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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Martha From TNT: "Holiday Dates and Current Timelines"

Martha:  Holiday dates and current timelines:

9/23 Yom Kippur and tonight the start of EID

Eid runs for 4 days which will end 9/27

Pope"s schedule is as follows

9/23-Washington, D.C. meets with President, 9/24 Pope addresses Congress, 9/25 NYC to address the UN General Assembly, 9/26 Philadelphia 9/27 flies home

9/22 President of China in San Francisco. meets with President Obama on 9/25 and speaks at UN on 9/28 along with President Obama and President Putin

9/28 the Super Blood Moon ; the start of Sukkot, a very joyous holiday

9/29 PM Abadi is supposed to make a major announcement to the People of Iraq

9/29 the UN operational rates are for Oct 1,2015

9/30 the absolute last day of the month and back wall which I hate to call it

Oct 1,2015- the new fiscal year for US Budget is to be announced ?

Will we have a new balanced budget? Will there be debt forgiveness? Will the world be destroyed by an Armageddon? ( couldnt resist that )

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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