Don't WAIT!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Tidbits From TNT Late Fri.PM/ Early Sat.AM 


  Numbers are being forced. I've just heard that China is forcing this in the next 120 hours. Also just heard that Abadi is now in the U.S. Exciting…. And this is out of the box for me cause I don't do timelines but it was told to me so I am hoping this is it and passing this on to you.

Ivantulafitov:  so end of month then gotchya

120 hours = 5 days

Ivantulafitov:  9-25-2015 tman23
This post 2015 summit taking place is quite different then in the past.

All the players are coming to town per se'. Then the majors will meet in council. Abadi is scheduled to be in town.

YEA it's a UN Meeting on counter terrorism... BITE ME! They will meet and media will cover it...But it isn't why all the majors are here including the Pope
(If) They all come to agree and then comes the rebuilding of world infastructure with several trillions to invest...

All this is being completed before Oct 6th... USA fiscal year funds get released on the 6th...

Iraq has held off on the investment law for a reason of timing in accordance to this meeting.


Word is the boys club is in the U.S. (Jaffari/Abadi/Shabibi)….. Personally so many heads of state in town at once plus the Pope. This is good stuff.

He could be in NY now, and make it back to Iraq for the 29th, when Parliament meets for the Investment law, and Abadi's announcement.

  I thought Abadi was here--considering basically all countries are here being represented... just keeping him under the radar i think... (jmo)

:  Tbirdd-it's a secret...~~~!!

Since they have supposedly already RV'd in Iraq, I guess Abadi, Jaffari, and Shabibi don't have to be in country when it happens here.

  The world is looking but they don't see. But we do!!!

Elmerf123456:  Folks eyes wide open. I'm sleeping next to my Batphone. Sleep is overrated but needed lightly. I'm happy with the news, hopeful and extremely happy with who's in town and what seems to be unfolding……

We have had many false alarms but never with as many heads of state a pope the Chinese President and a contingency from Zimbabwe Viet Nam and Iraq all in the same place. 

Yes Putin too.  Wow. Let's do this!  I feel this is very special.


  Guys this meeting of world leaders is historic! Even the Zimmeister is there, Mugabe! Don't know what's up, but it can't be bad!

TNT....Have you all read MD's truly amazing!!!!   Really pumped so early in the morning… I trust MD He or She is a newshound ....everything is discussed is in ink


There’s no bags to pack. I’m ready to go. Just need to stop at the bank, and watch them put on their show. Already in my bank clothes, I’m gonna fly. So tweet me and grant my plea. Let me know we have RV’d. Hold those rates so high, I’ll start to cry. Then I’ll be leaving on a jet plane, as all my doubters drown in their disdain. Oh Babe, It’s great to go. So many times I’ve heard your sound, then find you crashed right to the ground. But finally, now, it’s time to set you free……
Systema:  Had some banking to do yesterday and once I was finished I made an inquiry.  I asked the teller what 2 million Viet Dong would cost me in Canadian dollars ( I'm in Canada just so you know).  Teller told me it would be $132.00 CDN.

 I asked to see the screen and verified myself it was correct.

 I did some banking today and once done asked a different teller then yesterday how much 2 million Dong would cost me Canadian...she told me $330.00 CDN.
I asked to see the screen myself and again verified she was correct.  This happened at the TD bank in Pxxxxxxxx.  It is a significant move and let's hope it really moves a lot more soon.  I'm excited and you should be too.


Truckerbabe67:  Friends Bank story ( from yesterday 9/25/15)

A dinarian friend of mine called me very excited yesterday!   ( she is not on the boards so can't post here and she gave me permission to post / talk about it)     She explained that she decided to call several banks to inquire about the Indonesian Rupiah,  the first 3 banks ( wells fargo )  wouldn't or couldnt give no info on the Rupiah.   ( In Dallas,Tx. area)

BUT...when she called the 4rth one,  asking If they have a exchange rate on the Rupiah,  the lady looked it up and told her yes we exchange the Rupiah, and at a rate of $10k  per million!     

My friend said oh great!  can I come exchange mine right now? 

The banker lady said sure,  come on over.   & then my friend asked her again if she could by chance get a cashiers check for the $10k   and banker lady said sure that will be no problem.
Sooo... my friend said she was sooo excited and nervous at same time so took a few min.  to get her grip! lol   and went to go do her exchange,  but by the time she arrived at the bank the banker lady she spoke to was out to lunch.  

So the teller that explained that the lady she spoke to was out to lunch he asked if there was anything he could help her with and she said sure...maybe you can help, and explained what she was there for,  and he looked it up and by then the rate already changed back to $80 per million. 
She was bummed out ...was soooo close yet nope didnt happen! lol  ....BUT she is still very excited as this is just another sign that something is most definentely going on and we are ALLOT CLOSER,  everyday!  

( she plans on calling them back Monday to check again )

Anyways just thought I'd share this with everyone as more proof of things happening & appear to be moving forward.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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