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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-30-15    Part 1 of 2

​Post From Chat Room  9-30-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-30-15    Part 1 of 2

tourman: :blink: I am to the point of weening myself from this completely. Health is very good though. Now that the weather here in Arizona is somewhat cooling off, I am back on my mountain bike and riding every morning.

chattels: Vladimir Putin allegedly ordered U.S. planes to leave Syrian territory on Wednesday, just hours before Russian airstrikes began, a senior U.S. official told Fox News.

CNN reported that Russian jets began bombing targets in Syria Wednesday. Earlier Wednesday, lawmakers in Moscow approved Putin’s request to use armed forces abroad, but Kremlin Chief of Staff Sergey Ivanov said the move referred only to the use of Russia’s air force in Syria.
“The operation’s military goal is exclusively air support of the Syrian armed forces” and their battle against ISIS, Ivanov said, according to Russian news agency TASS. chattels:

tourman: that is why my absence from this site has been for longer periods of time. I mostly tune in for your thoughts and musings.  :w00t: Plus the articles brought forth by you keep alot of this more real.

chattels: IRISHMAN'S FIRST DRINK WITH HIS SON! While reading an article last night about fathers and sons, memories came flooding back to the time I took me son out for his first pint. First off we went to our local pub only two blocks from our house. I got him a Guinness.

He didn't like it, so I drank it. Then I got him a Kilkenny's, he didn't like that either, so I drank it. Finally, I thought he might like some Harp Lager. He didn't. I drank it.

I thought maybe he'd like whiskey better than beer so we tried a Jameson's, nope! In desperation, I had him try that rare Redbreast, Ireland's finest.

He wouldn't even smell it. What could I do but drink it! By the time I realized he just didn't like to drink, I was so fookin' shit-faced I could hardly push his stroller back home!

chattels: a little humor for the day

Sam: ‹@chattels› GM heard about Russia going into Syria and Iran taking over Iraq to me that news is not promising imo

Sam: and the airstrikes begin by Russia against in isis in favor of assad

whitelions: Rewards for Justice - Reward Offers for Information that Leads to Disruption of Financing of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).......

The U.S. Department of State's Rewards for Justice program is offering rewards for information that will disrupt the trade of oil and trafficking of antiquities that benefit the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The Secretary of State has authorized a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the significant disruption of the sale and/or trade of oil and antiquities by, for, on behalf of, or to benefit ISIL, also known by its Arabic acronym as DAESH.

Tootsie: The meeting's agenda number (25) Thursday (1) October 2015 The third parliamentary session The second legislative year The first legislative term First, read verses from the Koran.

Second: the vote on the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the Statute of the Council of the Arab Peace and Security Law. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Security and Defense). (2 article).

Third: The vote on the draft ratification of the partnership agreement for cultural, scientific and technical cooperation for development between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the French Republic Act.(Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Culture and Information Commission on Higher Education). ( (Article 2). .

Fourth: The vote on the draft Islamic Banking Act. (Finance Committee, the Committee of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, the Legal Committee). ( (16 articles). .

Fifth: ratification vote on the draft agreement trade cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait law. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Economy and Investment). (Article 2).

Tootsie: Sixth: The vote on the draft law amending the Income Tax Law No. (113) for the year 1982 (the Finance Committee, the Legal Committee). (Article 6).

Seventh: The second reading of the draft law the national body was controlled nuclear and radiological. ( (For the Health and Environment Committee, the Legal Committee). ( (Article 32).

Eighth: The second reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on Nuclear Safety and the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. ( (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Health and the Environment). (2 (Article 2).

Ninth: The second reading of a bill defining the mandates of the three presidencies. (Legal Committee). ( (Article 8). . Session starts at: ten in the morning.

OOTW: Economy Committee discussed the Second Amendment to the Iraqi Investment Law No. (13) of 2006September 30.2015[Image: no330915.jpg]The economic and investment commission hosted a meeting headed by MP Jawad al-Chairman of the Committee on Wednesday 30/9/2015 Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami al-Araji Raoof, to discuss the text of the Second Amendment to the Iraqi Investment Law No. (13) of 2006.

The MP-Bolani at the beginning of the meeting that the texts of the Second Amendment to the Iraqi investment law has been completed once and for all, after included several paragraphs,

most of which came modern concepts will be applied for the first time in the economic arena of Iraq, and that will meet the efforts of local development, as well as meet the Iraqi and foreign investors ambitions Alike .

Bolani He said that the recent additions to the law will have a significant positive effect for the benefit of the Iraqi economy and ministries that currently rely on the budget base class allocations,

which will open in front of her prospects enable it to invest the full resources and energies, assets and even its territory through cooperation with the private sector, which will have the role of investment projects the largest in achieving development.

OOTW: He Bolani said sectors and local segments will benefit from the provisions of the law to move toward investment, for example, the right of agricultural land owners to establish related to the agricultural sector industrial projects, such as the manufacturing industries and the canning and the production of bags and other factories that revive this sector and pay it to the evolution rapidly.

