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Friday, July 1, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat 6-30-16   Part 1 of 3

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Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat 6-30-16   Part 1 of 3
loop says():Sabah al-Tamimi: Federal Court decision returned the life of the parliamentary system
06/30/2016  (Independent) .. described the parliamentary National Bloc member Sabah Abdul Rasul al-Tamimi of the Federal Court decision on the two sessions of the parliament as "equitable" and that they all came out victorious, no winners or losers.
Tamimi said: that the Iraqi judiciary to prevent the serious implications and proved beyond doubt that he has the centrist solutions in the face of political challenges of siding with the law and guide the movement of the state towards stability.
And called on the political forces to take advantage of recent federal court decisions and open dialog windows in Mabinhm service and attention to the adoption of laws contribute to the development of the country out of the financial crisis away from a culture settle political scores and the trend towards giving priority to the interests of the homeland and citizens. (End)
Subgirl says:    Sabah al-Tamimi: Federal Court decision returned the life of the parliamentary system WHAT an interesting title...? :) hmmm...
Soonergirlie says():I like LIFE... :P
loop says to subgirl():I thought so. BACK TOO WORK
subgirl says to loop():thanks loop :)
loop says to subgirl():the Federal Court decision on the two sessions of the parliament as "equitable"
loop says to subgirl():Welcome.
popeye7 says to loop():No winners, or losers... Middle of the road decision by the court... So as to get these fellows back to work... Thanks loop..
loop says():Kuwait declares its agreement to postpone the payment of compensation for Iraq to one year
Thursday 30-06-2016 | 12:07:27   Twilight News / confirmed the Kuwaiti ambassador to Baghdad, Ghassan Al-Zawawi on Thursday the issuance of financial guidance from his country to postpone the financial compensation owed by Iraq by the invasion of the former regime of Kuwait in the early nineties of the past century.
According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance, he said that "the Minister Hoshyar Zebari met on Thursday, Ambassador of Kuwait Ghassan Al-Zawawi, and discussed with him the results of the visit" fruitful "to the State of Kuwait and his meeting with Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and officials and their understanding of the current situation in Iraq and the stand of Kuwait government and the people with him in overcoming its crisis financial and economic as well as his war to fight and eradicate terrorism. "
The statement added that "the Kuwaiti ambassador stressed the issuance of financial guidance to agree to the postponement of the repayment period for a period of one year ending on the first of January 2018, out of brotherly firm relations between the two countries and the responsibilities of the State of Kuwait within aimed to help the brotherly Iraq international coalition to overcome the critical stage through which the Aldaasha the face of terrorism and the decline in world oil prices to be without prejudice to the provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions.
loop says():Hoshar Zebari continues to be meeting with conterparts all over the ME. He looks like he is thinner.
loop says():Kuwaits gives them more time
graci says():giving them more time isnt good is it?
popeye7 says to loop():In the overall scheme of things...
loop says to graci():It's very good. It means that they want them to succeed, because it will benefit in the long run.
popeye7 says to loop():(y) That is correct..
popeye7 says to loop():Money talks..
puffdragon says to loop():Looking at long term gain verses short tern gain GOOD !
loop says to graci():Under the IMF they are paying the creditors to remain compliant. If Kuwait pushed them into repayment it would slow the process IMO
graci says to loop():okay I see now thanks
loop says to graci():(handshake)YVW
loop says():7000000 million tons of cargo had entered Iraq through its ports in less than half a year
Thursday 30-06-2016 | 9:02:02   Twilight News / Iraqi ports announced on Thursday statistical ability of various goods entering the country through it in less than half a year.
A spokesman for the ports Anmar net in a statement, said the outcome of the ships entering Iraqi Ports reached during the past five months and 919 naval unit carrier for goods is estimated at 7,000,000 million tons.
popeye7 says():Everything has become so interconnected in our world economically... We rely upon one another's success... Especially the countries with lots of resources to provide to the world... It truly has become a smaller world..
popeye7 says to loop():  Lots of cargo.. But according to the US media, just doom, and gloom as it concerns Iraq for the most part... This article will be in our media a few months down the road... :)
loop says to popeye7():Fear sells papers in the USA
popeye7 says to loop():So true.... Reflection of our society as a whole maybe?... Whatever happened to the truth will set us free.. (:o)
loop says to popeye7():(y)
puffdragon says to popeye7():Look at washington and the corruption from the top down, integrity is a forgotten word ! Then you see why people are so easily swayed to the negative. JMO
_firefly_ says():Effective exchange rate indices
Updated 17 June 2016    The BIS effective exchange rate (EER) indices cover 61 economies, including individual euro area countries and, separately, the euro area as an entity. The most recent weights are based on trade in the 2011-13 period, with 2010 as the indices' base year.
Nominal EERs are calculated as geometric weighted averages of bilateral exchange rates. Real EERs are the same weighted averages of bilateral exchange rates adjusted by relative consumer prices. The weighting pattern is time-varying (see broad and narrow weights). The EER indices are available as monthly averages. An increase in the index indicates an appreciation.

Our data
Two basket compositions are available:
Broad indices comprising 61 economies, with data from 1994 (Excel)
Narrow indices comprising 26 and 27 economies for the nominal and real indices, respectively, with data from 1964 (Excel)
Tables on effective exchange rates (from the Statistical Bulletin)
Publication dates
Monthly effective exchange rate data are released mid-month.
View our release calendar for advance notice of publication dates.
More information
The following publications provide further information about the methodology behind the BIS EER indices:
"The new BIS effective exchange rate indices", BIS Quarterly Review, March 2006.
"Measuring international price and cost competitiveness", BIS Economic Papers, no 39, November 1993.
Browse and download data
Effective exchange rate indices can also be generated using:
BIS Statistics Explorer - a browsing tool for BIS's most current data
BIS Statistics Warehouse - an interactive query tool for BIS's most current data
The statistics can also be downloaded in a single CSV file.
​watson1 says():  for all of us
popeye7 says():The old scripture applies even to our day in age as "God does giveth, and HE does take away." This applies to the world from an economic standpoint as well... Nations rise, and fall at our Creator's decree... We are seeing the rise of Iraq before most of the people of the world do because of the lack of information being broadcast within many countries own media...
popeye7 says to _firefly_():"Monthly effective exchange rate data are released mid-month.".... HMMM>..

_firefly_ says()::)
_firefly_ says():key word is "released"

Dinarian1 says():Hmmm (y)

popeye7 says to _firefly_():(y) Yep...

Baxter says():they always are...... every month.... 

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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