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Friday, September 25, 2015

BGG Roundtable News 9-25-15

Bgg Roundtable 9/25/15


BGG rcookie: what's the biggest piece you have seen so far today??

rcookie: Social protection benefit distribution Rafidain Bank and Rasheed 18:02 2015-09-24

Spokesman for the Ministry of labour and Social Affairs Ministry will distribute subsidy for social protection for the instalment early next month, "adding that" the number of beneficiaries of social protection for the second batch of 2015 totalled (894786) drawing (458179) female and (436607) in Baghdad and other provinces except for the Kurdistan region. "

Drew Ammar Menem, that the Ministry has completed all procedures for beneficiaries of social protection to men exclusively (July, August, and September) for 2015 ", indicating that" 
Read More at :

rcookie: the subsidy will be delivered through bank branches (Rafidain and Rasheed) distributed between Baghdad and the provinces except for the Kurdistan region. "Menem added that "the Ministry opened ten new offices to issue a smart card to benefit social protection 18 bank branches (Rafidain and Rasheed) located in Baghdad's Al-Karkh side Resafe."  Bad Link

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rcookie: Your thoughts... ??

rcookie: Just curious as to why "No Soup For You" for the Kurds once again..,especially with funds so tight in the region

BGG rcookie: Very interesting...
BGG rcookie: first, where are they getting this money in the first place??

BGG rcookie: second,
BGG rcookie: why the stone-walling of the Kurds...

rcookie: Seems like one upmanship on sticking it to each other
rcookie: exactly!!

BGG rcookie: and third...
BGG rcookie: on these smart cards... available for use anywhere?? International??

rcookie: Social protection program so assuming so
rcookie: expats everywhere

maine: in regards to the kurds; i thought i had read that delivery of oil was a bone of contention

BGG rcookie: curious that they can use them (or be paid on these cards) anywhere...

rcookie: Thats what I mean about sticking it to each other
rcookie: Kurd pipeline to Turkey was shut down due to more theft on Turkish side but...

MadDScout: Are Kurds responsible for their own social security system/

MadDScout: I mean is it for them with what they get to "work out"

BGG MadDScout: I don't think so...

MadDScout: OK thanks

BGG MadDScout: I don't think the Kurds have their own "SS system"

rcookie: Seems like different rules applied to Kurds even in application of Tariffs & Taxes

BGG .MOD.sheila3copy: Do you have that FB post from Holly1??

.MOD.sheila3copy: Holly1:Iraqi citizen 34 mins ·.- An hour to discuss a single paragraph is the only on----

 (reconsider purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar and make ------- ??) - discuss with the decision-maker and all his advisers from stakeholders exclusively - will solve our many problems and enrich us all discussions begin nor end --oha magic key to resolve much of what we are suffering from problems –

if they were taking the following results will produce and figures and periods and Azman almost specified with the results INCIDENTAL in large, God willing -

A. After six months, you'll increase the benefit of Budgetary Questions of $ (20 trillion dinars) almost each year than it is now and will be attributed direct correlation with the export of oil and the prices rate minus the amount of 20 to 30% in order to avoid what will appear from impurities and obstacles will disappear over time result of the implementation measures

Other This will be the axis logical somewhat acceptable to all-but the fiscal returns to Ivy purpose please him with a high -.-au after six months you'll increase the benefit of Budgetary Questions of $ (30 trillion dinars) almost each year than it is now and will be attributed direct correlation with Nsidir oil prices rate minus the amount of 30 to 40% -

ltlavi what will appear from impurities and obstacles will disappear over time result of the implementation of other measures will be this proposal acceptable to the people we TONG 80 to 90% (note that more than veto th

2. After six months will depend smuggling currency (the dollar) to the outside, and all forms and methods of Thribe-

3. After almost six months will be canceled taxes on all imported goods and the opening of border crossings wide Except as harmful to the health and security of the homeland and Olmoatn- - (and seven of able to insert inferior goods and Lined) -

4. After six months will be the foreign currency fixed-rate periods long and this will stabilize markets and prices, but in some seasons and some goods and because of the greed of some Altjar-

5 six months after the start of the countdown to the payments the State will be available money from currencies that are hard for (the dollar or the euro) will be invested projects and public at all levels

10. After three years, no longer be one of the dwellers Alzraab and corrals animals and Varchi earth but had them housing acceptable somewhat - -

11. During the three years will be eliminated on 30% of unemployment and underemployment, and after five years 70% of the unemployment and public after eight years would not remain unemployed for anyone who wants Alaml--

12. After three years would not entering Iraq agricultural products and certain animal products and derivatives of abroad, which can be produced in Iraq and rarely necessary and in the anomalies and Altjeesais--

13. After three years will turn into a lot of money to the private sector commercial and industrial projects Zraaah--

14. During the four years will be the inclusion of all employees of the social security sectors, voluntary and compulsory

15. During the eight-year Iraqi family will not remain static with limited income and rents remained of them will bear the State of sizeable enough portion of that Alaejarat--

16. After a period longer or shorter will be returned contraband Iraqi funds invested abroad

when the implementation of the above, even stages Other results positive will appear concatenated related aspects of security, health, cultural and psychological stability and living the immediate and future and will maintain citizens' savings on power purchasing and for long periods -

that any delay to the implementation of the above will bring us back to back over where we are Alan--

that the foregoing is the result of five years effort continued day and night - dedicate it and participate in its implementation to whom it may concern and the Iraqi people and free of charge ---

 not Ortja which put forward any benefits whatsoever smaller or bigger and as mentioned God in his holy book  though Iike a liar,

he lied and that Iike honest Asbkm some who promises you that God does not guide the prodigal is a liar) and the Almighty said pays the wisdom of wills and wisdom has borne much good Otti) ------- (Oh God, I certify that I have reached) and peace ---- ---

Holly1 says(12:16 PM):  From Hollys Iraqi FB.. TY..

