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Monday, September 28, 2015

Wealthwatch  Member Chat  9-28-15    Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-28-15
Wealthwatch  Member Chat  9-28-15    Part 2 of 2

sczin11: The new investment law will contribute to the implementation of the 4000 project The continuing decline in world oil prices posed a significant threat to the Iraqi rentier economy, prompting the government and those responsible for the economic file to think about alternatives to rescue the economy.

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: the continuing decline in world oil prices posed a significant threat to the Iraqi economy, rent-seeking, prompting the government and those responsible for the economic file to think about alternatives to rescue the economy and avoid any potential crisis,

including legislation Investment Law format attract investors and allow him to ground the appropriate legal environment to ensure that his money and speed up the implementation of the project.
Where we saw a number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic affairs that the Second Amendment to the investment law legislation that will reduce the burden on the State and the general budget being will contribute to the implementation of more than 4,000 project in various sectors,

adding that the law gave substantial concessions to the investor and give him confidence and easy delivery territory procedures and adopted the principle of the window One obstacle to overcome administrative routine.

sczin11: The economist said just Mandalawi, that the Second Amendment to the investment law was conducted by a group of experts and specialists and advisers and all of them expressed his opinion and put forward his idea and proposal,

were most of the ideas in a constructive and keep up with the laws in force in most countries of the world and the region.

He Mandalawi that the new law addressed many of the problems that were an obstacle to investors and companies, including land, insurance and routine, since there are more than 4,000 investment opportunity in various provinces and various sectors,

this law when the legislation will contribute to the implementation of more than 4,000 project, and therefore it has reduced from the shoulders of the state.

 For its part, suggested a member of the economic and investment commission MP Najiba Najib, that the second amendment to the draft investment law will be passed during the next few days, especially after finishing the final touches him, saying that most of the comments were good and attractive for the investor.

 Najib said that the main problem was encountered in the work of investors in the past is the territory and on the new law, we were able to put a solution, in addition to the issue of insurance Vtm develop mechanisms for how to deal has been allocated certain banks are dealt with by investors.

She added that this law is good and necessary at the current stage of laws being will save the Iraqi economy and reduce the burden on the state and ease the burden of the federal budget,

especially after the continued decline in oil prices, noting that the committee raised the law to the presidency of the parliament and will be presented to the Council in the coming days for the purpose of the vote.

He acknowledged the House of Representatives in October 2006, the Iraqi investment law, but many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq, in addition to the presence of some of the paragraphs is attractive for investment despite the a

sczin11: He acknowledged the House of Representatives in October 2006, the Iraqi investment law, but many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears of security reality unstable in Iraq, in addition to the presence of some of the paragraphs is attractive for investment despite the amendment to the law in 2010, according to observers.  sczin11:

sczin11: member of the economic and investment commission MP Najiba Najib, that the second amendment to the draft investment law will be passed during the next few days

MichelleL: sczin11 you've come back to yourself :)

gold642: Lets just stick to news and Iraq and the UN stuff today to see whats said on Iraqs side

gold642: Is Iraq speaking in the UN today?

ladyfox: Obama just finished

ladyfox: Why did she'll pull plug in drilling in Alaska?

ladyfox: Correction SHELL

Tootsie: Shell stated the fields were not

Tootsie: Your video will play in 00:19 Shell said Monday that it would end offshore drilling in Alaska for the foreseeable future after a key exploration well did not yield sufficient amounts of oil and gas. ~~

 For Shell, it's an acknowledgment that plummeting energy prices have made even the world's most promising exploration projects financially difficult.

"Shell continues to see important exploration potential in the [petroleum] basin, and the area is likely to ultimately be of strategic importance to Alaska and the U.S.," Marvin Odum, director of Shell Upstream Americas, said in a statement. "However, this is a clearly disappointing exploration outcome for this part of the basin."

Tootsie: Royal Dutch Shell has abandoned its Arctic search for oil after failing to find enough crude in a move that will appease environmental campaigners and shareholders who said its project was too expensive and risky.

The withdrawal came six weeks after the final U.S. clearance and three months after Shell was still defending the project, a rapid change of heart for such a large company that shows it is preparing for a prolonged period of low oil prices while trying to close its $70 billion takeover of rival BG.

