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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wealthwatch  News / Links & Chat  9-27-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 
Wealthwatch  News / Links & Chat  9-27-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: [Baghdad-where] the National Alliance MP Jassim Mohammed said on Sunday, the National Guard, the law will be passed after the feast. Said Jassim told all of Iraq [where] a copy of "National Alliance agreed on the final version of the law, noting that" the Union of national forces are refusing to


chattels: "National Alliance ( * Shia ) agreed on the final version of the law, noting that ".......................................... " Union of national forces ( * Sunni ) are refusing to "

chattels: ??????????????????????

chattels: Are they going to pass the law by majority vote and without a consensus ?

chattels: Deputy for the National Alliance, said the US National Guard unacceptable interference by law. And between Habib Terminal told all of Iraq [where] that "regardless of any external interference, the National Guard Law presented in the House of Representatives and there is no point of having an impact on the House of Representatives and decisions," adding that "the supply of the National Guard law and put the views of representatives of the Iraqi people whether before or not, it is an Iraqi law. "

He added that "all the interventions, if they exist, they are definitely rejected categorically definitely will not dictate any views of any party."

The Badr parliamentary bloc revealed the pressures exercised by the US ambassador to Iraq to pass the law National Guard, demanding Ambassador interventions to stop the internal affairs of Iraq and the political process.   chattels:

chattels: a member of the parliamentary legal committee said the anti-money laundering law will reveal a lot of actors involved issues of financial corruption.

And it showed smile Hilali told all of Iraq [where] that "money laundering law will work after the presidency authentication to reduce the money smuggled abroad as well as he would the actors involved corruption issues Mali."

She explained that "people who use the Act properly they can punish the parties involved, "asserting that" the law will take effect after approval Presidency of the Republic and its publication in the Official Gazette. "The House of Representatives voted in its meeting held by the 16th of this month on the anti-money laundering law . chattels:

chattels: " .......... the project will be put in the coming period and will hold a meeting for the purpose of adoption [the project] and then starting it. "

chattels: So, sometime after the Eid, a meeting is supposed to occur to adopt the project and then then, at some point, the project will start ! ?

chattels: a triple contingency

*SCZIN11: HUGE- Iraq Stock market calls for the establishment of a "guarantee deposits"

*SCZIN11: Stock market calls for the establishment of a "guarantee deposits" institution to gain the confidence of investors Author: AB, ASJ, HA Editor: AB, HA 09/26/2015 17:26

*SCZIN11: Iraq Stock Exchange called, on Saturday, to create a "Deposit Insurance Corporation" to protect depositors and earn "" investor confidence, and proposed the launch of a "national investment fund" to promote the value of investments, and as revealed that the banking sector represents 62% of the market shares, demanded a plan International Classification to overcome the "bad" of the Iraqi economy.

The executive director of the market, Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The banking sector is one of the most prominent themes driving the Iraqi market for securities,

and any impact on the work of banks will reflect negatively on the market work," noting that "the banking sector represents 62% of the total of the Matrouh shares in the market. "

*SCZIN11: He said Abdul Salam, that "the investment portfolio of the key drivers for the market one way or another, so the banking sector composition of the investment province within the same sector, and the issuance of portfolio management for investment funds and corporate financial investment instructions by the Securities Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq."

He called Abdul Salam, to "the establishment of the Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect depositors in the government and private banks and earn the confidence of investors and savers in Iraqi banks and contribute significantly to the stock market."

*SCZIN11: He stressed Abdul Salam, "the need for continued cooperation between the Iraqi government and the private sector", calling for "the launch of a national investment fund to which they contribute and the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq and government funds and government and private banks, in order to enhance the value of investments."

He called Abdul Salam, "to work to overcome Category bad for the Iraqi economy by the international financial institutions, increasing the lead (B minus) through a well-defined plan,"

calling for "not to neglect the international classifications and publish its recommendations to investors in order to preserve the value of existing investments and maximize the future value of investments and amending the provisions of the prevailing and instructions issued by the laws that hinder the development of investment and financial tools. "  *SCZIN11:

Tootsie: ‹@*SCZIN11› GM, LOL, I just did same, will delete - superb news! yessireeee

BB824: aaaaaaaah finally some positive


BB824: you are so refreshing as apposed to the doom and gloom we just have to be reminded of

BB824: Sczin11 any others ????


Tootsie: Sadly, "calls for" does not mean will be done ~~ as we have seen so very many times. However, I do believe there is enough pressure to push through good banking laws



BB824: I prefer the positive vs.the we may not or could not or maybe not


blossom7454: ‹@*SCZIN11› in your opinion when do you see the rv coming? what month or year?

