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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » September 29th, 2015,

Tuesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Today we should stand up and cheer and be proud members of KTFA as a proud to know that Dr. S is also standing proud and speaking clearly......

There are several posts out already about Dr. S talking today... ....he is indeed talking and talking about Maliki to boot.....the time is ripe for M to get caught in a snare and be taken away....I think Dr. S is believing this could happen soon and he feels protected....

Remember #1....SECURITY.....remember #2....LAWS....they are bring us #3....Dr. S in living color.
Shabibi: Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "combined"

Remember Dr. S is a very astute and sharp individual......he saw many things both during his tenure as governor of the CBI and before well as after he was pushed to the side by Maliki.....he knew what M wanted.....the booty the Iraqi treasure.....

He wanted as much of the money and gold as he could stuff in his pockets and the pockets of his family members.....Dr. S saw much of this going on, but was powerless to do anything because of the long and strong tentacles of Maliki....

Dr. S as I said is no dummy.....he knew when to keep his mouth shut.....he now knows he can speak....why do you think that is.....Maliki is being sealed up.....he is being bound and will instead of having a palatial mansion to entertain in, he will have an 8 x 10 cell with a roommate who will want to "date" goes the way of the wicked.

Watch for Dr. S and his movements.....will he step back into the CBI....we shall soon see if this is going to could also be someone else of his liking.....he could urge the IMF to seek a different choice and they would listen to his sage what happens in this arena in the coming days and weeks.

Work: open 18 new offices for the smart card in Baghdad

Smart card implementation time.....efforts that include the Bank of Rasheed and Rafidain Bank, to be opening 18 offices in Baghdad to dispense these cards and deal with new card carrying Iraqis......progress.....attempting to simply the process for as many Iraqis as possible.

The demands of the Council of Ministers to ratify the Money Laundering Act for "the prosecution of those involved."

Scratching my head on this......Parliament giving this law back to COM to ratify.....I've been of the thought that COM gives a draft law to Parliament to work on then read a couple of times, then vote upon...and once it is voted on and agreed on in Parliament it goes before the Iraqi President to sign, then to the Gazette....what is with giving this back to COM.....

Let's get this law fully and completely implemented....on the the world sees that Iraq is making a good faith effort towards ending any issues surrounding the idea of money you've got some names of the supposed guilty....make a move on them, turn them over to the Integrity Commission and let them address the problem.....

Yes as Delta said last night....this is and should be a done deal.

Director of the Central Bank of Iraq: al-Maliki ordered the appointment of four members of his party positions within the bank to control money laundering circle!

THIS IS HUGE NEWS FAMILY....HUGENESS TO THE MAX......Dr. S is speaking out, showing the Iraqi citizens and the world what Maliki he contrived to corrupt the CBI.....what he stooped to in order to fill his pockets and briefcases.....the very loot that should have been in the hands of the Iraqi citizens was instead being funneled into Maliki's bank accounts to fund the building of his homes...yes homes around the world......

He and his family were expecting to walk away free and clear....but instead they will one by one be brought to justice....their time is quickly coming....the days are narrowing for their freedom....their moves are watched.....their riches are being taken back.....justice will be served.....

Dr. S stands proudly on his integrity and unbending professionalism before the tyrant who tried to break he speaks because he knows SECURITY to be properly in for more.

Parliament to raise its next Thursday

Today is but not fear this action by Parliament....what would be their motive.....they claim an unbalance in an agreement surrounding the lack of agreement on some lower level law concerning domestic violence.....does that ring right to neither.....I'm suspecting maybe their delay might have something to do with PM Abadi's presence in New York this week....maybe they are expecting to hear from him by Thursday......just a theory on my part....we shall see.

Director General of the Islamic Bank for dinars Mesopotamia: Bank loans will reach 100 million dinars

Incredible these 5 branches of the Islamic Bank will be opening on October 1 and they are already expecting to be a part of the loan process for the small and medium enterprises that the CBI has been promoting.....they are expecting 100 million dinars in loans as of this about a grand opening.

Vice criticizing the weakness of the parliamentary session agenda today and blame the government

A Kurd MP is criticizing the Parliament's efforts today claiming they show a weakness from within....he's saying they should get on with the laws they have before them especially the more important of the group....the National Guard Law, the Federal Court Law, Amnesty, the HCL and others.....get things rolling.....look Mom, are you proud of me I got my name in the news today.
Russian diplomatic source confirms that the center of Baghdad informational work will start during the next two months

New coalition forces as Frank talked about.....Russia moving in to gather and garner information from the Center for Information in Baghdad....information on DAASH and ISIS conjunction with Iran and this activity very carefully....will it backfire.....or help our cause.

Jaafari called for the World Bank to assist Iraq in war conditions and lower oil prices

The Iraqi Foreign Minister is seeking financial assistance from the World Bank to help in fighting terrorists and in dealing with conditions inside of Iraq.....sounds like he is truly seeking aid to help in the rehab of cities that have been devastated by the war on terrorism....something the humanitarian arm of the World Bank is likely to they have contributed heavily to Iraq already in this area.

World Bank: We are working to lend to Iraq billion dollars by the end of 2015

Indeed as predicted....the money is to come to Iraq....billions of the end of 2015.....mostly in the form of humanitarian aid.....aid to help those areas devastated by the war on terrorism....all is good.

It is time for a break.....enjoy these notes is a day of many good things happening.   Aloha    Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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