Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Tuesday Morning 9-29-15

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DebTarHeelGirl:  PLAYBACK RECORDING of the Metals Education conference call

641-715-3649 enter code 986491#  -  

We can never gain enough knowledge about growing our blessing when it comes and protecting our assets, so here is the info we all wanted to know from A to Z from purchasing to storing.  

Great Educational call - ENJOY!

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Visions Of Our GCR Future

Some members of this Global Currency Reset Family have bonded together like the deep roots of a cedar tree and will be forever connected throughout eternity.

Other members are the branches, that will sprout off in every direction but will stay connected to the main core of this unit.

Others are leaves that will blow in every direction all over the world sharing the wisdom that we have learned during this tedious journey with the people they meet around the globe from generation to generation.

Then, there are those who were placed here for balance, they will try to rob and steal your dreams, your self-confidence and finally your wealth.

Their main purpose is to take back every penny that you inherited to complete your mission.

Family, please use Wisdom and Discernment in your future endeavors.

Be Blessed And Let's Go And Make This World A Better Place.

With Love,  Brendad



(Late Monday Night)  Folks I'm hearing possibly 2 announcements from Abadi tomorrow. I don't know the nature of them and quite possibly one from Rome.

That could be from the Popes recent visit! It will be interesting what the context will be. I do expect possibly a subtle but meaningful message

Iko just got off a call with another confirmation.

Mangelo:  elmerf cupcake said her contact from Iraq said they RV'd he's a contractor, you have contacts over there too, do you know if it happen

Elmerf123456:  Not sure on Abadi but heard quite possibly 8 to 10 AM in Rome if that is true and another one said possibly 1 o'clock so not really sure and I'm not positive it's being broadcast or televised will have to check newswires.  Rome seven hours ahead of eastern time….

And on another note the Dow futures Been playing like ping-pong ball day! Red green red green red green and now it's red again.  these are indeed some interesting times and findings for sure !

Tuesday Morning:

Iko Ward:  
Net, I think you are right about Abadi wanting to be on Iraqi soil if he wants to make the announcement. What if he doesn't want to make the announcement? What if the PTB wants the RV but not the public focus. Just slip it in so they can do business. Let the few individuals with currency to find out on their own and exchange as they will.

NetGlobal:  IKO, even if they don't make a formal announcement, I believe Abadi would want to be home when this goes down. Just my gut feeling

IKO....I've kinda thought like that lately. What if they just sneak it in without any notification and we just have to stumble on it. I would'nt put it past them.....Course something like that would be hard to keep secret for long though

RVAlready:  I think we are past the requirements for Iraq. Just waiting for the bank. Millionday's reports this morning looks like businesses ready to go in Iraq, and investment rolling out.....I think he will say what he has to from the UN. Remember, Tony says the window ends Oct 1.

FrostyTheSnowman:  GAME ON WALKINGSTICK!!!     Lovin' the articles this morning sir!!!

The evidence is beginning to show forth and it appears that Dr. Shabibi is NOT afraid to talk ... (and that spells spells "SECURITY" in my book).

Come on Iraq ... let's take a peek at those recently passed laws!

As F26 would say ...1, 2, 3

As Delta would say ... Bing, Bang, BOOM!    Let's go!!!

Walkingstick:  Shabibi: Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "combined"

[13:24] 15 / Sep / 29

Erbil, 29 September / Sپtیmbr (PNA) - Professor Kadhim Jawad Head of Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Administration and Economics and Politics, University of London said in an Iraqi session on the occasion of Eid al-Adha in the British capital London, Professor Shabibi Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the former said that al-Maliki receive more funds of all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "together" of the leader Abdul Karim Kassem Saddam Hussein was enough to build a new home can accommodate up to 30 million people will be security for all human beings in the world

Master received in 1971 from Manchester University and a doctorate from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom a very good grade and he taught graduate studies in European universities for many years and in March banks manage professionally and his books taught in universities of the world. When was assigned to manage the Iraqi Central Bank to stabilize prices and implementation of policy cash sober with the professional management of foreign currency and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.
 But this is a successful manager subjected to harassment from the Prime Minister villager ignorant has a tendency dictatorship where he was appointed four of singled out his ruling large positions within the central bank and they are not with jurisdiction until the central bank affected I took a random hit

 Otunabh They Director-money laundering department, and director of the Legal Department, and Director of the banks control, and Director of the Economic Department and took corruption is rampant within the central bank by co-Maliki in the party,

 Director-money laundering department "allocate money laundering Iraq in favor of the ruling party and legal director dealers gloss upon the Director of the banks control taking the dollar sell to private banks associated with the ruling party and the prime minister, less than the market amounts making Iraq millions of dollars lost every day due to this corruption and the smuggling of the government's budget funds abroad in favor of al-Maliki and Gelaozath. and when he decided to Governor of the Central Bank change them in order to maintain at home money from the theft came to him a letter from Prime Minister prevented him from removal of these corrupt and between the lines of the book veiled threat.

