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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wealthwatch  News / Links & Chat  9-27-15  Part 2 of 2

 Post From Chat Room 
Wealthwatch  News / Links & Chat  9-27-15  Part 2 of 2

lonegunman: I am fair i have a job which is plan A waiting on plan B but i am not holding my breath on plan B

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› I do not know that DAESH had a whole lot more when they ousted ISF in July :)

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› it just amazes me how they can continue without some state support from surrounding areas

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› maybe sales of Toyota trucks being suspended would help ? :)

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› DAESH ?

lonegunman: how and who is helping them, has to be funded big time by some govt support

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› ya  lol that would be a start ! but toyota might not agree

lonegunman: sales are good !

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› DEASH has it's own funding I read and Turkey is a sieve for the infusion of Jihadist from all over the world

lonegunman: not to mention of the 50 cal mounted in the bed  lol lo

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› no doubt

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› is that an " option " ?

chattels: like a sun roof ? :)

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› turkey will not be left behid in the rise of the calaphaite

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› no seems to be standard equipment in the middle east

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› that is funny ! :) :)

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› kinda like a sun roof lol

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› ya have to laugh geez ! what a world

chattels: MP for the mass of the Iraqi forces Zaher Katuna student union on Monday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi real reforms, not media. Said Katuna told all of Iraq [where] that "the required Abadi institutional framework must ministries took the role on the ground in all areas of health, service and security,

 noting that" the security decision is not, however, the security ministries such as defense, interior and the rest of the devices but however undisciplined groups.

"He added "There is no institutional framework governing the security services and this leads to a confusion in the work thus will impact on security, calling Abadi, that" there is action on the ground instead of the media permits ".

mention that the prime minister Haider al-Abadi, who launched last month and this month assertive of reforms revealed its intention to launch other packages of government reforms.


chattels: " ......... action on the ground instead of the media permits "

chattels: the prime minister for economic affairs adviser said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that investment protection is the only and the main way to raise the economic growth in the country.

Saleh said in a statement to the Agency all of Iraq [where], that "the investment essential and important issue of protection of the fact that the country has no alternative to economic growth and raise the rates of development, but from investments overseas."  chattels:

 chattels: "the investment essential and important issue of protection of the fact that the country has no alternative to economic growth and raise the rates of development, but from investments overseas."

chattels: said in the parliamentary finance committee member, said the draft next year's budget in 2016 has increased government spending has made ​​a very serious deficit.

And between Haitham al-Jubouri told all of Iraq [where], that "our fear and fear of the large deficit, which up to another 29 trillion dinars, compared to an expected revenue of 84 trillion dinars."


chattels: Chalabi warned of the worsening financial and economic situation in Iraq in weeks 2015/9/26 16:47

chattels: the President of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Ahmed Chalabi warned of the worsening financial and economic situation in the country unless being a quick and serious reforms in the coming weeks.

Chalabi said in an interview televised followed the agency all of Iraq [where]: "The economic situation is exacerbated and complicated and there are serious consequences if you fix things not being quick and serious during the week to take bold decisions and change people from their positions and tackle corruption and take action against the waste of public money."

chattels: He said Chalabi: "Without urgent reform measures will resort Iraq to the International Monetary Fund, which Satab turn to the implementation of measures detrimental to the interests of the people of Iraq such as abolishing the ration card and raise fuel prices as well as the separation of the staff of state-owned companies self-financing from the state budget."

On the other side of the meeting, predicted Chalabi "The government does not face great difficulties in providing the employees' salaries and the fulfillment of its obligations."

chattels: also download Chalabi responsibility for the repercussions of the collapse of the financial structure of the country's previous government and the Central Bank described as "gangs" that control the market price.

