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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-23-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-23-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-23-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: News of the arrest of the son of a high Nassif and her brother and a number of individuals protected on charges of kidnapping in central Baghdad BAGHDAD - Iraq Press September 22: 

A security source said detained the son of an MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif and her brother and a number of members of the protection after the abduction of a shopkeeper in the Karrada district of central Baghdad, 

stressing that "the prime minister Haider al-Abadi ordered an investigation into the incident, and Accounting criminals. " 

The source continued that "the son of an MP is an officer in the Military College and the kidnapped contact his brother, who works interior Bastakbarat, which is in the way, and sent the car number that kidnapped him and of the deputy," 

pointing out that "the security force was able to arrest the kidnappers in one of the checkpoints have been circulated car details , freeing the kidnapped;

chattels: courtesy of a friend

chattels: Tomorrow Press / BAGHDAD: Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi stressed on Tuesday the importance of the meetings with the masses and exchange views with them on reforms, warning of a deliberate campaign aimed at everything in the country.

Ebadi said in a statement through his answers to questions from a group of activists and civil society organizations from all provinces, he said that "the reforms began we will not give them and I am optimistic about the success of our association and our determination

and our patience because there are obstacles, some deliberate and another as a result of accumulations", while stressing "the importance of meetings with fans and exchanged views with them on reforms. "

chattels:   LINK 

chattels: Tuesday 22 September 2015 | 07:37 evening Legal representative: Abadi need some reforms to the laws of each Parliament with him..chattels:

chattels: Release of the 8536 detainees were not proven guilty BAGHDAD, Iraq Press -22 September / September: A spokesman for the judiciary, Judge Abdul Sattar Bayraktar, on Tuesday, accusing the release of 8536 did not prove guilt attributed to them during the month of August.

Iraqi judge said in a statement, that "the 7255 detainees have been released of them in the role of the investigation, and others in 1281 in the role of the trial."

He added that "the total unresolved cases of detainees as well as Chelates released on bail amounted to 13 469 during this period," adding that "the courts continue to work to resolve the high smoothly largest number of cases brought before them."

It says Iraqi and foreign human rights organizations as well as politicians from the Sunni community that most of the detainees have been imprisoned on charges of malicious prisons occurred in the time of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.   


blossom7454: :cheerful: ARE WE ANY CLOSER TO AN RV?

chattels: ‹@blossom7454› maybe, but not because of anything in the news today that I read


chattels: Parliamentary oil: the next budget will depend on the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil Press direction / special He favored the Commission onoil and energy parliamentary member Jamal Mohammed on Tuesday, that depends last oil agreement between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil in the coming budget for the year 2016.

Mohammed In an interview with "direction Press," said that there are ongoing disputes over the last oil agreement signed between the governments of Kurdistan and the center without having to reach a settlement satisfactory to both parties,

which means that the next budget will be based on this agreement without a change in its provisions, noting that the issue of amending any item of this Convention it requires much time and effort as well as requires a consensus between the two governments.  


chattels: There is an international cooperation in support of Iraq to address the economic problems and the monetary crisis September 22, 2015 The appearance of Mohammed Saleh 3 Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister to address the economic problems and the cash crisis facing the government said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that there is an international cooperation in support of Iraq.  chattels:;

blossom7454: :cool:

chattels: Abadi to Washington after the holiday to ask for more military support Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -23 September / September: government source said early, tonight, that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will travel to the United States after the Eid al-Adha", as he emphasized,

"The visit aims to discuss the liberalization of Anbar province, operations and the city of Mosul from the control of the organization Daash terrorist and ask for more support and advanced weapons.

" The source said, "The Abadi will travel to the United States after the Eid al-Adha, the head of a high-level delegation made up of ministerial and military cabin,"

noting that "the visit will discuss a number of issues of concern to the two countries as well as coordination and cooperation in the military and security fields."

 The source added that "the visit is also aimed at providing support and arming of Iraqi forces in the fight against al-Daash terrorist as well as discuss the liberalization of Anbar province and the city of Mosul operations,"

explaining that "the visit will see the request Abadi, drones and attack helicopters Apache, ammunition and other weapons to fight the war of the streets as well as the reconstruction of the cities affected by the military operations and to facilitate the return of people to their home areas. "   chattels:

chattels: courtesy of IQD Team


chattels: Erbil determined to continue oil sales despite US ruling By Yerevan Saeed


chattels: interesting article from Abadi : [Baghdad-where] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that his government did not pay for its share of the Kurdistan region of the financial budget "when refrained from payment and we will not be fighting a propaganda war with them, but there are measures taken on this matter," chattels:;

BOBBY: read that early. .....

