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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  9-24-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-24-15
Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  9-24-15  Part 2 of 2

chattels: Vice-President of the Republic challenged the decision of dismissal ... and Abadi and infallible looking for a legal way out

chattels: Political parties confirm the continuation of dialogue between the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic to find a constitutional way out of the dismissal of the last Congress, in spite of the criticism addressed to the first against the backdrop of the decision taken in isolation. 

Parties revealed that some Vice-Presidents of the Republic of appeal against the decision to cancel their positions issued by the Prime Minister in August. 

And stresses the need for the parties to the decision letter addressed to the President of the Republic Parliament to scrap the three positions. The House voted unanimously, on 11 August, on the first package of reforms that the government has under which the dismissal of the Vice-President of the Republic from office.
chattels: He says the National Alliance MP Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum that "the mandate he received the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi by the House of Representatives, in August last to implement and papers parliamentary and government reform, you need some legal paragraphs to the legislation in Parliament."

Bahr al-Ulum said, in an interview with the (range), "The decision to cancel the posts of Vice-President of the Council of Ministers before the law was complemented by reforms made by al-Abadi aim of harmony with the Constitution and the law."

chattels: He continued, spokesman for the National Alliance, saying that "the bill abolishing the posts of Vice-President of the Republic Act will be included on the agenda of the meetings agenda after the Eid in order to speed up the legislation." The new recall that "some reforms need to legislation to address constitutional laws."

chattels: Although the House vote to abolish the post of the Vice-President of the Republic, but the three deputies continue to conduct their business everyday, and enjoy the same privileges earlier.

chattels: Bahr al-Ulum and comment by saying that "this issue affects the President of the Republic and needs to take his consent in these reforms and thus there must be a message by President Fuad Masum to Parliament legislation urging him to cancel the posts of Vice President of the Republic Act."

And confirms the leadership of the National Alliance, "the existence of constant contact, over the past periods, the President Fuad Masum collected with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi," likely to be the subject abolish the post of Vice-Presidents at the heart of these discussions.

chattels: According to the Law of the Vice President of the Republic, No. 1 of 2011 in force, the Vice-Presidents are either exemption request submitted by the President to the House of Representatives to exempt one of his deputies, or the accountability of Parliament to the Vice President and then a majority vote on his removal from office.

And reveals Bahr al-Ulum that "some of the Vice-Presidents of the Republic made an appeal to the Federal Court on dismissed by the Prime Minister because they considered it unconstitutional."

In turn, confirms the judge Wael Abdul Latif, a former deputy minister and "the need to harmonize all the reforms carried out by the head of government with the Constitution and the law."

chattels: He said Abdul Latif, told the (range), that "the election of the President of the Republic, which began in Parliament in 2011 law, requires the election of one or more Deputy President of the Republic and that is associated with acceptance or exempted from office with the consent of the President and the House of Representatives."

chattels: "the election of the President of the Republic, which began in Parliament in 2011 law, requires the election of one or more Deputy President of the Republic ... "

chattels: He said the former MP, saying that "the House of Representatives to authorize the Prime Minister and the resignation of the Vice-President of the Republic must be coupled with the approval of the President of the Republic", adding that "the Council of Ministers violates the Constitution through interventions that get here and there."

Optical political and draws out that "Article 86 of the Constitution recommends the implementation of a law that regulates the number of ministries and the powers of every minister and terms of reference of the ministry," noting that "this law is disabled because of the political will, which means that we will notice the feminine operations in the current and next and previous governments."

And confirms the judge Wael Abdul Latif that "the law will eliminate the reforms that might collide with the wishes of lagging political processes."

chattels: translate.googleuserconte... The requested URL /...Nv7TdvCoDw was not found on this server

chattels: Courtesy of sczin11

chattels: " ...... some Vice-Presidents of the Republic of appeal against the decision to cancel their positions issued by the Prime Minister in August. "

chattels: Both Maliki and Allawi have appealed according to other news reports

chattels: So, law(s) need to be drafted and proposed to the Parliament and it is my belief that amendment of the constitution may be necessary - no easy process.