On his part, Chairman of the National Investment Commission Sami al-Araji, expressed the hope that the passing of the bill as soon as possible to take advantage of its provisions in the activation of the investment side,

which will be the key to the most effective solution to mitigate the consequences of an economic crisis the country is experiencing now, as well as providing safer and more environment ability to attract investors, whether they are Iraqis or Arabs or foreigners.  OOTW:



Dianne777: ‹@Donnie› guess a 2nd passport would be a wise move now

OOTW: FOR IRAQ RIGHT NOW, IMHO, THIS LAW IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND THEY'RE HAVING A SECOND READING TOMORROW Ninth: The second reading of a bill defining the mandates of the three presidencies.(Legal Committee). (Article 8).


OOTW: Specialized court revealed claims integrity in Babylon for the disappearance of more than two billion dinars from a State-owned banks in the province, and drew to take all legal proceedings related to the case. He said the investigation into Judge Maher Hamid Razak said that "news and our response by the Inspector General includes the disappearance of two billion and 400 million dinars from the Rafidain Bank branch Babylon."

Hamid said to the reporter (Media Centre of the judiciary - JAMC) that "the court immediately after the receipt of the report of the Inspector General has issued arrest warrants against the accused a group of bank employees orders", adding that "including a bank manager."

He said, "The court has taken all legal procedures against them," the promise of this "case one of the important issues that responded to the court during this year." From: Marwan al-Fatlawi

chattels: ‹@OOTW› Bahaa al-Araji was dismissed, not Sami



chattels: Bahaa al-Araji resigns from his post: Who accused me is under my feet :

Doug_W: You have GOT to check this out OMG

Tex: ‹@Doug_W› Wow Awesome....



OOTW: Wednesday, September 30 / September 2015 12:50 Iraq: Kurdish attack on state regulation in Kirkuk Print Email Iraq: Kurdish attack on state regulation in Kirkuk Kurdish forces launched a strong attack on the organization of the State, northern Iraq, on Wednesday, in the latest attack in a series of attacks designed to keep the extremists fighters from the city of Kirkuk.

According to Kurdish military sources, the attack began in the early morning hours to control the fledgling Heights to the west of Kirkuk toward Daash stronghold in Hawija.
chattels: ‹@OOTW› I started a thread regarding same earlier
​Tootsie: Good Afternoon ~ The World Bank plans to lend Iraq billion dollars[font]September 30, 2015[/font]09/30/2015 16:56We are currently working with the International Fund for the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to provide loan to Iraq billion dollars. BAGHDAD / Obelisk: detection of the World Bank, on Wednesday, expressed its intention to provide a loan of one billion dollars for Iraq, stressing that the amount will be handed over later this year.

Said World Bank Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa Ghanem maintained in a statement seen by “obelisk”, “The World Bank focuses on helping Iraq, and make all necessary measures to pull the country out of the financial crisis that has befallen his efforts, we seek to increase our support for Iraq.”

“We are currently working with the International Fund for the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to provide loan to Iraq worth billion dollars,” noting that “the process is not easy but we are trying to provide the amount before the end of 2015”.

The country has seen a severe financial crisis due to the high costs of the war on terror on the part of the drop in world oil prices in half on the other hand, with this great Gr general budget of the country.

Tootsie: my thoughts ~ For years I have wondered/pondered as to why Iraq does NOT take advantatage of the many, many naatural resources the country has been blessed with other than oil/nat gas ~~ 

A review of mineral deposits in Iraq~ Geological mapping, shows an encouraging range of minerals across Iraq and the [font]Iraqi Geological Survey[/font] has created a minerogenic map –providing an overview of the country’s mineral wealth, available [font]here.[/font]

Main resources in Iraq:Native sulfur- Iraq the largest global reserve of native sulphur, which is strategic, as it is not linked to the oil industry.

There are 6 million tons of brute reserves in Northern Iraq. Phosphates- This 10 billion ton resource comes second after Morocco. The MENA countries contain more than 70% of the world’s phosphate reserves which contributes to a very successful fertilizer industry.

Salt mines- Iraq has a saltern producing sodium sulphate that presents a great opportunity for investment. Limestone- Deposits can be used in chemical industries and Iraq has around 8000 million tons of reserves.

Tootsie: Gypsum- Very important for Iraq’s construction industry. Quartz-sand- This resource is 98-99% pure and enormous reserves have been discovered and evaluated. Proved reserves reach 75 million tons.

Metallic zinc and lead deposits- No metallic minerals have been exploited yet so this is a great opportunity for investment and mining companies.

The reserve amounts are comparable to deposits in Turkey. Iraq also has reserves of copper, chromium, nickel, iron, manganese and borite The potential for mineral reserve production in Iraq is great, with little exploration effort needed.

There is a great diversity of high quality minerals and many of these have large reserves and multiple industry uses. Iraq also benefits from skilled man power- many Iraqis are engineers and geologists and cover the main needs: energy resources, water resources, and government support for projects meaning that market opportunities are widely available in the country.”

Tootsie: It is beyond me, always will be, how a country can ignore such an abundance of natural resources. Natural Resources are considered in the valuation of one's currency, ,

Instead of relying solely on oil/nat gas, they are in possession of so much - but ~~~ now it appears they are becoming a debtor country, rather than the donor country they aspired to not too long ago. SAD

Tootsie: and also some gold

Doug_W: amazing Eh Toots

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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