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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wealthwatch Morning Sczin11 Chat  9-29-15    Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-29-15
Wealthwatch Morning Sczin11 Chat  9-29-15    Part 1 of 2



*SCZIN11: Parliament calls on the Council of Ministers to approve the money laundering law to prosecute the accused Roudao - Baghdad The member of the Finance Committee, Masood Haider, Tuesday, the Iraqi cabinet to ratify the money laundering law to prosecute the accused, describing it as the "most important" laws voted on by the House of Representatives.

Masood said the network Roudao media that "the money laundering law and one of the most important laws voted by parliament, and sent to the Cabinet for approval, because there are cases of money laundering in some Iraqi banks in the recent period."
And the voice of the Iraqi Council of Representatives on the money laundering law in (09/16/2015) and sent to the Cabinet for approval. He said a member of the Finance Committee that "the Council of Ministers approval of the Money Laundering Act within a period of 30 days from the approval of parliament and send it to him, to be the Central Bank of the investigation with the banks involved in money laundering operations of the authority."

He added that "money laundering Directorate at the Central Bank of Iraq has full authority to investigate with the banks involved in money laundering, money laundering according to law."

He pointed out that "the names of the accused of money laundering to the Iraqi judiciary and evidence showing, after the ratification of the law by the Council of Ministers will have to appear before the judiciary for prosecution."  *SCZIN11:

*SCZIN11: Parliament resumes its session today to read the report on cholera and only one law

*SCZIN11: MINUTES AFTER EID.....BLAH, BLAH, BLAH 09/29/2015 07:47 GMT Parliament resumes its session today to read the report on cholera and only one law [Image: 154041.jpg] Agencies - resumes the House of Representatives, on Tuesday after its disabled as long as 12 days.

[dir=ltr]It includes the agenda today only according to a statement of the Council, read "a report on cholera by the Committee on Health and the Environment disease, and the second reading of the draft law on protection against domestic violence." The meeting is scheduled to begin at eleven in the morning.


Tex: ‹@*SCZIN11› It's a merry go round and a roller coaster all rolled into one....


 *SCZIN11: Shabibi: Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "combined" [13:24] 15 / Sep / 29 Erbil, 29 September / Sپtیmbr (PNA) - Professor Kadhim Jawad Head of Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Administration and Economics and Politics, University of London said in an Iraqi session on the occasion of Eid al-Adha in the British capital London,

 Professor Shabibi Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the former said that al-Maliki receive more funds of all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "together" of the leader Abdul Karim Kassem Saddam Hussein was enough to build a new home can accommodate up to 30 million people will be security for all human beings in the world Master received in 1971 from Manchester University

and a doctorate from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom a very good grade and he taught graduate studies in European universities for many years and in March the banks management works professionally and has taught at universities in the world.

*SCZIN11: When was assigned to manage the Iraqi Central Bank to stabilize prices and implementation of monetary policy with a solid professional management of foreign currency and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

But this is a successful manager subjected to harassment from the Prime Minister villager ignorant has a tendency dictatorship where he was appointed four of singled out his ruling party a big positions within the central bank and they are not with jurisdiction even influenced by the central bank and took a random hit Otunabh

They Director-money laundering department, and director of the Legal Department, and director of the bank control, and Director of the Economic Department Corruption is rampant and taken inside the central bank by colleagues in the party al-Maliki, P Director-money laundering department

"allocate money laundering Iraq in favor of the ruling party and legal director gloss upon the Director of the banks control traders taking sold dollars to private banks associated with the ruling party and the prime minister, less than the market amounts making Iraq millions of dollars lost every day due to this corruption and the smuggling of budget funds Government abroad in favor of al-Maliki and Gelaozath.

*SCZIN11: When the central bank governor decided to change them in order to preserve the home from being stolen money came to him a letter from Prime Minister prevented him from removal of these corrupt and between the lines of the book veiled threat.