 He said: "The cause of the economic collapse is the period rule from 2006 to 2014 where Iraq entered the amount of $ 551 billion and the government has imported a total of $ 115 billion and the central bank sold to banks and civil amount of $ 312 billion, he said, adding: "This is the amount you missed ($ 312 billion), he could build a cash reserve." .

chattels: Revealed Chalabi: "The limbs political pressure on the central bank to increase the banks' allocations auctions to meet the amounts and there memorandums within the Central Bank these politicians of the House of Representatives and the names of the government," .

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› IF these people can ! increase their buying power and value of currency ! why not make it happen


chattels: ‹@lonegunman› Iraq cannot simply declare a greater value to their currency, IMO, the " world " must embrace / accept a value

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... in your opinion. .... and this is hypothetical. ..... if they did change the rate say. next month, do you even think they could support a change?

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› that is rather my point

chattels: What country is going to agree to give a substantial value to the IQD under all of the circumstances ?

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› you are right even with a somewhat low credit rating they should be able to support some kind of positive value

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... thank you

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› ‹@lonegunman› caveat - I am a macroeconomic moron

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› if it is the security issue only ! then it will be awhile but there are areas somewhat secure

BOBBY: What companies are going to not want there investments secured

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› so am I

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› no one

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› the oil producing areas are " secure " it appears, except for the problems being experienced on the Kurdish pipeline

lonegunman: ok ok i give, they need laws

chattels: oil production is up, but value is way down

chattels: oil alone likely will not do it for Iraq

BOBBY: things are making progress somewhat, but a mess is still a mess

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› yep that pesky ill scratch your back you scratch mine with baghdad

chattels: Saleh and Chalibi and many others have said for some time that diversification is critical

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› mess is not the word !lol

BOBBY: lonegunman..... lol

chattels: and foreign investment

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› i guess what i am saying and hope to happen is open the markets for heavens sake

BOBBY: will be curious to see how loud some are talking first week of October

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› ‹@lonegunman› the next few weeks should be interesting and maybe revealing

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY›  lol cant wait ..... ILL just have to give em >>>>>2016 aint far off  lol

BOBBY: Chattels. ... no doubt.......

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› we can only hope .... still waiting for them to press the pedal after they gave the green light !!!!

BOBBY: i believe every day / week is. good or bad

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› and perhaps we do not know or are getting the real news

lonegunman: be back

BOBBY: i just refuse to go along with the notion of some who believe the GOI does not have a clue

chattels: not clueless, but " powerless " or lacking the political will / resolve / ability

chattels: Sometimes government does not or cannot act until on the verge of calamity

chattels: Iraq just may be there !

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... seems like there most impressive moves forward came from being boxed in so to speak

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› " Bad news " or prospective " doom and gloom " may be the catalyst for real change

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... not exactly a slice oh heaven over there lol

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› not my idea of " paradise " for sure :)

BOBBY: if things were so wonderful as some want to preach, i doubt if we would be at the current position

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... lol isnt always

chattels: called a member of the parliamentary finance committee, to force the government and the Ministry of Commerce buy the ration card from Iraqi ministries and gross domestic product, to avoid manipulation and commissions for foreign companies.

 Said Ola return in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "Sarphi Iraqi ministries financial liquidity to weather the financial crisis."

She added that "the government to force the Ministry of Commerce to buy the ration card items of Iraqi output both in the Ministry of Agriculture or companies competent Iraqi.

"She pointed back to that" this action the government will help the state to bypass the middlemen with foreign companies, as well as the elimination of mafia commission, which cost the state huge amounts of money as he will rely on the national output of bring life to important sectors such as agriculture, industry, vegetable oil, transport and ports ".  chattels:

chattels: Gray / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / said a security source in Anbar evening for the arrival of a US force airborne to the east of Fallujah. The source added to the reporter National Iraqi News Agency / nina / "The strength of the Marines / US Marines / airborne landed in Farm / 3 kilometers east of Fallujah / coming from the Habbaniyah base east of Ramadi base.

