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Friday, September 25, 2015

Wealthwatch  Member Chat  9-25-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-25-15
Wealthwatch  Member Chat  9-25-15  Part 2 of 2

chattels: "I've been a fighter all my life, and I've never seen such a difficult war. These guys will drive a car full of explosives through a Peshmerga barracks just to kill the Peshmergas. 

They cover themselves with explosives, and if a Peshmerga comes near them, they detonate," he said. "The difference between [ISIL] and us is that they are ready to kill themselves. They are willing to blow themselves up for their cause, while we want to fight and defend our land."    chattels: Sourc

Donnie: "BRICS and SDR are two entirely different animals. BRICS represents a group of nations offering an alternative to the western banking world, whereas SDR is a composite of a group of different currencies that all other currencies will weigh against. The nations within BRICS all have their own currency, but they will all eventually peg to the SDR…..This is my understanding so far."

Donnie: Was copied from ML post I posted it here to try and educate some people here on what the BRICS and SDR are.

Donnie: people here need to realize that the world does not revolve around Iraq

Donnie: many many variables are in play in the financial markets all around the world that are intertwined with each other

Donnie: currency markets - not so much with financial markets

chattels: ‹@Donnie› Lots of unknown pieces of the puzzle, eh ?
chattels: unknown or not understood by me :)

Donnie: the more i read the clearer the picture becomes

chattels: the more the I think that I know, the less I understand :)

Donnie: there are so many things happening behind the scenes, with many countries, all at the same time to bring about a new currency model

Donnie: everything has to be in place before the switch over can occur... hopefully Iraq will be part of the switch over and when the Dinar is valued based on the SDR model it becomes more valuable against the dollar thus giving our investment a boost in value.

chattels: not something that we are intended to anticipate
chattels: or be able to anticipate

Donnie: not at all sir. we are to just sit back and watch it unfold
Donnie: all this "guessing" as to what will be the event to cause Iraq RV is humorous

chattels: agreed
chattels: any single " trigger " will be coincidental

Donnie: i don't believe Iraq has the option to "flip a switch" to RV... It has to be part of the whole worldwide currency reform going on.

Donnie: exactly sir

chattels: the notion that Iraq can unilaterally increase the value of their currency is fanciful, IMO

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› ‹@Donnie› evening, the only thing Iraq can do is improve their situation is the way I like think about it

Donnie: i'm so tired of reading "and i've been saying that all along"

chattels: ‹@Donnie› tired and tired of it, I am, for sure

Donnie: ‹@newbieDA› GE sir and yes Iraq has to improve whatever they can so they will be valued higher when they are valued using the SDR model

newbieDA: and they need alot to improve upon too

Donnie: so their currency will be valued higher when valued using the SDR model
Donnie: well, a shot up in oli prices will go very very far to increase Iraq's GDP

newbieDA: I would have to learn more about it, maybe someday soon we can talk about that

Donnie: selling these bonds and covering their deficits are major items as well

newbieDA: not sure about the SDR model at all

Donnie: see the link i posted above

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› ‹@Donnie› production increase is about all that Iraq can do regarding oil

newbieDA: ok, will look at history

Donnie: ‹@chattels› yes - invrease production to increase GDP and when oil prices start climbing it will be a double benefit for Iraq

newbieDA: ‹@chattels› ya, Iraq doesnt have many options

Donnie: with that refinery destroyed they will be importing a lot of their domestic fuel for years to come.

chattels: ‹@Donnie› Iraq's budget will be challenged with oil at $ 100, so they must diversify and encourage investment

newbieDA: they have to create a whole new economy, thats is what we are watching actually, them just catching up is all I see, them diversifying

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› and repair an old economy too lol

Donnie: Iraq has so much infrastructure to rebuild it's mind boggling sometimes

newbieDA: its a mess, we know
newbieDA: exactly, true true

chattels: ‹@Donnie› property and people " rebuilding "

Donnie: thank God other countries are coming in to help - like S.Korea building that whole city outside of Baghdad

newbieDA: you two really get it, why I like talking you two

Donnie: getting the people to feel safe enough to return to Iraq is a major issue now

chattels: we need a miracle

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› also, I reported on another city also, it was ore, could employ all of Iraq

newbieDA: did you guys catch that, or should I look for it tomorrow for you both to see

Donnie: it's a vicious circle - need safety, need jobs, need people to return to work these jobs, need money to create the jobs and increase security... where does one start?

