Don't WAIT!

Monday, September 28, 2015

News, Rumors, and Humor in Dinarland Monday Afternoon 9-28-15


Iko Ward:
  OK, why is the ISX open? I don't think it really is, I think think the last guy out just forgot to turn off the sign. If it was really open now (it's almost 4PM in Iraq) I'd say they changed their operating hours and we should be happy to see another indicator hit the streets.

And speaking of indicators, Forex polled this morning at 7:05 from 1106.7 to 1109.4. Now let's see if they revert back to 1166 later on. A little bird told me they won't. But you know how little birds can be sometimes.

It does fit with what the fat mouse said. Fun day ahead.

My assessment is we really are just waiting for several people to agree. They may have already done so this weekend in NY. Interesting, isn't it?

They all still had to come to the Waldorf and sit in that gaudy presidential sweet up on the top floor to get this done.

So now we got the full moon the Blood Moon and all four of the quad moons behind this, now where's the beef?

Iko Ward: 
11:10AM EST and no mid-morning poll. . Seems Forex is waiting for somethng…..Markets are standing by that awful primed steel staircase to the sub-basement…..Some French guy is waving a flashlight and saying it's OK to come down…..

Iko Ward:  It's past 11:30AM EST, have I mentioned Forex is still holding 1109/1161? I did? Guess it bears mentioning again.

not trying to steal IKO's thunder but IT just went up right after he posted last

Iko Ward: 
dans, I'm showing 1165, but still waiting to see if they zero out across the board. Don't worry, plenty of thunder to go around.

  Dow -222.75 -- 16,091.92 -1.37%
KeithN :
IKO, Yeah, been thundering since midnight eastern time, looks like unstable ups and downs again for a few hours today, Oh Yeah, Bloody Monday..THANKS for the updates IKO!

  Iko please explain the difference of the two rates of Forex is still holding 1109/1161?

Iko Ward:
  June, that's the trading spread, usually around 50-60 points for dinar. What we are looking for is for the low rate to continue under 1110 and preferably 1105. If it goes below 1100 we're in…...if it goes below 1100 and nothing happens it means the entire world financial system really is a complete sham and we are doomed.

  i wonder if the forex pattern going back up to 1166ish is related to the close of Iraqs markety? at the end of their day? its 6:45pm there now

Iko Ward:  dans..up till now the ISX has closed around 2PM their time. But if you go to the site the little green MARKET OPEN sign is lit. Who knows?

Then it could go BACK DOWN

Iko Ward: 
Over the next couple days, yes, it could go down, it could actually state the agreed international rate. Rumors are flying thick and heavy.

well there is no reason at all to believe that it won't at least go back down overnight its done it everyday for nearly 3 weeks...i think

Iko Ward:  More like 9 weeks, but you're on the right track. We want to see it stay put on the down low for 24hrs. That would be truly significant. Theoretically, at least, the CBI is supposed to post the new rate before Forex.


  U.S. stocks slumped in Monday trade as concerns about slowing economic growth in China and mixed domestic economic reports made investors jittery. A raft of U.S. data, including a gauge of pending home sales, and scheduled speeches from several Federal Reserve members helped keep traders on edge.

:  we are ready but the PTB... dont want us pheasants to have wealth and power. the never ending saga!

IKO. You hearing what I'm hearing? Mine is superb!

EF:  What  I've heard us the PTB has been sequestered! But those were you to the curb and get ready to be receiving a total transformation in the w but those were you to the curb and get ready to be receiving a total transformation

  Sorry for the echo repeat The PTB has been given orders on what to do and have been sequestered they cannot hold this back

   elmer does that mean the 30th is deffinately our back wall date?

EF: Full of hope I don't know about backwall is your timeline I just know that we are looking good and only report what I've been told I heard something special was happening Tuesday we'll just have to see… What I'm hearing is not confirmed there's no reason to bring it in and cause false hopes I just know so much information is pouring out right now it is ridiculous

Iko Ward
: My observation is I am not hearing any credible negative intel, only variations of the same positive intel.

EF:  Folks we have cracked the mark and DOW is now down -250 and below 16k. Interesting times ahead.


MOT:  'I Couldn't Believe It': Cop Goes Out Of His Way To Help Man With Five-Hour Walking Commute

By Charles Roberts, Sun, September 27, 2015

A police officer in Roeland Park, Kansas, made headlines after going above and beyond to assist a man who’d been making a five-hour commute on foot to work every day.

Officer Zach Stamper received a 911 call on on Sept. 22 about a suspicious person at a local park, prompting him to investigate, Fox 4 reported. When he arrived at the park, he was greeted by Samuel Meixueiro — whose story shocked him.

Meixueiro wasn’t at all suspicious — in fact, he’d stopped at Sweeney Park in the middle of an hours-long walk to work simply to take a break.

“It's a five-to-six hour walk. I've been doing it so I can keep my job,” Meixueiro told Fox 4.
The man told Stamper that he’d recently lost his home and had been sleeping in a church. With his job in Kansas City, he walked to work out of necessity.

“As I told him my story he started loosening up," Meixueiro said of his encounter with Stamper. "Started realizing I'm not a vagrant. I have a job. I'm doing the best I can."

The officer then gave him a ride to work, though Meixueiro's story affected him so much that he knew he had to do more.

“I was like, wow. My commute, I drive to work and it's done. I couldn't imagine spending five hours a day traveling back and forth to work, let alone on foot,” Stamper said.

A half-hour later, the generous officer returned with a bike and a duffel bag for Meixueiro to carry his things in.

“I cried. I couldn't believe it. Things are so hard for me right now. Any kind of help is just a blessing,” Meixueiro said. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

The two exchanged phone numbers, and plan to stay in touch with one another as Meixueiro continues to work towards stability in his life.

“It made my day," Stamper said. "It made my career."




Rafidain Bank announced on Monday for the rehabilitation of its branches at home and abroad

introduction of modern technologies and advanced in the banking business
in line with the reforms announced by the government package.

:  reforms announced

  Monday 28-09-2015 | 8:32:37

Twilight News / Rafidain Bank announced on Monday for the rehabilitation of its branches at home and abroad and the introduction of modern technologies and advanced in the banking business in line with the reforms announced by the government package.

The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani said in a statement, said that bank branches abroad, including (Beirut branch - Oman Branch - Bahrain branch) have been rehabilitated and developed properly in line with the reputation and the location of the bank and provide better services to citizens. He is adding that he has approached a number of countries where we do not have bank branches to identify the instructions and controls on the opening of branches.


Hale Ali’i:  After so much waiting, it's finally time. It's been a very long process and we all got to watch it unfold. The rest of the world is unaware of what is about to happen, they think it's a coincidence the Pope, Presidents of US, China, Iraq and Zimbabwe are all meeting at the same time. We all know the truth and are so ready for it...enjoy the snow!!!
Emailed to Recaps:

If this isn't a classic, it certainly should be... It contains truths that are obvious, but frequently overlooked!!

Murphy's 15 Other Laws

1.  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

2.  A fine is a tax for doing wrong.  A tax is a fine for doing well.

3.  He who laughs last, thinks slowest.

4.  A day without sunshine is like, well, night.

5.  Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

6.  Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

7.  Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

8.  The 50-50-90 rule: Any time you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

9.  It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them.

10.  If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

11.  The things that come to those who wait may be the things left by those who got there first.

12.  Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.

13.  Flashlight: A case for holding dead batteries.

14.  God gave you toes as a device for finding furniture in the dark.

15.  When you go into court, you are putting yourself in the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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