chattels: chattels: The President of the Republic and the Council of the Ministers collectively, or one-fifth of the Council of Representatives members, may propose to amend the Constitution. chattels: " ............

 the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Council of Representatives, the approval of the people in a general referendum, and the ratification by the President of the Republic within seven days."

chattels: chattels: There are 328 members of the Council of Representatives chattels: So, 218 members must approve the proposed amendment. chattels: It is not 2/3 of those members present, but 2/3's of the total membership, IMO   chattels:

chattels: The alternative method is by referendum which is a lengthy process under the best of circumstance and with almost 1/3 of Iraq occupied by DAESH i doubt that a referendum is possible.

chattels: See Article 126

chattels: I confess that I am an amateur golfer, but I do have a degree as a doctorate of laws in this country.

chattels: But this is Iraq. :)  chattels: Caveat to any and all observations.

chattels: Abadi himself acknowledges obstacles to the reforms

chattels: " ........... there are obstacles, some deliberate and another as a result of the accumulation."

chattels: " ............ we need to take some time to implement some of the measures."

chattels: See also

chattels: " ................ some of the reforms have not been implemented so far as a need for legislation of its own laws and constitutional ways to implement them ............ "



Lauren305: Abadi holds meeting with judges. Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi holds a meeting with the judges for integrity, money laundering and economic crime Sept 23 2015 Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi held on Wednesday a meeting with the judges for integrity, money laundering and economic crime.

During the meeting they discussed tightening measures to reduce financial and administrative corruption, and speeding up the resolution of cases, and the development of new strategies to assist in the process of preventing corruption and recovering money stolen by corruption.

The Prime Minister said: corruption is terror of a different kind and more dangerous than cancer, and the corrupt are leaders of mafias and gangs trying to buy people off and intimidate witnesses and increase confusion to busy us with minor things

and we must confront them by methods that will contribute to stopping them and detecting them and arresting them and recovering the money they had stolen from the state.

 He added that your task is achieving justice and not allowing the corrupt to evade it, and to strike them with an iron fist, pointing to the importance of not arresting innocent people and not causing those employees who have integrity any fear, because it will lead to failure and will lead the citizen to lose confidence in the system.

The PM referred to the importance of cooperation between the three branches of the state, and for there to be no conflict between them for the sake of the country. Prime Minister’s Media Office 23 September 2015;

Tootsie: A member of the parliamentary security: We'll go to the mandatory service in the absence of agreement on the National Guard Law2015/9/24 14:06 [Baghdad - where]

the security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Nayef al-Shammari said, that the House will go to the project compulsory military service law, in the absence of blocs to reach agreement on the Law of the National Guard.

Al-Shammari, told all of Iraq [where], that "the political blocs until now did not reach an agreement on the National Guard Law, and I think there will be intensive meetings and the hope of the blocks to reach agreement and any way they reach a dead end, all members of the House of Representatives to go to the project compulsory military service law.

 "The Al-Shammari said that" compulsory service law serves all Iraqis, regardless of component, nationalism and conservatism, leads to cohesion and national and we can through building military establishment on professional and efficient basis and be a citizen service for all Iraqis, regardless of affiliation to a component or province ".

 He pointed out that" the National Guard Law within close political agreement, and security and defense committee held several sessions each more than four hours long session, was lifted this law to the Presidency ",

 stressing that" there are a moot point substantially in the National Guard Law can not the political blocs resolved so far.

 "He continued Shammari said" formats is that there are those who say that the form of the National Guard of the people of the province, while others say that it is the people and the sticking point core.

"It was the Presidency of the Council of Representatives member Hamoudi is on the eighth of September this, withdrew the draft law from a sense of national parliamentary agenda, until it make the necessary adjustments so as not to overdo security accomplishments of the popular crowd and security forces and preserve their rights and be legally acceptable to all, in line with Parliament Speak

Tootsie: in line with Parliament Speaker Salim al. According to a parliamentary source. The Hamoudi stressed on the ninth of September, that the House "will not vote on the draft National Guard law unless kept pace with the size of the victories achieved by the crowd People and security forces and preserves their full rights."

