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Sunday, July 31, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-30-16 

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-30-16 
Chihod: the criminalization of the Baath Party will be a severe blow to Daash and those who stand behind them
30/07/2016 10:58 |Direction Press / Baghdad   A member of the reform front in Parliament MP Mohammed Saadoun Chihod said a vote on the criminalization of the outlawed Baath Party, the law of historical and national responsibility and a serious blow to Daash terror and those who stand behind them.
He Chihod in a press release received "direction Press" a copy of it on that: the Baath Party (PKK) and Daash terror are two sides of the same coin and two caused the destruction of Iraq and the killing of people in the same practices and the same methods ranging from the killing of scientists, intellectuals, academics and young people, women and children in mass graves and Halabja and Anfal
and the end of the massacres committed against innocent people in Spyker and Badush, Saqlawiya and Karada and Kadhimiya, noting that "the leading terrorist Daash of today are the leaders of the outlawed Baath party of Saddam's former army officers and his ilk."

 He said: the House of Representatives and its members today in front of a historical and national responsibility makes it imperative for them to vote on the criminalization of the outlawed Baath Party Law fairer for victims of Iraq, and folding a dark page and tragic history of Iraq , who suffered two things from theshed outlawed Baath party on the necks of Iraqis and the influence of the terrorist Daash which is born of Baath womb of the offender ". 
tlm724     the criminalization of the Baath Party will be a severe blow to Daash
that "the leading terrorist Daash of today are the leaders of the outlawed Baath party of Saddam's former army officers and his ilk."
the criminalization of the outlawed Baath Party Law fairer for victims of Iraq, and folding a dark page and tragic history of Iraq
Rafidain Bank: the restoration of remittances sold with other banks
30/07/2016 10:07 | Direction Press / Baghdad   Rafidain Bank decided to re-work remittances sold between the branches of the bank and other banks.
A statement from the media office of the bank got "direction Press" a copy of it on the Director General Khawla student Jabbar as saying that "the bank has decided to re-work remittances sold all its forms, between the branches of the bank and other banks, which offset a cash deposit or verified balance in the account covers the amount of the transfer." .
She explained that "the instructions and regulations provided for the withdrawal to be launched in the next business day, with a commitment treasurers directives, instructions and follow the proper work contexts."
She stressed that "the decision is aimed to the requirements of work to earn the money supply and make more careful to win customers."
tlm724    "the bank has decided to re-work remittances sold all its forms
Well it looks like Ernst & Young has begun their work Wink

Basra council: the completion of the project port of Faw will solve major economic problems in the province
30/07/2016 10:30 | Direction Press / special   Said the Basra Governorate Council member Ahmed Abdul Hussain said the conference, which was held in the province in the presence of Minister of Transport, local and international companies and is for the purpose of supporting the Iraqi ports sector.
Abdul Hussain In an interview with "direction Press," said the conference was held in the presence of a number of members of the provincial council and the House of Representatives and many local and global investment firms.
He said Abdul Hussein to revive and support the ports of Basra, will contribute significantly to change the index of the Iraqi economy in general.
He said Abdul Hussain said Faw port is long overdue and must be done to speed up the completion, indicating that unknown reasons not to resolve the issue of the port of Faw, despite punishing two ministerial on the project began.
He said council member said there is a great desires of states and international companies for the purpose of completing the great project of FAO. He pointed out that the completion of the project will solve the major economic problems.
The Ministry of Transport confirmed that the investment conference held in Basra province, aims "to reduce the time to implement the project port of Faw and listen to the opinions of the investing companies," and while suggesting the formation of a crisis cell to invest in this project, drawn to the existence of four options on the table for the operation of the port of Faw.
It is worth noting that the cost of the project port of Faw amounting to four billion and six million euros and estimated capacity planned by 99 million tons a year was the foundation stone of the situation in 2010.
tlm724    Blast from the past :
Masoum stresses considering Basra as "Economic Capital of Iraq"
Feb 23, 2015  Basra President, Foad Masoum, stressed the importance of considering Basra as Economic Capital of Iraq.
Reporter of stated “Masoum said during his meeting with the Chairman of Basra Provincial Council, Sabah al-Bazoni, that Basra must be seen Basra as Economic Capital of Iraq.” /End/"
Tlm724     And so it appears Basra is on it's way and so like a shining beacon of hope for Iraq !