Shell has spent about $7 billion on exploration in the waters off Alaska so far and said it could take a hit of up to $4.1 billion for pulling out of the treacherous Chukchi Sea, where icebergs can be as large as New York's Manhattan island. CONT

Lauren305: what's this? Iraq having another holiday? who did NOT see that coming?

BOBBY: they must need one after the holiday they just had

Doug_W: they need a break from the break

BOBBY: hate to be a company having to shell out for holiday pay

Lauren305: ‹@Doug_W› ‹@BOBBY› great minds think alike. I thought of all their talk and articles about employment, and the need for jobs... but heck, would they even show up for work? They'd always be on holiday. When would the work get done?

BOBBY: Lauren305...... dont forget sick days lol lol


*SCZIN11: /topic   just wanted to clear screen..put that web site up in error


MichelleL: Us Approves Yuan SDR Inclusion. 9/27/2015 0 Comments US APPROVES YUAN SDR INCLUSION AFTER CHINA ORDERS 300 BOEING PLANES BANKING & FINANCE SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 ​After reassuring the United States that its economy will be propped up by China, Obama has given his thumbs up to the inclusion of Renminbi into the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies. ​~~~

Picture Renminbi is the official “people’s currency” of China; Yuan is the primary unit of that currency. This will pave the way for the exclusion of the fiat dollar from the global financial system in the coming days.

Of course, there are other covert arrangements which led us to conclude that the East is only really aiming for a peaceful “win-win” resolution of all conflicts with the West, and that the best they, i.e. the Reformists, could do for the time being is to initiate an “all-inclusive economic system”, and it is up to us to exploit and maximize that scenario where “no one is left behind.” ​

Earlier, the White House was also trying to raise the stakes using the cybersecurity and hacking issue which both countries are guilty of doing, and to which China has effectively downplayed by talking to the tech companies first before with anybody else. After extended bargaining, both parties have reached an understanding on cybertheft issue, among others.

lonegunman: ‹@MichelleL› My response is It means that capitalists will provide the means to their demise.

MichelleL: ‹@lonegunman› unfortunately they take us all down with them

MichelleL: wait, i'm a capitalist lol, just not a rich one

chattels: ‹@MichelleL›

chattels: ‹@MichelleL› a capatalist with capital is an " ist " :)

chattels: ‹@MichelleL›

chattels: favored the President of the Arab coalition, Saleh al-Mutlaq [Deputy Prime Minister Almrhq] assassination of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. Mutlaq said in a newspaper interview that "the assassination of al-Abadi is to be expected because of these reforms, but not the only show to this threat."

He added that "security agency told me some time ago that the information she received from a global point of [unnamed] the existence of an attempt to assassinate me and the assassination of al-Abadi," revealing that he [ Mutlaq] to four Mhalaot assassination in past years.

 "He stressed al-Mutlaq said" Abadi faces several obstacles in the implementation of reforms for several reasons, including his inability to overcome the members of his party, and I advised him on my signature on the reforms in the Council of Ministers to leave his party and lead the country of any link may impede his work.   chattels:

chattels: "As for the liberalization of the city of Mosul from the control of terrorists Daash and the participation of the Peshmerga Kurdistan forces in the editing process, Barzani noted that the liberalization of the connector is extremely important to the region Kurdistan,

because of its relationship to its security, but so far no serious plan for the liberation of the city not developed, and currently there is an idea to develop a plan for the process, and when such a plan be developed and we see, then we will decide as a region to participate or failure Post Peshmerga in the battle of Mosul.   chattels:

 [06:35:27 PM] chattels: attling from their refugee tents: Meet the Kurdish peshmergas fighting to take back their homes ERBIL, Iraq — Surrounded by a sea of dry fields, the Baharka refugee camp in northern Iraq looks exactly as one might imagine: dusty, poor and swept daily by scorching winds.

