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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Sunday AM Chat 7-31-16   Part 2 of 2
larrykn says():here is some good news :)
larrykn says():Iraqi Defense Minister: with the approach of security forces regain control of Mosul.
Iraqi Defense Minister: with the approach of security forces regain control of Mosul. Leaders of the Islamic State are selling their belongings and fleeing toward Syria
July 31, 2016 Baghdad (AP) —Iraqi Defense Minister Khalid Al-Obeidi from selling Islamic State leaders in Mosul, Northern Iraq, their kingdoms, and to escape the city with security forces to regain control.
Iraqi forces launched operations to regain control of the areas around the city of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city dominated Islamic State beginning June 2014.
Al-Obeidi said during a tv interview with an Iraqi governmental channel, that "many families in the Islamic State leaders have sold their property and withdrew towards Syria."
He said during the interview that aired Saturday evening that "some try sneaking up towards the territory" in reference to Kurdistan.
The Minister explained that "the problems started between the Princes on the money taken from various foreign or Iraqi Arabic or slides.
And Mosul the last city still under the control of the extremist organization, and restoring control challenges regarding preparation of displaced people requires the preparation of a plan to secure humanitarian requirements.
And the International Committee of the Red Cross warned of the exodus of nearly one million people could flee their homes as part of the fight against the jihadists in
larrykn says to DIGIman1():yvw :)
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():nice to see them running like rats now....hopefully they wont be allowed to escape, like the others....
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():not that the others escaped......they didnt......
larrykn says to DIGIman1():I think once they do try , the airforce will destory them
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():yup....thats the policy.
larrykn says to DIGIman1():the French will love to do that after all they been thru
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():yeah, the french are hot-heads...they will think its a sport....
larrykn says to DIGIman1():plus Baghdad is about to execute 40 of them , like they don't deserve it :D
DIGIman1 says to larrykn():yes! more anti-terrorist policy....gotta love that kind of resolve! now thats being serious....
larrykn says to DIGIman1():funny how a new cabnet gets things done :)
DIGIman1 says to larrykn()::) nice to see all this progress for sure...
larrykn says to DIGIman1():Thi send a team to transport to complete the final stages of opening the Nasiriyah airport             
July 31, 2016   DHI Council Chief Hamid Naim cohorts, the arrival of a team from the Ministry of transportation and Iraqi Airways, to complete the final stages of opening a civil airport in Nasiriyah.
Al-Ghozi said in a statement that "after the visit of the Minister of transport agency to Imam Ali base [p] and complete all procedures for the opening of the airport on Saturday arrived in Nasiriyah team of Ministry and Iraqi Airways to the airport to finalize the opening of the airport.
And, that "he's staying in the Imam Ali base group [p], pending the completion of procedures for completing the passenger terminal and service delivery, and the road to the airport, in coordination with the administration of the base and air defense."
Gazan, stressed that "the next few months will see the opening of the airport after the efforts made by the Ministry of transport and local government legislative and executive branches and civil defense team and Qar and Environment Directorate service departments in the province."
DHI Chairman pointed to, "Transport Ministry appropriated sums to create parlors and leave, as she addressed the Ministry of the Interior and the ports and passports to complete the training of personnel at the airport.
DIGIman1 says():theres 2 airports opening up, correct?
DIGIman1 says():one is a military base i believe
larrykn says to DIGIman1():well they have 5 new bases opening up but not sure how many are air bases
larrykn says to DIGIman1():that is in Kurdisan
larrykn says to DIGIman1():in Iraq I know of one airport now so they are building a new one too
DIGIman1 says():gotta love the ones that already existed.....
DIGIman1 says():you would think....
larrykn says to DIGIman1():I keep thinking about that port of Faw, to bring in more revenue then the oil revenue is just awsome
DIGIman1 says():yes.....thats going to be one very busy place...and its only the start...its going to grow...
larrykn says to DIGIman1():this e-card thing they were talking about yesterday is very interesting too, can't wait to see what that will do
DIGIman1 says():seen lots about that lately...the timing of it all is just fun to watch (NOW GET IT DONE!!! LOL)
larrykn says to DIGIman1():I agree nice to see it happening but show me the beef :D
DIGIman1 says():yeah!........governments!......ppppffftttt!!!! :D
Baxter says():WHAT happened to: Federal Court Laws... Banking Reform Laws... Investment Laws.. plus everything else that must be done before any currency reform is going to take place... ever since early April when Maliki challenged the Parliament meetings.. Nothing has been done as far as we know... and tomorrow is August 1st..
Mudder says to Baxter():Good Morning to you too Baxter.... Glad to see you are your chipper self today!!!! LOL
Baxter says():Yep... well... its the truth....
Baxter says():I guess its because.. today.. I started my 550th Dinar week.... :)
DIGIman1 says to Baxter():congratulations....
Baxter says():Yeh... WHOOPIE
Mudder says to Baxter():Well it would appear you bought at 4000 to 1.... Cash in!!!!! You've won and
Mudder says to Baxter():Just kidding with
Baxter says():Yes.. I did....... and a lot at about 3200 to 1....
Baxter says():bought most of mine from 5th third bank..... Imagine that....
ol lar says to Baxter():Arent you the one who sold his hotrod and bought Dinar?