The National Alliance MP Abbas chart, hinted legislation a special law for the sons of the popular crowd to save their rights, explaining to [where],

"The National Guard Law must do justice to the sons of the popular crowd and if they are not treated fairly we will be forced to legislation of their own law preserves the rights and honors their martyrs as well as the estimated values ​​the sacrifices and efforts" .anthy 2

Tootsie: ‹@Doug_W› hi hi, just popping in for a few, ~~ all ok on the WWatch front I see

Tootsie: Actually, I think the compulsory service may bring about some unification?? of the tribes ~~ possible, that is for sure (I am surmising such  :sleeping: )

Doug_W: hopefully

Tootsie: of course, this is just another 'speaking ' of what may or may not be factual,

Tootsie: ugh

Tootsie: ‹@Doug_W› !!! correctomundo

BOBBY: has anyone see this on recaps/ my ladies....... china depegged from the USD?

whitelions: ‹@BOBBY› if it was true (witch it is not ) it would be everywhere just like the last one

whitelions: besides Mr. Moon is meeting this China reps next week along with Abadi and jufara

BOBBY: whitelions......... hey there......... was just saying the same thing

BOBBY: would be all over the news

Tootsie: google search for china unpegs from dollar, 1st on list of articles ~~ not to say there is not more current info, but I chuckled, China Unpegs Itself - The New York Times    Page Not Found

The New York Times Jul 22, 2005 - Thursday's statement from the People's Bank of China, announcing that the yuan is no longer pegged to the dollar, was terse and uninformative ...

Tootsie: have to go check Reuters, etc. see whaz goin on

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› do they have a link to the info???

BOBBY: Tootsie..... hang on..... checking

Tootsie: TY

Tootsie: I am not 'into' my ladies ~ frankly , but many follow I presume. I receive in my e-mail periodically from person who sends all sorts of , ahem, 'news'

BOBBY: Tootsie..... not seeing one directly related to there statement, a few links on related subjects

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› TY sooo much for looking. appreciate it!! truly

Tootsie: It is possible that they,China, will restrict their funds to the new BRICS Development Bank

Tootsie: WHEN WILL CHINA END THE DOLLAR PEG by The Daily Coin · March 26, 2015 - snip from the article in :the daily coin" ~~ The other ASEAN members would follow and lead into the final implementation of the AEC blueprint by the end of the year, which is meant to correspond with the new SDR on January 1, 2016.

 And lets not forget that the AIIB and BRICS Development Bank will also be fully operational at that time as well. When faced with time frames of either May or Oct for the depeg to occur, it is my contention that it will happen piecemeal, with a widening of the peg range in May, followed by a full ending of the peg in Oct.

The official gold holdings and any partial support this may offer to the yuan could happen on either time frame, though I’m leaning towards sooner rather than later. What is certain is that we are going to wake up on the morning of January 1, 2016 living in a different world than the one we are living in today. This could very well be the last year of American hegemony.

Doug_W: I know

Tootsie: so much for that

Tootsie: Heck, c'mon and get to be a legal tender IQD, darn it
Tootsie: There is an article out, the title is misleading ~

 Tootsie: reads ~ The appearance of Mohammed Saleh: the government unable to pay employees' salaries for the next 5 years ~~ I put article through another translator, Bing, and here is what it translates to ~~ Mohammad Saleh appearance: Government able to pay employees ' salaries for the next 5 years Baghdad: 

source news, Mohammad Saleh appearance emphasized the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister that the salaries of staff members and retirees in safe from the crisis afflicting the country, and the Government was able to pay for the next 5-7 years. 

Saleh said in a press statement covered the news agency/source "that Iraq is a rich country and its resources sufficient to cover staff salaries and retirees and sustaining vital projects such as electricity,

 water and sewage," he said, adding that "the federal budget for this year has allowed the Government to borrow internally and externally for provisional deficit if not addressed through revenue."

Tootsie: Wetman employees and retirees that "Government able to pay salaries for the 3 or 5 or 7 years ahead", pointing out that the country's fiscal budget will be stable until the end of December. 

Referred to the House of representatives had approved in December the Federal Budget Act the public financial deficit estimated at $ 25 billion, with the Government recently resorted to asking the bank bonds worth two billion dollars for the Ministry of finance   Tootsie: laterz

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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