 And when beyond the first corrupt gang "mad-Maliki," and issued by his partner and his friend Medhat al-Mahmoud arrests on Shabibi after that was the last lecture in Switzerland about the new monetary policy in a global symposium of the International Monetary Fund.

After that eye-Maliki cousin named Ali al-Moussawi, the governor of the central bank to plunder every provision of the Iraqi state in the amount of $ 67 billion in the last days of his dominance on the government to hand over power to Ebadi and the budget for Iraq empty and the Reserve Central Bank ravished to enter Iraq in a major financial crisis can not advancement of them after a decade of time even if oil prices improved today.

*SCZIN11: He added Professor Kadhim Jawad, quoting Professor Shabibi: Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "together" of Abdel-Karim Kassem leader Saddam Hussein, it was being investigated by any unfinished mention the Iraqi people and homeland,

it was enough to build a new home according to the latest international standards, can accommodate up to 30 million people live in the well-being and stability be security for all human beings in the world in which to live.-   *SCZIN11:


Donnie: Parliament back to work "sort of":

Donnie: first read Koran

Donnie: Second report on the cholera disease. (Committee on Health and the Environment). Third: the second reading of the draft law on protection against domestic violence. (The Committee on Women, Family and Children, the Human Rights Commission, the Legal Committee). (25 articles).

Donnie: Session starts at: eleven in the morning.

Donnie: then they are done.... no major laws being read or voted on


Donnie: Urgent Parliament held its meeting in the presence of 188 deputies

Donnie: [Baghdad-where] the House of Representatives held its regular presence of 188 deputies of the total 328 deputies council members.

A reporter for the agency all of Iraq [where] that "the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Salim al-President of the Council." It includes the agenda today only according to a statement of the Council read "report about cholera and submitted by the Committee on Health and the Environment, and the second reading of the draft Law on Protection from Domestic Violence" .anthy 2


Donnie: Dinar Updates ‏@DinarUpdates 12h12 hours ago Poppy3 - I HEAR VOTING TOMORROW ON THE ENTIRE BASKET OF LAWS.... WE ALL WAIT FOR THE NEW RATE.

Donnie: Not even close
​Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 1m1 minute ago 2 Daesh bulldozers & one armoured vehicle destroyed by Shia led Hashed (Al-Nujaba) in Siniya near Baiji #Iraq

Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 4m4 minutes ago Reports that Daesh have executed their long term ally, tribal chief Rafe' Al-Jumaily in Al-Karma #Anbar #Iraq

 chattels: " After that eye-Maliki cousin named Ali al-Moussawi, the governor of the central bank to plunder every provision of the Iraqi state in the amount of $ 67 billion in the last days of his dominance on the government to hand over power to Ebadi and the budget for Iraq empty and the Reserve Central Bank ravished to enter Iraq in a major financial crisis can not advancement of them after a decade of time even if oil prices improved today. "  chattels:

chattels: Courtesy of sczin11

 chattels: " ........... to enter Iraq in a major financial crisis can not advancement of them after a decade of time even if oil prices improved today. "

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 2h2 hours ago #Iraq parliament resumes after Eid al-Adha w session on cholera, domestic violence bill; assembly barely half full …

chattels: [Baghdad-where] the House of Representatives held its regular presence of 188 deputies of the total 328 deputies council members. A reporter for the agency all of Iraq [where] that "the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Salim al-President of the Council."

It includes the agenda today only according to a statement of the Council read "report about cholera and submitted by the Committee on Health and the Environment, and the second reading of the draft Law on Protection from Domestic Violence" .  chattels:

chattels: e] deputy for the coalition of Kurdish blocs criticized the weakness of the parliamentary session agenda today. Said Majid Chenkali told all of Iraq [where]

"We hold these parliamentary committees responsible for not cured laws existing projects have a government to be towed 54 bill from the House of Representatives without modification and traceable to the Council."

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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