Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"When The Going Gets Tough....." By Dr. Dinar 9-23-15

Thanks Dr. Dinar for sending this to us today:

When The Going Gets Tough .....

We've all heard the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Well, like it or not, for those of us that live in Dinarland, most have likely been dealing with our own version of this scenario for quite some time.

At least since Dr. Shabs told everyone back in 2011 that this RV would without a doubt "pop" no later than the end of June. Guaranteed. No ifs, ands or Malarki's.

Well, what is it they say about the best laid plans? Wasn't it something about the first mouse gets the trap, the second mouse gets their cheese moved, the third mouse ....

Anyway, whatever it was, apparently they were right. At least so far.
So as the sands in the sandbox continue to blow by like the days in Dinarland, we're constantly being forced to invent numerous ways of remaining inspired. Doing our very best to continue to hang in there.
Lately the numerous rumors of more and more Dinarians losing hope,  giving up, bailing out and selling their currency back have been flooding in from all over Dinarland.

Like Banksters from tall buildings, rumors of folks packing their bags and jumping from the windows of the RV "Insane Train" have become an almost daily occurrence. Even some Dinarland 'notables' have fallen victim as of late.

Which truly is a shame. But it just shows to prove that everyone is vulnerable. That no one is immune, despite their claims of a solid, unwavering foundation in their "knowers", knowing just how imminent this RI/RV/GCR truly is.

And it's even more amazing, especially when one considers that according to both the articles as well as the rumtel, that we're closer than we've ever been to seeing our dreams come true.

How close that is is truly anyones guess. But at the end of the day, it's more than likely closer than we were yesterday.

Or at least closer than we were the day before yesterday.
It's unfortunate that those Dinarians weren't able to weather the sandstorm of supposition that runs rampant throughout Dinarland. Further proof that the circus of made for tv confusion, created to lead everyone, especially the Iraqi citizens, astray is obviously working its magic. Just as intended.

One look at the smorgasbord of opinions throughout Dinarland proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that no one really knows all the ins and outs of the who's, hows, whys and why nots of the supposed holdups, distractions and countless delays and why we're all still sitting here, broke and waiting. Week after week. After week.

When I think back on all those supposedly "In the know" folks that have forcefully spread their opinions throughout Dinarland over the past decade, then slowly faded off into the sunset, never to be heard from again, it boggles the mind. Consider my mind boggled anyway.

For so many that screamed from their soapboxes that they held the final piece to the puzzle, only to have them completely disappear from the RV scene as if they never even existed is amazing in itself.

We're waiting for a new budget. We need more laws to be passed. The security needs to be securely secured in a secure manner. The PTB need to surrender their power. We need our backs asseted. We still need one more purple pig to jump over a Blue Moon. The laundry list of "To Do's" is pretty much endless.

And for me, that nonsense only helps to support the theory that this "plan" has and does change time and time again. The lava continues to endlessly flow in whatever direction it chooses. And sometimes, like it or not, we simply have to go with the flow.

We know for certain it has changed at least since 2009 as the original "Plan" has already been released for public consumption. And we've come a long way since then. A very long way. And still no RV. Not that we can see anyway.

Therefore, the Plan can easily continue to change. In fact, it's likely part of the plan. Plan on it. I do.

So many times throughout the years, when we knew there was just no way they could do this or that or the other without first having an internationally tradable currency. And yet, sure enough, they continued to kick the can down the road.

Low and behold, the big blue ball kept on spinnin' 'round 'n' 'round. On its axis of feeble. Right on schedule. It's about the only thing that has remained on schedule. Of course, still without an internationally tradable currency. Imagine that.

I don't know about you but crazy as it may seem, at this point in the game, all those insignificant dates have helped me deal better and better with all of the supposed smokium filled deadlines. The "must happens" and "back walls" that have come and gone along the way.

Yes, I want this to happen. Desperately. In fact, I need this to happen.

And yes, I needed this to pop. Like yesterday. Actually about 2,546 yesterdays ago. Maybe more. But who's counting.

And last time I checked I didn't have the Easy Button in my desk drawer. Nor in my titanium briefcase.Which unfortunately means that at the end of the day I don't have any more control over when this thing happens than anyone else does.

Where does that leave me? It leaves me waiting, that's where. Me and everyone else in Dinarland that makes the decision on a daily basis that they will continue to stay strong and be there at the finish line. Still waiting.

After all, what else can I do in a situation that I simply have zero control over anything but my feelings. My emotions. My actions.

I'm basically left with only one option. Because, believe it or not, we're the lucky ones. The chosen ones. The people that know about this wonderful opportunity. And I consider myself lucky that I'm lucky enough to realize that.

And yes, the ride can be brutal at times. But again, we're luckier than lucky to even be on this ride. Remind yourself of all those that aren't as lucky as we are and that right there should be enough to help you stay focused on the end of this amazing journey
What is it they say again? Oh yeah, "When the going gets tough... THE TOUGH BUY MORE FOREIGN CURRENCY!" Words I like to live by.

Whether it's selling used tires, Grandmas antique salt & pepper shakers or recycling bottles and cans. One thing's for sure, I can't go wrong by buying more Dong!

Hang in there folks, this thing is gonna happen. It's merely a matter of time. You've made it this far. Now is not the time to give up.

Dr. Dinar

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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