Consensus on creating a solid body established Sustainable Development
7/30/2016 0:00 In a specialized symposium social market economy dealt
BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb considered specialized economic challenges facing social justice symposium, in light of Iraq 's possession of human competencies and development through stakeholder interaction to benefit from solutions that arise
to address the economic problems and the drafting of legislation laws in line with the requirements of the social market economy to benefit from the experiences of countries preceded it in this field ,
which in turn requires a state veteran honest possesses full knowledge and authority sober address all the economic challenges and establish sustainable development.
economic expert on behalf of Antoine said during a seminar of the Organization of July for development need to go hard towards the social market economy , free market unrestrained , rather than according to economic visions and clear,
indicating the importance the drafting of legislation and laws in line with the requirements of the social market economy to benefit from the experiences of countries preceded us in this field,
such as Germany and dealing with government institutions through restructuring and improving performance in these institutions.
economy productive and stressed Antoine during the seminar titled «social justice and economic challenges in Iraq» on the need to diversify the economy and move from an economy Rei into a productive economy in the agriculture and industry sectors, tourism, and start from the agricultural sector the fastest productivity and functioning of idle hands in the countryside,
in addition to providing food security for citizens, along with the industrial sector , which will provide the largest number of job opportunities and alleviate the unemployment rate amounting to more than 30 percent, as well as poverty ,
which amounts to more than 30 percent under whom the poverty line , 10 percent the level of rates in the case of extreme poverty , especially of displaced persons from the occupied territories of «Daash» .
He explained the need to focus on the gross domestic product industries with local raw materials eldest especially construction and leather and food industries, petrochemicals, along with the establishment of seven oil refineries giant bridge the Iraqi market need , and dispense with the import of nearly $ 5 billion a year to meet the need for Iraq of these products .
Antoine stressed that the completion of these reforms requires a state veteran honest possesses full knowledge away from quotas is not subject to any pressure might be exerted with the need to put pressure on decision - making centers of civil society organizations and the private sector.
regulate the budget the economic expert Majid picture , he said: over Iraq different stages valuable public finance policy, depending on the social and political successive economic phases and accordingly changed the criteria and procedures for the organization of the budget, methods of preparation and related institutions, responsible for the preparation and implementation and control.
He pointed out that the existence of solid institutions, democracy for the preparation of the state budget and the use of mechanisms and modern means and abide by the constitution and the laws in force, encourage the principle of the rule of law, and the follow - up implementation and control it, and is working to build a culture of decision - making transparent and to achieve freedom of maneuver in the allocation of financial resources to spend.
 he said that the basic approach in determining the fiscal policy and the policy of spending and achieve the government (good governance) in the management of financial resources of the state, especially as the Constitution and the law of financial management and public debt , No. 95 of 2004, said the basic principles of good governance for the money Iraq and the Iraqi economy.
Also it stressed the need for follow - up and oversight and accountability in order to achieve the tasks essential to people 's ownership of national wealth and objectives, which must be employed in the service and upgrade the standard of living and social well - being of its members.
Restructuring of the economy either academic Dr. Falah al - Rubaie has focused on the importance of adopting an economic program aims to employ oil revenues for the benefit of diversification of the economy through the support of activities led by the private sector activities non - oil sector,
to create favorable for business, investment and job creation climate, and change the investment structure in a manner works to support investments in agriculture and manufacturing and then change the structure of the general national economy to be more suitability and capacity to absorb manpower. 
urged to accelerate the inventory of manpower and categorized and classified according to professional groups and economic status through workforce planning, taking into account other changes in work control , a sex and enact labor and industrial endemic and the labor market and vocational classification , which is the index the dynamic of the production process and the optimal use of the labor force.
trade Organization while student Dr. Muzaffar Hosni work in earnest to complete accession to the World trade Organization and the benefit , which provided the organization of measures reduce the losses suffered by the Iraqi economy have because of the harmful tactics business , which is exposed and which can not be avoided as long as Iraq outside the global trading system.
tlm724     economic expert on behalf of Antoine said during a seminar of the Organization of July for development need to go hard towards the social market economy , free market unrestrained , rather than according to economic visions and clear, indicating the importance the drafting of legislation and laws in line with the requirements of the social market economy to benefit from the experiences of countries preceded us in this field,

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