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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday Day Time Chat 7-28-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Thursday Day Time Chat 7-28-16   Part 2 of 2
david334 says():Here is a report on Iraq's economic prospects by industry. While it is trailing info the resources and revenue related project are staggering . Check out the mining resource page .
They import 80%of cement from Iran but are bigger thatn Iran in the materials that go itnto cement. Leverage big The-New-Iraq-2015-16 Full PDF
_firefly_ says to larrykn():Like I've been telling the room, You can have a monetary reform without an ECONOMIC reform ....
_firefly_ says():BUT ...................
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Allways wxciting to hear from you SUPER BUG !! :D(y)
clay says to puffdragon():(y)
Dr Dave says():I have been feeling like that too recently is too short.....
puffdragon says to clay():(y)
_firefly_ says():You cannot have a Economic reform without a currency shift
clay says to Dr Dave():it sure is

_firefly_ says to puffdragon():hey you :)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():Hey you back :)

_firefly_ says to puffdragon():An Economic reform requires what?
_firefly_ says():FUNDS

Dr Dave says():Almost 25 years now....
puffdragon says to _firefly_():With VALUE !!
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():(y)
david334 says to clay():Newstime tonight or tomorrow???
larrykn says to david334():tomorrow
puffdragon says to _firefly_(Just stopped in and there you are, You have made my day FLY , just like clint eastwood !!! :D
david334 says to larrykn():Thanks Larrykn
_firefly_ says to puffdragon()::)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():You have been away to long, hope it was relaxing ! :P
larrykn says to Woodywoodpecker():did that hurt :D
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():VERY busy actually :)
Woodywoodpecker says():yes sir
puffdragon says to _firefly_():IM sorry !! Getting DUCKS in a row ?(y):D
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():Ummmmmm .......... (y)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():GOOD ENOUGH ! (v)
_firefly_ says()::)
clay says to Dr Dave():20 here
_firefly_ says():Alrighty, got things to do still but I'll stay logged in, BIAB :)
puffdragon says to _firefly_():See yous later (})
_firefly_ says to puffdragon()::)

angus says to _firefly_():so either way we win! Yes?
_firefly_ says to puffdragon():IMO ..... yes :)
_firefly_ says to angus():I haven't heard otherwise :)
_firefly_ says to angus():It's a much bigger picture than most realize
angus says to _firefly_():is there a time line to complete these from the IMF?
_firefly_ says to angus():Yesterday?
angus says to _firefly_():or could they start the reforms and stop or draw them out?
_firefly_ says to angus():Once it started there is no turning back
_firefly_ says to angus():because of the process and the order of events
angus says to _firefly_():would you like to expand on your knowledge of the order?
_firefly_ says to angus():Unconventional monetary policies: a re-appraisal
by Claudio Borio and Anna Zabai
Working Papers No 570   July 2016
We explore the effectiveness and balance of benefits and costs of so-called "unconventional" monetary policy measures extensively implemented in the wake of the financial crisis: balance sheet policies (commonly termed "quantitative easing"), forward guidance and negative policy rates.
Our objective is to provide the reader with a helpful entry point to the burgeoning empirical literature and with a specific perspective on the complex issues involved.
We reach three main conclusions: there is ample evidence that, to varying degrees, these measures have succeeded in influencing financial conditions even though their ultimate impact on output and inflation is harder to pin down; the balance of the benefits and costs is likely to deteriorate over time;
and the measures are generally best regarded as exceptional, for use in very specific circumstances.
Whether this will turn out to be the case, however, is doubtful at best and depends on more fundamental features of monetary policy frameworks. In the paper, we also provide a critique of prevailing analyses of "helicopter money" and explore in more depth the role of negative nominal interest rates in our fundamentally monetary economies, highlighting some risks
_firefly_ says to angus():
_firefly_ says():This is just from today from the IMF
_firefly_ says():IMF Executive Board Concludes the 2016 Article IV Consultation and the Fifth Post- Program Monitoring Discussion with Ireland
July 28, 2016
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation with the Republic of the Marshall Islands
July 28, 2016
Middle East and Central Asia: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
July 28, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/151
Podcast: Winnie Byanyima on Women in Global Economy
July 28, 2016
IMF Video:Press Briefing by William Murray, Deputy Spokesman, IMF Communications Department
July 28, 2016
Asia: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
July 28, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/150
Sub-Saharan Africa : A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
July 28, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/152
Western Hemisphere: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
July 28, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/153
Caribbean and Pacific Islands: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
July 28, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/154
Europe: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
July 28, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/155
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation with Saudi Arabia
July 28, 2016
The Chairman's Summing Up - The IMF and the Crises in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal - An Evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)
July 28, 2016
IMF Policy Paper
Statement by the Managing Director on the Independent Evaluation Office's Report on the IMF and the Crises in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal
July 28, 2016  IMF Policy Paper
IMF Loan for Afghanistan to Support Growth, Catalyze Donor Aid
_firefly_ says():So as we can see there is MUCH happening even as we speak
_firefly_ says():Has anybody paid attention to Italy?
puffdragon says to _firefly_():No I have not ! Something interesting ?
_firefly_ says():Press release stated they were in DEEP financial problems
BGG says to _firefly_():Good Afternoon!!
_firefly_ says():The same week they are loaning Iraq 342 million I believe
puffdragon says to _firefly_():So they on the list next to fail list ?
_firefly_ says():And just shortly afterwards they are asking the EU for a 300 mil loan ?????????
angus says to _firefly_():are you saying that Italy loaned Iraq 342 mil.?
_firefly_ says to angus():That's what the press said
angus says to _firefly_():at what interest?
geofitness says():Trasnfer wiring info. New light on how they are trying to interupt the banks fees. Transferwise
BGG says():Hey gang - I'm going to put my "tell all" call off by a day - I'll have it out sometime tomorrow...
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