Baxter says():Yep... I sold my Prized GTO at Barret Jackson about 8 years ago
ol lar says to Baxter():Gotta tell ya that was very insightful and bold,also smart as h*ll,IMO
ol lar says to Baxter():soon you'll be able to buy Barret Jackson
Baxter says():Yeh... I bought it new Loaded for less than 3800.... sold it for 66,000... and put most of it in dinar...
ol lar says to Baxter():nice move
Baxter says():today..its worth 125,000... and he still has it
ol lar says to Baxter():soon it'll be chicken feed
Baxter says():Black 69 Judge... Ram Air 4... Loaded with every possible option... has 11,000 miles on it.. still does
ol lar says to Baxter():tip money,lol
Baxter says():I have a super nice 67 Chevelle SS396 Convertible... 375 HP too... Im gonna keep this one.... 28,000 real miles..
larrykn says():Basra is conducting a lottery applicants to work in the oil companies and choose 86 of them
Sunday, July 31, 2016-4:26 pm  The local Government of Basra about lots of appointments today for applicants for jobs in the oil companies working in the fields.
The central operating Office official said at the Town Hall Nihad in SMC llmrbed that a company contracting with the shell oil company, Perkins and working on crazy two weeks ago requested a number of alwazaev and lots and selecting applicants on the central operating Office Online to bring to the company according to the differentiation of the places most affected by oil field and genomic extractions.
He added that applicants who are married and have children given priority in recruitment, as well as some special cases.
He said the number of grades attained 86 and that applicants for these jobs exceeded 8000 stating that after choosing names will be sent to the company, which will continue with the admitted applicants contacted to complete the procedures for their appointment.
larrykn says():OPEC outweighed rising oil production to its highest level in recent history.
31/07/2016-11:54   A survey showed that production by the Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) is likely to score the highest in recent history in which time pumping it Iraq crude while Nigeria more successful in export additional quantities of crude despite attacks by militants on oil installations.
The survey found that "Saudi Arabia OPEC member production kept near a record high with its coverage of higher seasonal demand while focusing on maintaining market share rather than reduce production to support prices."
OPEC production rose to 33.41 million barrels in July compared to 33.31 million barrels in June, according to the survey reading was based on the shipping data and information from sources in the public sector.
Increased OPEC production caused further downward pressure on crude prices. Oil fell from the highest level in 2016 who approached from 53 dollars a barrel in July to $ 42 a barrel Friday under the pressure of concerns about weakening demand.
OPEC production may rise more if talks reopen oil installations after Libyan production remained at very low levels compared to what it was before the war.
Carsten Fritsche said komirts analyst Bank "that could lead to pump more oil into the market soon abundance already supply of raw" Although previous hopes to
larrykn says():resume production.
OPEC production has jumped because of the return of former member Indonesia in 2015 and accession Gabon also this month, as the production of other members in July totaled 32.46 million barrels, the highest ever in a Reuters survey that began in 1997.
And also supplies soared since OPEC abandoned in 2014 on the historic role of reducing production to support prices where pump top producers such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran more raw.
The largest increase came in July from Iraq 90 thousand barrels were exporting larger amounts of crude from North and South of the country despite a leak in one of the pipelines has led to disruption of some exports.
larrykn says():Sulaymaniyah: Baghdad will send 30 million litres of white oil
2016/07/31 10:38   Baghdad/24/Babel.  The Governor's Press Office said Sulaymaniyah Hohner Tawfiq, Sunday, that the Federal Government would send to keep about 30 million litres of oil.
The Bureau said in a press release received/Babylon 24/copy that Baghdad will send about 30 million litres of kerosene to Sulaymaniyah during this week. "
"The visiting Governor of Sulaymaniyah to Baghdad and met with a number of officials, including oil Minister, resulted in the approval of Prime Minister Haider Abadi send white oil to Sulaymaniyah as a first meal.
He noted that "a white oil citizens processing will begin immediately, with distribution in mountainous areas first and then the district centers and respects of Sulaymaniyah.
Sulaymaniyah Governor ASO Feridun, had visited the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on 19 June last, where he met a number of government officials including the Ministers of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, finance and trade in the Federal Government with a view to obtaining financial receivables.
watson1 says():ok let me get this right cbi gave a date 2017 correct for the cards to be loaded so that mean they have to have value on the dinar ? so this happening no later then 2017 correct ?;
watson1 says():so we can be here until 2017 which is fine we now have date

david334 says():Gullen is being interviewed bu CNN. Totally credible . Erdogen masterminded the whole coup to tale control and rule as a dictator. His denials are common sense. Directing a coup via the internet is absurd.
david334 says():He says it appeared like a hollywood stage
david334 says():Erdogen owns all media outlets
david334 says():US offered to meet with Erdogen to get his story and proff but he declined.
david334 says():All this makes Iraq evem more pivitol because Turkey is on his way out of Nato
david334 says to watson1():2017 would be a disaster because rich people by and lsrge are not in this
david334 says to watson1):Is that BGG's offical view sometime in 2017? I hope not, makes no sense and will cause a wave of despair
larrykn says():no one has the date this will happen, we just have to wait an see what they will do
larrykn says():I've learned a long time ago don't put a date , this is Iraq
BUCK says to larrykn ():you are right, and the article only says 2017, not when in 2o17 lol...
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