 The source noted that so far not yet the number of such forces or the reason for their presence known on the farm base, where settle strength of the rapid intervention brigade


chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / MP, a coalition of full-Zaidi law that any US presence on Iraqi soil is a prelude to a new occupation and circumvent the will of the Iraqis and their sacrifices.

 He said in a press statement that "pro-US of meddling Establish the to implement Biden sectarian project aimed at the division of Iraq.

 "He pointed to" the need to pay attention to our security forces and the popular crowd resistor and the sons of the tribes and their support to complete the liberation of the usurped territories factions Daash criminal ".  chattels:

chattels: The Ministry of Defense announced cleanse areas of Anbar and killed more than 350 terrorists 09/25/2015 17:26 BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / managed Anbar Operations Command have cleared a number of areas in the province, more than 350 terrorists were killed and the bombing of more than 30 wheel-bomb.  chattels:

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› "chattels: What country is going to agree to give a substantial value to the IQD under all of the circumstances ?"

Donnie: no one gives a country an exchange rate.

Donnie: it is earned and calculated using a mathematical formula that is heavily weighed on the countries GDP

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› Iraq doesn't have much GDP so it doesn't look like the math will be in the favor of a higher exchange rate anytime soon.

Donnie: any I really really hope I'm wrong :)

chattels: chattels: ‹@lonegunman› Iraq cannot simply declare a greater value to their currency, IMO, the " world " must embrace / accept a value

Donnie: ‹@chattels› EXACTLY!

chattels: ‹@Donnie› you and I are of like mind

Donnie: i didn't read down far enough :(

Donnie: ‹@chattels› Yea... it's called common sense and learning what it takes for an RV to be put in place

Donnie: i still laugh (sadly) when I read "just push the button"....

chattels: ‹@Donnie› the notion of " Deus ex machina "

chattels: de·us ex ma·chi·na : an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel.

chattels: literally " God from the machine "

chattels: or a miracle :)

chattels: for people of faith

Donnie: that's exactly where i'm at right now. a "miracle" is needed.

Donnie: or

chattels: ‹@Donnie› hang on a bit longer

Donnie: wait a few more years while Iraq builds it's GDP and the Dinar will slowly rise

chattels: ‹@Donnie› I am working on one :)

Donnie: ‹@chattels› LOL lol COOL!!!

chattels: :)
​Dreamway: I do not usually say much. been investedsince 2008. Is anyone watching the Pope in Philadelphia....he has been talking everything global the last few days...just saw Ban Ki Moon and also the leader of the world bank speak in Philadelphia about global goals to change the goals is what they are talking about.....hummmmm

chattels: ‹@Dreamway› Yes. There is interesting " silent " macroeconomic speculation about the Pope and others convened in New York.

chattels: ‹@Dreamway› Much " talk " of humanitarian programs.

Dreamway: this is going on now in Philadelphia on tv right now talking about global goals

BOBBY: more then talk is needed to change things

BOBBY: not trying to sound course

Dreamway: this is from world leaders

MzDiva: less talk more action

chattels: IF he is involved and others at that level then it is not something that we would / will know about until after the fact, IMO.

BOBBY: world leaders are the reason for the status quo

Dreamway: exactly

BOBBY: i agree there is way more to the process then anyone knows, not even poppy

Dreamway: i was just so surprised to see Bai Kan Moon and then the leader of the world bank speak here

chattels: Arguably, many nations and indeed the world may be at an economic precipice.

Dreamway: it mostly seemed to be a music festival

chattels: Extraordinary times can make for extraordinary outcomes.

Tootsie: Even those actually involved are, most likely, not up on each and every detailed decision , Just me ~~ not downer, just my thoughts/feelings

Tootsie: always interesting to read the history ~ ,

Tootsie: must go, neighbor just arrived. Take care all, Hang in there (sheesh, my arms are going to drag the floor soon from hanging on so long ) heheeh    Tootsie: Night, take care

BOBBY: its cigar time... take care!

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