Tootsie: ‹@BB824› how many times have we been "positive'" only to see it vanish?? over the years. That is why I keep hanging on and keep faith in this venture - One can make of it what they wish, me ~ my signature says it all for me ~~~ It’s the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee ~~

*SCZIN11: ‹@blossom7454› BEFORE 2050

blossom7454: lol    thnx i needed that!

BB824: Correct that's why I now ignore the negative negative

Dianne777: ‹@*SCZIN11› ‹@*SCZIN11› that soon huh?  lol

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Shiite firebrand leader Muqtada al-Sadr called on Iraqis and his party’s followers to resume demonstrations against the Iraqi government after the Eid of Sacrifice ends tomorrow.

“Next Friday, Iraqis should pour into streets to call for the implementing of reforms and reiterate their demands from the government,” said Sadr in a statement on Saturday.

 He added: “We call on all Iraqis to abide by the demonstration laws to secure the lives of protesters.” In the past, Sadr has called on his followers to take to the streets in protest. On August 24, the prominent Shiite leader officially called on his people to demonstrate in the capital.

 "We announce to all people, and to the Sadrists in particular, the need to participate in protests this Friday in Baghdad,” a Sadr spokesperson said. "The Sadrist participants should merge with the other protesters in a single, national Iraqi crucible.”

 Protesters in Baghdad took to the streets about four months ago, demanding the government fight corruption and punish officials guilty of graft   chattels:

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Kurdistan Region Government's (KRG) Ministry of Oil and Natural Resources announced on Saturday that exporting of crude oil from the Kurdistan region to Turkey’s Ceyhan port via pipeline resumed late Friday.

The flow of oil to the Turkish port was halted on September 25 following theft from the pipeline in Turkey. The thieves struck the pipeline near Urfa on the first day of the Eid holiday.

"Persistent theft from the Iraq-Turkey crude oil pipeline in the southeast of Turkey continues to damage the welfare of the people of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq at a critical time for their security and stability," read an announcement by the oil ministry.

Revenue from crude oil exports through the pipeline to Ceyhan is the Kurdistan region’s main means of survival. Without such revenue, salaries of Peshmerga, the security forces and other key government workers cannot be fulfilled, said the ministry. “These treacherous acts of theft and sabotage harm the ability of Kurds across the region to fight Islamic State terrorism," the ministry added.   chattels:

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A day after the US military command reported that no progress had been made in the battle for Ramadi, the Iraqi security reported Saturday that they attacked Islamist militants in the city and recaptured one police station, inflicting heavy damages on the militants.

“On Saturday, Iraqi security forces launched an assault on ISIS militants in the neighborhood of Albu Zayab northern Ramadi, killing many militants and driving them out of the area,” a Ramadi security official told Rudaw. The officer added that five ISIS militants were killed in the operation.

“The security forces have made good advances in northern Ramadi, inflicting heavy casualties from the extremist group,” he added. The US central command (CENTCOM) acknowledged on Friday that the Iraqi army had made no progress in retaking Ramadi despite heavy concentration of troops around the city.

 “In terms of the Iraqis around Ramadi, again, we've seen them taking their positions and -- and preparing for seizure operations, but in terms of why they have not moved, that's a question that we're discussing with Iraqis, again, encouraging them to move as quickly as possible, to move in on ISIL and take the city,” CENTCOM Spokesperson Col. Pat Ryder told reporters in the Pentagon.

chattels: The Defense Ministry announced in July an operation for the recapture of the city by deploying to the region thousands of police officers and Shiite militiamen to fight alongside the army.

The security official in Ramadi said that government forces need better communication with all parties involved in the war, including local tribal forces.  chattels:
chattels: "......... , killing many militants and driving them out of the area,” a Ramadi security official told Rudaw. The officer added that five ISIS militants were killed in the operation."

chattels: Five does not seem like a lot does it ?

lonegunman: :ninja: wow they are kicking butt

chattels: MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Majid Chenkali that the presidential crisis Kurdish announced had reached the final stages on the way to the solution, after the announcement of regional president Massoud Barzani not to his commitment to his job.

He revealed Chenkali told all of Iraq [where]: "The four Kurdish parties will reach an agreement soon in accordance with the proposals two were put up during the previous meetings of the selection of a new candidate for the presidency of the region."

He added Chenkali: "The Kurdish parties, all of which considers it its duty to arrive quickly a solution to the issue of Kurdistan presidency, especially after the deterioration in the economic and security situation in the country. "He stressed that" positive signs in sight to resolve the crisis after the Eid al-Adha ".  chattels:

lonegunman: thats very impressive 1 toyota truck with 5 guys    lol

Comments may be made at the end of Part  2  Thank You 

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