When beyond the first corrupt gang "mad-Maliki," and issued by his partner and his friend Medhat al-Mahmoud arrests on Shabibi after that was the last in Switzerland lectures about the new monetary policy in a global seminar for International Monetary Fund.

And then appointed al-Maliki cousin named Ali al-Moussawi, the governor of the central bank to plunder every provision of the Iraqi state in the amount of $ 67 billion in the last days of his dominance on the government to hand over power to Ebadi and the budget for Iraq empty and the Reserve Central Bank ravished Iraq to enter into a major financial crisis can not advancement of them after a decade even if oil prices improved today.

He added Professor Kadhim Jawad, quoting Professor Shabibi: Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "together" of the leader Abdul Karim Kassem to Saddam Hussein, which did not bring any unfinished mention the Iraqi people and homeland, it was enough to build a new home according to the latest international standards, can accommodate up to 30 million people live in the well-being and stability of the security of all human beings in the world in which to live.


Walkingstick  » September 29th, 2015, 8:37 am  DIF HEADING..............

Shabibi: Maliki received sufficient funds to build a new home can accommodate up to 30 million people

September 29 .2015 - 14:11 |

Sumer News: Baghdad

Former Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi, said the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "together" of the leader Abdul Karim Kassem to Saddam Hussein.

And the transfer of Head of Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Administration and Economics and Politics at the University of London, Professor Kadhim Jawad, hosted by the Iraqi session on the occasion of Eid al-Adha in the British capital London, for Shabibi say, that the funds received by al-Maliki was enough to build a new home can accommodate up to 30 million people be security for all human beings in the world. "

In his narrative about the life Shabibi Jawad added that Shabibi "won the Masters in 1971 from Manchester University and PhD from Bristol University in the United Kingdom a very good grade he taught graduate studies in European universities for many years and in March banks manage professionally and his books taught in universities of the world."

He explained that "when she was assigned to manage the Iraqi Central Bank to stabilize prices and implementation of monetary policy with a solid professional management of foreign currency and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar."

However, to say, "But this is a successful manager subjected to harassment from the Prime Minister villager ignorant has a tendency dictatorship where appointed four of singled out his ruling large positions within the central bank and they are not with jurisdiction even influenced by the central bank and took a random hit Otunabh They Director-money laundering department, and director Legal Department, and Director of the banks control, and Director of the Economic Department, "pointing out that" corruption was rife within the central bank by colleagues in the party al-Maliki. "

He pointed out that "the Director-money laundering department" allocate money laundering Iraq in favor of the ruling party and legal director gloss upon the Director of the banks control traders taking selling the dollar to private banks associated with the ruling party and the prime minister, less than the market amounts making Iraq millions of dollars because of this lost daily corruption and the smuggling of the government's budget funds abroad in favor of al-Maliki and Gelaozath ".

He continued that "when he decided to Governor of the Central Bank change them in order to maintain the nation funds from theft came to him a letter from Prime Minister prevented him from removal of these corrupt and between the lines of the book veiled threat," he added, "when beyond the first corrupt gang is mad al-Maliki issued by his partner and his friend Medhat al-Mahmoud arrests on Shabibi after that was the last lecture in Switzerland about the new monetary policy in a global symposium of the International Monetary Fund. "

And between that, "then appointed al-Maliki cousin named Ali al-Moussawi, the governor of the central bank to plunder every provision of the Iraqi state in the amount of $ 67 billion in the last days of his dominance on the government to hand over power to Ebadi and the budget for Iraq empty and the Reserve Central Bank ravished to enter Iraq in a major financial crisis can not advancement which after a decade even if oil prices improved today. "

He added Professor Kadhim Jawad, quoting Professor Shabibi: that "al-Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq" together "of Abdel-Karim Kassem leader Saddam Hussein, was being investigated by any unfinished mention the Iraqi people and homeland, it was enough to build a new home according to the latest international standards can accommodate up to 30 million people live in the well-being and stability of the security of all human beings in the world in which to live. "   Link

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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