BGG: Ok - this first paragraph was a stunning revelation...
BGG: An hour to discuss a single paragraph is the only one ---  (reconsider purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar and make ---------- ??) -

discuss with the decision-maker and all his advisers from stakeholders exclusively - will solve our many problems and enrich us all discussions begin nor end –

oha magic key to resolve much of what we are suffering from problems - if they were taking the following results will produce and figures and periods and Azman almost specified with the results INCIDENTAL in large, God willing

BGG Holly1: Your thoughts (and thanks so much for sharing)...

Holly1: BGG hello and my thoughts are ... not sure but I did e-mail him and asked regarding the value of dinar When does he think . but he is talking about what we are waiting for I am sure going to make the Iraqi people Happy and a strong country IMO

Holly1: and hello Sir
Holly1: he does not post often on my FB . only when huge changes are being made in the country of Iraq

BGG Holly1: thanks for this - and it is most revealing regarding the commentary that "it would solve our many problems..."

BGG Holly1: it appears they know how it would impact them as well...

Holly1: he told me ty for sharing . and said Blessings
Holly1: I get excited when I see him post

BGG Holly1: and that they need to do this as well. I am convinced the political "bad actors" have been obstructing the advancement of the Iraqi people all along. I hope Abadi has the resolve to finish quickly.

BGG Holly1: I can see why it is exciting.

Holly1: Oh BGG I have my Faith In Abadi Sir . he did not come this Far . to let all go back the way it was

BGG Holly1: I agree - as I survey the field - this is my thought as well.

puffdragon: Who is the he holly refers to?

BGG puffdragon: an Iraqi national... in Iraq.

puffdragon: Very good TY ! and holly to !

Cricket22: Hello everyone...I'm on my lunch and I just seen that John Boehner is resinging. I wonder if he holds dinar and knows how close we are and wants to skip town

BGG Cricket22: great thought... He's OUT!!
BGG Cricket22: let's hope.

Holly1 puffdragon: you are welcome

BGG: Presidency announces a project of national reconciliation will be put on the political blocs after the feast Read More at :

BGG: Here's that Massoum comment again...
BGG: (of course - it isn't THAT important - RIGHT??)

BGG: Sadr calls for demonstrations next Friday in Baghdad in support of the demonstrations calling for reform Read More at :

BGG: Holly1 - some thoughts??

Holly1: BGG .. here is more that the Iraqi posted
Holly1: Noor Ali Well done and we hope to be more visible, at least to understand the idea 

God bless your Iraqi citizen
Iraqi citizen Noor Ali's brother Aziz

comment deserves a response Yes we raised the ambiguity and deals with the results of the solutions only either clarify the solutions would need to be newspapers of Abraham and Moses (peace be upon them) solutions raised and discussed with the owner of Alaqrarahasra and in particular paragraph 1- 2-3 - 4 for the fact that the rest of the paragraphs have direct contact BafiqRat aforementioned note that explain the solution of any provision consequent explain resolve another paragraph of some paragraphs in order to attach the solutions each in pesos into

Holly1: if it was explained to the public before the implementation of the received damage to the segment of society and the benefit to the other though the explanation of another paragraph to be the opposite in both cases will damage for a range of community and this Anrdah to Bow and the other members if they were asked to solve a paragraph above itself was all the requirements relating to the provision of what I was able to be resolved

neither I nor Overnmnta venerable nor any genius without addressing the solution and implement some of the other paragraphs, and in particular the first paragraph to being the master key to resolve the remaining paragraphs (Money Agip Bride) – (a San those who wanted Vsaana a teeth for those who wanted a fight)Nha war and war types and the most painful economic war and in order to be successful in your war should your plans be valuable confidential In narrower circle in order to ensure the most important paragraph of Success So I ask you to reading yours thanks Zahra al-Hindawi

Zahra al-Hindawi  God's thoughts on the Iraqi citizen has continued and, God willing up your voice to officials

Holly1: He will be posting more . and will bring it when i get it 
Holly1: in particular the first paragraph to being the master key to resolve the remaining paragraphs (Money Agip Bride)

Holly1: the first is the master key 

BGG Holly1: That is exactly what I was going to point out...

Holly1 BGG: I will keep posting when he post ok by you ?

BGG Holly1: absolutely...
BGG Holly1: "...and in particular the first paragraph to being the master key to resolve the remaining paragraphs..."

Holly1 BGG: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

BGG Holly1: was your point - and the one I was going to make - addressing the value of the Dinar solves all the other problems.

Holly1 BGG: Yes Sir ...

Dr Dave: They need a super majority to pass these few Laws.....I feel they may not have enough HONEST make this one less guilty of corruption for stealing only 10 million usd ...verses those that made off with tens of billions? 

I think its going to be down to wire......Maliki goes down he is not going willingly or alone.... the news should really start to get interesting

BGG Dr Dave: I don't agree - they need a super majority to pass these laws. They need some reforms, a building trend toward "the opposite of their previous corrupt path", and support from the people...

BGG Dr Dave: if things go down in order - Maliki will be gone...
BGG Dr Dave: but he is very powerful - it has to happen (JUUUUUUST RIGHT)

BGG: Great point to finish on - "...addressing the value of the Dinar solves all the other problems..."   BGG: Thanks for tuning in...

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