Most of the souls wandering around with the sun at its peak and the heat overwhelming are careless children whose smiles are a reminder that rubbish also can make a fitting soccer ball. From time to time, when duty calls, a man in a dark green uniform also steps outside his tent. Read more:

chattels: " Peshmerga living in the Baharka refugee camp in northern Iraq are fighting to retake their homes, insisting they will not stop until they succeed." Read more:

TxBrand: they found salt water on Mars

] chattels: [Baghdad-where] the President of the Southern Oil Company Hayan Abdul-Ghani Abdul-Zahra said on Monday that oil exports from the south of the country will see modest growth, and up to about 3.25 million barrels per day in 2016.

Exports from the port of Basra in the south in August 3.021 million barrels per day, according to the latest available data, to include exports of giant fields overseen by the South Oil Company and other fields close to Baghdad.  ] chattels:

chattels: ‹@TxBrand› interesting

Tootsie: Rafidain Bank qualifies its branches and enters modern banking technologies September 28, 2015[/font] [Image: 804219958353.jpg] Rafidain Bank to rehabilitate its branches at home and abroad, the introduction of modern technologies in the banking business in line with the reforms announced by the government.

The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani, said in a statement that “the bank’s overseas branches, including the [Beirut branch, Oman Branch, Bahrain Branch] has been rehabilitated and developed in line with the reputation and the location and provide better services to citizens.”

He pointed “approached a number of countries where we do not have bank branches to identify the instructions and controls on the opening of branches in it.”

Tootsie: 2016 budget will arrive in Parliament on the tenth of October[/font][font]September 28, 2015 The parliament’s finance committee said that the 2016 budget will reach Parliament on the tenth of October.

The Rapporteur of the Committee Ahmed al-Haj in a press statement said that “the 2016 budget reached the Council of Ministers and the the date of delivery on 15 September about 25 days for discussion,

noting that” the House of Representatives awaiting the budget on time and then to parliament 25 days for discussion in the corridors, the House of Representatives has a specific power to carry and reduce costs.”He added that “We must reach a legal budget on the tenth of October.”
​Tootsie: Abadi announce success in reducing government spending September 28, 2015[/font] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced Monday, that the government has succeeded to reduce its expenses to the maximum extent possible, noting that the political system has to be an example to others through reforms that reduce the gap between the salaries, while calling on citizens to cooperate in the detection of corruption and make the “crooks live permanently in fear”

.Abadi said in a speech before heading to New York to participate in the meeting of the United Nations, said that “the government has succeeded to reduce its expenses to the maximum extent possible,” noting that “the reforms reduce the gap between citizens and officials, by reviewing the salaries of state employees.

”He said, that “the political system has to be an example to others,” noting “the importance of improving aspects of the economy.”Abadi stressed “the need to stop the waste in the fight against corruption”, calling on citizens to “detect any corruption they see in their daily lives, to make the corrupt live in constant fear.”

The prime minister Haider al-Abadi assured on Wednesday (23 September 2015), corruption “terrorism” of another kind, the corrupt in what was described as “the owners of mafias and gangs.”

Tootsie: Parliament calendar, as of 1:59 am Tuesday, their time still shows nada for next session, nothing blocked out. - we wait

Tootsie: Military Intelligence found weapons and explosive materials belonging to "the state of the South" in Baghdad 09/28/2015 22:14 Long-Presse / BaghdadAnnounced that the Military Intelligence Directorate, Monday, raiding several nests under the jurisdiction of the South in the organization (Daash) in the capital Baghdad, with eye to adjust the weapons and explosive materials and weapons with silencers and raw materials for making explosives, confirmed that the process has proactively and foiled plans "terrorist.

"Intelligence Directorate, said in a statement Alnmdy Press received a copy of "exceptional efforts and actively loyal truthful, enables men Military Intelligence Directorate and through pre-emptive raid the nests of several belonging to the so-called state of South affiliated terrorist organizations.

"He Directorate in its statement "was several weapons and explosive materials and means of adjusting domestic bombing made various military equipment and materiel and 60 mm mortar rounds and weapons with silencers raw materials used in the manufacture of explosives, which was already prepared to carry out terrorist operations targeting the security of innocent citizens in the capital, Baghdad. CONT ~~~

Tootsie: Have not been in much, so, no quote of the day ~~ here we go

Tootsie: Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” ― Plato

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