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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mtn Goat Update 9-26-15  Part 2 of 2

Mtn Goat Update 9-26-15  Part 2 of 2

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Date: 09/21/2015

Palm-A member of the National Alliance and head of the parliamentary finance committee, "Ahmad Chalabi," about a group of well-known names thieves of public money.

He said Chalabi on his page in the social networking "facebook" site and I followed, "news agency palm" The first group of thieves Iraq, which has been its files handed over to the Supreme Judicial Integrity Commission concerning Huda Bank, United Bank, North Bank, Middle East Bank and the Bank of Assyria.
And between a member of the National Alliance, the names that were stolen Iraq and public money are both Fadel Al Dabbas and Haitham Al Dabbas real and imaginary and their companies as well as involved fake projects and false invoices Hamad al-Musawi,

as well as, the boy and his sister in the Middle East Bank on charges of money and false invoices laundering as well as the donation Tabra Aseel Tabra cousin, Hamid al-Najjar and Tarek al-Hassan and Bahaa al-Araji charges of money laundering and corruption of the central bank as well as the Contractor Essam al-Asadi and his son Haider Essam al-Asadi.

He said Chalabi that Judge Jafar Mohsen al-Khazraji, along with five judges were of the defendants also as well as the official Green Real Estate Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki and his gang Abu witnessed Kazim further indicating that one of the defendants are also former Defense Minister Abdul-Qader al-Obeidi

and former Education Minister Mohammad Tamim and inspector general of the Ministry of Health previous Adel Muhsin, revealing at the same time that "the list that has about thieves of public money in Iraq up to 300 name.

It is said that the National Alliance member Ahmad Chalabi revealed a number of stories of corruption led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his son Abu assistant saw officers as well as the Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi current.

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Article Begins


09/22/2015 14:50 pm (Baghdad time)

Special - scales News

He stressed the economic and investment commission in Parliament member Mohammed Abbas, Tuesday, that the political differences on the investment law will not affect passed, pointing out that THE LAW WILL RAISE THE PERFORMANCE OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND CONTRIBUTES TO THE MANAGEMENT OF IRAQI FUNDS CORRECTLY.

Abbas said L / scales News /, that "Iraq is suffering a number of economic problems, including the problem of money management as well as the scarcity of financial liquidity,"

adding that "the investment law, which has been read in the House of Representatives will raise the performance of financial institutions and contributes to the Iraqi money management correctly ".

He said the economic and investment commission member of the parliamentary "There are a number of amendments to the law will be held by experts and specialists before voting on it," stressing that "the law will be presented to a vote after the Eid al-Adha holiday to be passed."

It is said that "the Chairman of the amendment of the Investment Law Nora Albjara confirmed that the amended investment law will provide 50% of the workforce for the Iraqis."

This "House of Representatives postponed voting in its regular second amendment to the draft law to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006" .

Article Ends

The next article is interesting.

So we see Abadi and Jaafari delegation heading to the USA. Why now?

I believe this will be a final “progress” report to the USA by the Iraqi government on how well they completed their agreed to reforms. Will they pass the grade and move on to a full international player?

Remember getting their currency back also means they will finally be truly FULLY A SOVEREIGN NATION thus article 4 of the sanctions will be lifted. Is the USA ready to give them this or do they still feel they need this leverage to do what needs to be done against ISIS and DAASH.

Maybe now Abadi and Obama can agree to a much needed realistic new kind of “status of forces agreement” thus allowing for the currency reform and also thus satisfying the  interest of troop buildup by the USA and coalition forces to fight terrorism in Iraq and the region overall.

 I included a news broadcast by ABC News summarizing the past. This is an important news cast since it brings this current situation with ISIS into proper perspective.

At this time this is what I firmly believe on this subject matter – If the USA and the coalition forces can get some sort of satisfactory status of forces agreement in place with Iraq, then Iraq may meet the needed security requirements to roll out the new currency.