Donnie: ‹@newbieDA› i did not see the second city being built. if u have the link i'd like to see it   tomorrow

newbieDA: k will do   it was an awesome story
newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› got that link if your up later

newbieDA:  LINK

newbieDA: waiting on Parliament, so blah  :blink:
newbieDA: same old, same old

 captl1: It's Friday and a holiday.... not to much news that isn't jibberish

newbieDA: yep, we all knew it would be

captl1: many things are happening behind closed doors.

newbieDA: although I feel real confident they will pass the Investment Law next week, which is good

newbieDA: very true capt, well put

captl1: We will all be surprised next week.

newbieDA: I think the same way, I am curious on the how well the payment system is coming along

captl1: Remember it is a nano second away

newbieDA: CBI had the testing of the final stages of the payment system last week
newbieDA: ‹@captl1› baby steps to me

Dianne777: ‹@newbieDA› so r we expecting this next week?

newbieDA: I am content with everything

captl1: ‹@newbieDA› So they sat. This could of been done months ago. They only tell us what they want us to hear.

newbieDA: ‹@Dianne777› I am expecting the Investment Law to be done next week

newbieDA: they have to be done with now and ready to vote, just my gut feeling

captl1: I agree

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› Iraq is the worst

captl1: They are the masters of deceit.

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› but they have accomplished alot, for Iraq that is

captl1: It is their way of life

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› it is, I agree, you have to learn to think like them

captl1: just remove half your brain! lol

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› and the fact is a chithole of a country, praying the come to age here soon

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› alot of big investment projects, we were talking about that last night, but still, war torn

captl1: They will always live in the dark ages

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› and they dont have too, could be like Dubia

captl1: the select few will progress the country
captl1: Tradition is a hard thing to change.

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› I started a list after the March 3rd announcement, the accomplishments are telling that they are trying to improve

newbieDA: its doesnt show well in chat, but let me paste in here

captl1: It is for their survival that they do.

newbieDA: you can see they are doing well

newbieDA: *** Accomplishments *** National Card Project - Launched 7/25/2015

Domestic Bonds - Launched 8/2/2015,

extended month of September Credit Rating - Fitch B-/B 8/7/2015 | S&P B-/B 9/4/2015 |

Moody's (P)Caa1 9/21/2015

Law of Treaties - Passed 8/13/2015

Passport Act - Passed 8/17/2015

Labor Laws - Passed 8/17/2015

CBI selling gold to public 8/17/2015

Law of Parties = Passed 8/27/2015

Warka Bank Rehabilitate - Started 09/06/2015

CBI loans - Launched 9/8/2015

International Bonds - Launched 9/10/2015

Treasury Bonds - Launched 9/10/2015

CBI Raided? Internet Shutdown? 9/12/2015 Denied 9/13/2015

National Card Project - Activated 9/13/2015

Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law - Passed 9/16/2015

Law of Parties appoved and signed by Iraq President 9/17/2015

Electronic Building Permit System - Launched 9/20/2015

Adoption of Smartcards - Rafidain Bank and MasterCard (International?) 9/21/2015

CBI Electronic RTGS Payment System - Finally Stages Testing 9/21/2015

Iraqi Ambassador to Saudi Arabia - Appointed 9/21/2015

Passport Act appoved and signed by Iraq President 9/23/2015

newbieDA: had to read, sorry, but for Iraq, I am happy this year

captl1: They are. I have a customer that owns a company that provides personal security there and they are down from 65 people to 3 people left in Iraq.

newbieDA: your saying they have less people working now? and its more secure and safe?

captl1: No one has mentioned their gas reserves..
captl1: Yes

newbieDA: you know, that is great news to me

captl1: me too.