chattels: Abadi seems intent upon / consistent in his approach to avoid hashing out political / legal issues in the press - smart man

chattels: if they do not kill him then he may be able to make some progress

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... have to give the man credit

chattels: i confess to a sense of vindication / validation with sczin11's article


BOBBY: Chattels. ....... i do not underestimate Maliki or his reach/minions

chattels: Abadi may have " seen the promised land " and I hope that he gets there

BOBBY: agreed....... i do believe he has every intention

chattels: " Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! " - M.L.King

chattels: visionaries are vulnerable on the mountaintop

BOBBY: Death cant be this long...... Al Bundy. lol

chattels: " And so I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord !! " M.L. King

chattels: the prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi accused Tuesday some quarters [unnamed] trying to increase applications to embarrass the government, "expressing optimism reforms successfully

chattels: He stressed Abadi, according to a statement his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, through his answers to questions from a group of activists and civil society organizations from all provinces, "the importance of the meetings with the masses and to exchange views with them on reforms,"

​​adding that "the reforms began and will not retreat them and I am optimistic about the success of our association and our determination and our patience because there are obstacles, some deliberate and another as a result of the accumulation.

chattels: "He added," There are rumors and false news for many passed between social networking sites to distort the facts and these things were raised after the reforms that have touched the privileges and protections and corrupt, which means it started there campaign deliberate targeting everything in the country.

"He said Abadi, that" everyone understands that we are in a state of war with the enemy, which requires money to buy weapons and gear, as we are with the start of the reforms, oil prices began to decline again, which is after a little bit, but we Basrarna will improve performance and we are developing and we need to take some time to implement some of the measures.

chattels: "Between," The reform packages were interconnected, wherein what regards the political dimension by hitting the quota system, and the other relating to the privileges of officials and reduce government spending and protections,

including those related to administrative, economic matters and the launch of the loans, "referring to the "The money, as they are administered properly, it will go in the right way."

chattels: The prime minister warned of "trying to divide between the citizen and the security forces," adding that "at the same time, some are trying to increase applications to embarrass the government, which knows that the price of oil down continuously." .

 In response to a question about the share of the Kurdistan region, said al-Abadi said, "we deal with is based on a clear agreement on that issue a 550 000 barrels per month of the Kurdistan region and we give them their share of a month from the actual budget is not planned in the event of export reduction will decrease the ratio the same size as the decline did not pay them when they refrained from payment and we will not be fighting a propaganda war with them, but there are measures taken on this matter.

chattels: "He said Abadi to" the importance of reforming the judiciary, but we respect the separation of powers, adding that the decision to review the ownership of real estate by the state continue ".   chattels:

chattels: " ........... there are obstacles, some deliberate and another as a result of the accumulation."

chattels: " ............ we need to take some time to implement some of the measures."

chattels: " ........... the price of oil down continuously."

chattels: " the importance of reforming the judiciary, .............. "

chattels: Tuesday 22 September 2015 | 07:37 evening Legal representative: Abadi need some reforms to the laws of each Parliament with him .. BAGHDAD / .. stressed the parliamentary legal committee, on Tuesday, that some of the reforms launched by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi need legislation to implement the laws.

Said committee member Ibtisam Hilali's "Eye Iraq News" that "some lawmakers and which does not exceed the number Assapa hand talking about the withdrawal of the mandate of the Parliament Aatti Ebadi and this is not true with all the reforms Abadi Parliament voted unanimously to mandate."

Hilali and showed that " some of the reforms have not been implemented so far as a need for legislation of its own laws and constitutional ways to implement them and the parliament will support and initiate any law serves the reforms Abadi."

chattels: " ................ some of the reforms have not been implemented so far as a need for legislation of its own laws and constitutional ways to implement them ............ "


chattels: Amendment of the Iraqi Constitution is not an easy task.

chattels: Article 126: First: The President of the Republic and the Council of the Ministers collectively, or one-fifth of the Council of Representatives members, may propose to amend the Constitution. 

Second: The fundamental principles mentioned in Section One and the rights and liberties mentioned in Section Two of the Constitution may not be amended except after two successive electoral terms, with the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Council of Representatives, the approval of the people in a general referendum, and the ratification by the President of the Republic within seven days. 

Third: Other articles not stipulated in clause “Second” of this Article may not be amended, except with the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Council of Representatives, the approval of the people in a general referendum, and the ratification by the President of the Republic within seven days.

 Fourth: Articles of the Constitution may not be amended if such amendment takes away from the powers of the regions that are not within the exclusive powers of the federal authorities, except by the approval of the legislative authority of the concerned region and the approval of the majority of its citizens in a general referendum. 

Fifth: A- An amendment is considered ratified by the President of the Republic after the expiration of the period stipulated in clauses “Second” and “Third” of this Article, in case he does not ratify it. B- An amendment shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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