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22/09/2015 10:37

Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, Foreign Minister Ibrahim Al-Jaafari visited the United States after the Eid al-Adha to meet several us officials.

--"News" to the "Al-Abadi, Al-Jaafari will visit the United States, after the Eid al-Adha", adding that Jaafari's visit "will precede the visit Abadi, where he is scheduled to attend UN General Assembly meetings.

The paper said that "Al-Abbadi will exploit his visit to Washington to meet us officials, led by President Barack Obama, to talk about '' daash» financial crisis and u.s. support for clans of Western region, and not confrontation with the popular crowd"

Article Ends

Next I included one more article and I felt compelled to talk about this one. Many of you may jump the gun and not actually read the article fully or know the background. So it needs some explanation.

First of all this is not talking about official policy as of yet and simply the views of the reporter in the article. Second we all know for a fact that Abadi’s council of ministers wrote a law suspending the section in the constitution regarding these three vice presidency positions (one of which Maliki was dismissed).

Abadi then went before parliament and the law was passed. So this is a done deal no matter what the anti-Abadi politicians want to tell you. Relax since Maliki has no official power any longer and no immunity. Maliki still has a power base but it is a much weaker base now that he has no official capacity.

Third we see that the president Fuad Masum has spoken out and wants to maintain at least one deputy vice president so I quote the article in what he has to say in the matter - President of the Republic Fuad Masum keen on the survival of his deputies in their office and talks with Prime Minister al-Abadi ongoing to reach a final agreement in this regard", pointing out that they "may agree on the survival of one deputy to the President and the al-Maliki is the top candidate to stay in office ".

Forth – who will this one remaining VP be, if in fact an agreement  is made to maintain one deputy?  It will  certainly not be Maliki I assure you of this. Many believe it very well may be Iraq's former Vice President Tareq al-Hashimi.

If you have been reading my news letters all along you know where I and others are coming from on this issue. This deputy could very well be announced next week and may be needed as part of the reconciliation process. This would be a couple more nails in Maliki’s coffin….lol…lol….
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Basri's / scales News /:


Since 09/23/2015 14:52 pm (Baghdad time)

Special - scales News

He confirmed the National Alliance member Zainab Arif visual, Wednesday, First Deputy President of the Republic "Almrhq" Nuri al-Maliki is the front-runner to stay in office, showed that with the resolution of the position will be after Eid al-Adha.

Basri said L / scales News / "The decision to dismiss the Vice-President of the Republic Fuad Masum, is unconstitutional because the Constitution acknowledged that the President of the Republic his deputy and at least one", saying he "will discuss a resolution of impeachment in the House of Representatives during the next meeting Alorteurakdha after Eid al-Adha holiday after being voted by the Council of Ministers and sent it to parliament. "

She said the National Alliance, a member of the "President of the Republic Fuad Masum keen on the survival of his deputies in their office and talks with Prime Minister al-Abadi ongoing to reach a final agreement in this regard", pointing out that they "may agree on the survival of one deputy to the President and the al-Maliki is the top candidate to stay in office ".

It is said that "the voice of the Council of Ministers, earlier, to approve the abolition of the posts of Vice President of the Republic Act, as three two-year assignment managers decided to retire at their request"

Article Ends

[Finally – Electricity coming to Iraq]

An article came out on Wednesday telling us the province of Basra will install a number of electricity projects in the coming months.

It also told us funds are allocated and need to be released before the summer of 2016 for more projects in electricity. So finally Iraq is beginning the projects to bring their country back online.

This may  not seem significant to you but this is HUGE news since lack of electricity has been a major source of contention in these recent demonstrations.

Also how do you run the computers and networks necessary for commerce and the banking systems without reliable electricity 24/7? The government is finally getting around to addressing some of these issues at the heart of the desires of the people and the economy.

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Ticky Tocky Ticky Tocky hoy hoy hoy!!!

Peace and Luv To Ya All,  Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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