newbieDA: top on my list is Security

captl1: As it should be

newbieDA: no investment will come in without it
newbieDA: wow

captl1: Can't go by the lame stream media in the US

newbieDA: and the next was corruption, and Adabi is doing well, of course he is going to round #2 here soon I hope

captl1: After the holidays

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› I agree, that has been talked about before here, someone here talks about how they have family there and not to believe all the dooom and gloom

newbieDA: I keep my expectations small, so I feel and would be happy with the step of just passing the Investment Law now

captl1: Once they arrest a few of the upper shelf crooks and interrogate them Iraqi style they will sing like canaries.

newbieDA: its about time, timing feels right
newbieDA: ‹@captl1› you know, I totally agree, the first chip off is always the hardest,

captl1: Yes it is but the rest falls quickly

newbieDA: did you hear about a new govt Islamic Bank coming next month yet?

captl1: Iran is my biggest concern

newbieDA: so they could also vote on the Islamic Banking Law - 2nd Reading Complete

captl1: Isn't every bank there islamic?

newbieDA: no

newbieDA: and this one will BE govt owned

captl1: Their version of the Fed

newbieDA: its a very good article, it talks about the final stages of the payment system also

captl1: I did read it yesterday

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› I am not sure about that, the Fed would be the CBI

captl1: But the Islamic bank would be a clone od the CBI
captl1: of

newbieDA: I look for anything on the payment system they are setting up, its for shopping but also taxes and tariffs too I believe

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› I am not sure about that, will see what I can find

captl1: once they are accepted internationally you will see how fast things will occur.

 newbieDA: ‹@captl1› I am having fun this year with the articles, most important to me when following and learning

newbieDA: ‹@captl1› thats the overall goal I look for
newbieDA: my list lol

newbieDA: Reinternaional Banking Relations Reintegration into Global Financial System Internationally Accepted Currency WTO - World Trade Organization IMF - Move to Article VIII

captl1: It is a mind boggler that's for sure.

newbieDA: it is mind boggling
newbieDA: surrounded by some good people though
newbieDA: I have learned so much

captl1: but interesting to see how one of the oldest civilizations comes of age.
captl1: ‹@newbieDA› Alot of really good people
newbieDA: ‹@captl1› they need too, the younger generation is leaving them now and they may have noticed they need a better future

captl1: Ever ask yourself why the younger ones are leaving?

newbieDA: again, its a chithole, war, no work, no future
newbieDA: nows their chance

captl1: but they are leaving their heritage behind or maybe there is an ulterior motive.

Doug_W: what might that B Leo?

captl1: touchy subject

newbieDA: without a doubt, resources, foreigners want their resources

newbieDA: Conscious / stomach more than a dozen laws for a vote after the feast 24/09/2015 11:32 | Number of Views: 190 font size: font_decrease.gif font_enlarge.gif 1440488206_2.jpg 

Conscious / Baghdad / FS Detection of the House of Representatives deputy rapporteur on the mass of the citizen Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu, Thursday, for the preparation of more than a dozen laws; for a vote after the Eid al-Adha.

 Ihsanoglu said in a statement I followed (and the Iraqi News Agency Information / INA) that "after the festival there will be rounded in views regarding the laws that have been stalled in the House legislation for many years; the lack of political consensus on the paragraphs." 

He noted the presence of a lot of pressure by the Iraqi street, and some politicians who are working on the legislation of laws away from the same quotas that have delayed the adoption of those laws. He stressed that there are more than 10 important laws will be voted on after the festival, including the Federal Court Act, the civil service, unified and retirement. "

newbieDA: be happy with just the Investment Law, it should be done

captl1: It is done IMO

newbieDA: my worry is the laws that are National Reconciliation Plan & Reform Laws related

newbieDA: I dont have much faith there

newbieDA: National Guard - 2nd Reading Complete Federal Civil Service Law - 2nd Reading Complete Federal Court Act Justice and Accountability Law Amnesty Law - 1st Reading Complete Erbil Agreement OIL & GAS (HCL) Article 140

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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