides in how long will it take America to give in and accept the multilateral framework?  It can be reasoned that if further delays continue, the whole structure which has built up around the faith in fiat currency will be questioned.
This cannot be allowed to happen, and the Bank for International Settlements is already positioning itself to prevent this from happening.
“But we have all the brains.”
I have conclusively proven through many posts that the BRICS alliance is in fact working from the mandates of the BIS and the IMF.  The originally Bretton Woods alliance has reformed, and this time it is America who will be forced and manipulated into accepting a new monetary framework.

It is my intent to continue providing valuable and accurate information on this monetary transition.  It is the defining event of our time.  – JC

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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