Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Frank26 and KTFA Members Tuesday Afternoon: "Thoughts about Dr.S!" 


Good Morning Family...... I felt compelled to speak on these series of articles from our great Dr. S......he is finally speaking out on his own...and speaking quite loudly to the fact concerning Maliki's corruption and theft from within the CBI.....

Right out from under the noses of the Iraqi people.....he stole to line his own pockets and to build mansions and the like for his golden days.....well the time is coming that his golden days will be spent in an 8 x 10 "castle" of a room, with a roommate who may well see Maliki as a new "girl-friend".....who will have the last laugh....

Dr. S of course.....why is he now speaking out......SECURITY....of course....he feels like things are coming into place as he wants and he feels much safer to point the finger towards the party who is most for more on this in the coming days.....

Maliki's days are short.....shorter than 91 days I would predict.    Aloha    Randy

For WEEKS we have been sharing ............ Build 1 and 2 and he will come BACK which is #3.

Last Night on Your MONDAY CC DELTA and i laid out the foundation for the remainder of 2015 and the %'s of ............. THE VOICE ..... THE RETURN OF DRS. (See Article Below)
M falsely accused DRS and his Staff ....... It's pay back time with DRS charging M with the truth.


Honestly ............ So much is happening SO FAST ............ Impressive. NONE of our TEAMS expected this today....... WOW !!!

Thanks to WALKINGSTICK today i can say .............. "Please enjoy".   Or ........... TA DA !!!

Or ........... GLORY to GOD !!!   KTFA    Frank


walkongstick : Director of the Central Bank of Iraq: al-Maliki ordered the appointment of four members of his party positions within the bank to control money laundering circle!

Date: Tuesday 09/29/2015 15:16
Former central bank director Shabibi Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered the appointment of four members of his ruling party in the bank to control the money laundering department.

He explained that al-Maliki appointed four of singled out his ruling large positions within the central bank and they are not with jurisdiction even affected Bank Central and took a random hit Otunabh They Director-money laundering department, and director of the Legal Department, and Director of the banks control, and Director of the Economic Department, "pointing out that" corruption was rife within the central bank by co-Maliki in the party.

"He noted that" the Director-laundering department funds "allocate money laundering Iraq in favor of the ruling party and legal director gloss upon the Director of the banks control traders taking sold dollars to private banks associated with the ruling party and the prime minister, less than the market amounts making Iraq millions of dollars lost every day due to this corruption and the smuggling of the government's budget funds abroad in favor of al-Maliki and Gelaozath.

"He continued that" when he decided to Governor of the Central Bank change them in order to maintain the nation funds from theft came to him a letter from Prime Minister prevented him from removal of these corrupt and between the lines of the book veiled threat, "he added," when beyond the first corrupt gang is mad al-Maliki issued for Using his partner and his friend Medhat al-Mahmoud arrests on Shabibi after that was the last in Switzerland lectured about the new monetary policy in a global seminar for International Monetary Fund.

"He indicated that he" then appointed al-Maliki cousin named Ali al-Moussawi, the governor of the central bank to plunder every provision of the Iraqi state and the amount $ 67 billion in the last days of his dominance on the government to hand over power to Ebadi and the budget for Iraq empty and the Reserve Central Bank ravished to enter Iraq in a major financial crisis for the Advancement of which can not after a decade even if oil prices improved today.

"He added Professor Kadhim Jawad, quoting Professor Sinan Shabibi: that "al-Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq" together "of Abdel-Karim Kassem leader Saddam Hussein, it was being investigated by any unfinished mention the Iraqi people and homeland, it was enough to build a new home according to the latest international standards, can accommodate up to 30 million people live in which the well-being and stability of the security of all human beings in the world in which to live. "


:Is there a new bird in Iraq singing? Three or four articles from him? Is now the time to unveil his cage? Sing DRS Sing!


MONDAY CC NOTES ............. 7.2 MONTHS AGO :

FAMILY .....DRS is dying to SCREAM out ......... He so wants to TALK !!!

Yup............ It's now HIS TIME.

But seriously ........... This is so much FASTER than any of our FILES !!!

KTFA   Frank


boxman :i thought the next two weeks we supposed to be a slow period.....

If today is an example of slow...cannot wait to see it speed

Walking always you are amazing..


Frank26:  EXACTLLY !!!!!!!!!!!!

DELTA warned us .............. "NOT AS SLOW AS YOU THINK FRANKIE".

i talk with teams later today ............. Need to understand this SPEED by DRS.

He seems .............. Maybe ........... To be taking the initiative.

IF.......... IF !!!!!!!!!!!!! that is what i learn from TEAMS tonight .......... Well then we may have to talk this week Family.

You see Family ........... This is serious ........... On the day after we express to You the MEANING and DEFINITION and ADVANCMENTS of #3 ............ WE SEE IT ???!!!

i need to know if these are KEYWORDS. 
Go to BIBLE STUDY CC tonight ............... Maybe some dessert from me to Randy to You.

Maybe i will talk after Randy.   KTFA    Frank

jdtolle » September 29th, 2015,   Don't be afraid to try something new.

The ark was built by amateurs, and the Titanic was built by experts!

There are many excuses for not trying something new that could make your life better...

No extra time...

No experience...

No support...

It all boils down to fear. Fear of the unknown or fear of failure.

Fear is normal when facing uncertainties, and many people let that fear keep them from moving their lives forward.

Don't be one of those people. Step out in faith that if you have an idea to make your life better, that thought comes from a good place. It comes from a God place, and he will be with you just like he was with Noah.

You don't need to be an expert to have great expectations!    (unknown author)

Wishing All a safe and blessed day    JDT

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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