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Friday, July 29, 2016

Dinar Updates Friday AM Chat 7-29-16   Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Friday AM Chat 7-29-16   Part 1 of 2

rcookie says():Abadi: Iraq reached the highest levels of power output and call on those responsible to pay the bills   By Shunem Abdullah Khoshnaw    Abadi, presided over the meeting
Roudao - Erbil    Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Thursday, to stop the conflict between the provinces on electric power and a commitment to quotas and refused to take each province its own decision.
The Abadi said while chairing a meeting of the Supreme Commission for coordination between the provinces and dedicated to the distribution of power between the provinces, "to go to the collection of electricity, which has proved successful in some areas of Baghdad with a constant supply 24 hours and reduced by 20 percent of consumption and this will reduce the family spend on electricity, which his disposal as a result of their participation generators civil. "
 He said al-Abadi said, "Our goal and our planning is for a better deal of electricity to the citizens of processing where there is constant work and planning to lift the bottlenecks networks and continuous maintenance of the power plants in the peak and the creation of oil derivatives, the time has come as a result of these plans, to 14,355 megawatts, the highest level him up Iraq ".
"The state supports the electricity of more than $ 10 billion and this money could be that we spend on the poor so the collection will contribute significantly to reducing the Iraqi family to spend a material and electricity consumed in its involvement generators civil and even the owners of these generators, it will take advantage of them and this experience Paljbaah It during licenses to companies will be circulated to all regions of Iraq to provide electricity continuously and will greatly help poor families that will reduce much of the material spent on electricity compared to what his disposal currently on private generators. "
Among Abadi, that "everyone will have the self-censorship of energy" and called on "everyone to cooperate in this matter, stressing that we are moving the right way in the electricity and summer next issue will see a significant improvement in the case of Sir what we plan to do."
"We said that we will seek Basra province to provide continuous electricity to Thankfully processed currently the best Maicon as having the petro-dollar budget as the oil export most of them and they deserve and work continuously to all the provinces."
And the Iraqi prime minister, said the lack of commitment by some provinces quotas lead to damage to other provinces and the capital Baghdad, the most affected by the lack of commitment by the rest of the provinces, and this is unacceptable, again, "the government's commitment to administrative decentralization and there are projects to desalinate water, sanitation and waste management through investment and are moving in this matter ".
Abadi expressed "surprise at the non-payment of some officials of the electricity bills," calling on all officials, including myself as prime minister to be first movers for the collection of electricity.
clay says to rcookie():(y)
rcookie says():Abadi orders added 15,000 fighters from the people of Mosul popular crowd By Roudao
Roudao - Erbil    Authority announced the popular crowd, said Friday that the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is adding 15,000 fighters from the people of Mosul on the popular crowd.
A spokesman for the Authority, Ahmed al-Asadi said in an interview televised I followed Roudao Media Network, "The commander of the armed forces, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi added 15,000 fighters from the people of Mosul on the popular crowd to participate in the liberation of Mosul."
The Association of the popular crowd confirmed during the past two days the issuance of decisions and orders of bureaucracy to organize the work of the popular crowd and the formation of its own brigades, and make it a countervailing force to a combat terrorism.
larrykn says to rcookie():looks like they are ready to get Mosul back :)
rcookie says():ADDED TO 50,000..
rcookie says():Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:35:40 Salem: Abadi and blocs failed to reach a final conclusion on the bench names of ministers
National Alliance MP Hassan Salem said the ongoing consultations between the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and political blocs to reach candidates replacements for the resigned ministers. "
Salem said in a press statement that "consultations between the political blocs with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi continuous selection of cabinet of technocrats, but did not get to far to the desired result."
He noted "the existence of divergent views on the choice of ministers and technocrats, the fact that there are MPs see the importance of ending the quota system, and thus to Aasoton on any candidate belong to any bloc or party."
"The ongoing consultations with the Prime Minister to decide on the issue while providing names of ministers to the House of Representatives . "
larrykn says():you think they are in a hurry lol
larrykn says():seems they are having a big fight over it
rcookie says():  Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:11:21 Joint Operations: the coming days will witness the changing security plans in Baghdad
Said a spokesman for the Joint Special Operations Command Brigadier General Yahya Messenger that the coming days will witness the changing security plans in Baghdad and activate the intelligence effort to prevent the recurrence of violations.
Yahya said that the responsibility for maintaining security in the capital Baghdad , is located in the Primera rests with the Baghdad Operations Command , warning of the consequences of a repeat of similar explosions to blow Karrada in other areas of the capital if the security plans have not changed and interest in the development of intelligence effort that is nutritious and the main engine for each of the security forces. "
Announced the commander of Baghdad operations , Maj . Gen. Jalil Jabbar al - Rubaie, his determination to control the security of the capital , by changing all the previous plans, and adjust the security of the capital.
He said al - Rubaie , "We are working day and night in order to change all the previous plans, and re - consideration and openness to all the joints and try to make Baghdad safe", adding that " the new explosives detection devices will have a role in reducing the terrorist attacks."
He noted that "there is continuity and continuous coordination with the security ministries, and there are plans under way to secure Baghdad belt, we will spare no effort in order to achieve security and safety of the capital."
The commander of the Baghdad Operations Command, Maj . Gen. Jalil Jabbar al - Rubaie said earlier about having to maintain the security of the capital , an ambitious security plans, saying that "after we received the post of commander of Baghdad operations will work with all as we can to make our beloved capital Baghdad SAFE , " adding that "as we have plans ambitious to maintain the security of the capital , more. "
The capital Baghdad witnessed in several recent terrorist bombings, most recently the bombing of Karrada in central Baghdad , which resulted in the death and wounding of hundreds of innocent citizens.
It is said that Maj . Gen. Jalil Jabbar al - Rubaie received, last Thursday, his duties as head of Baghdad, the successor to the team . Gen. Abdul Amir al - Shammari.
rcookie says():Belgium freeze for the first time, the assets of suspects in terrorism cases
PM: 04: 55: 29/07/2016 Khandan   Related topics
Khandan- Belgian government froze on Friday for the first time, the assets of a dozen people suspected of involvement in terrorist acts, including Mohammed Abrenne suspect in the attacks, Brussels and Paris, in a move set a precedent in the Kingdom.
The Justice and Minister of Finance and the Belgian Johan Van Aoverwalt, a royal decree on the fight against terrorism goes back to 2006, it was not completed until this year and includes ten names published on Thursday, the official newspaper of the Belgian "Monitor".
Under the measure is to freeze all assets and economic resources of these individuals are prohibited from lending to them had any money.
Among these Abrenne Mohammed (31 years), or "the owner of the hat," which appeared in the images of surveillance cameras in the minutes leading up to the double attack in Zaventem airport on March 22 (Brussels attacks killed a total of 32 people).
The investigating magistrates in France issued a European arrest warrant against Abrenne currently detained in Belgium on suspicion of logistical role assumed in the November 13 attacks in Paris that left 130.
Aoverwalt said in a statement, "It's good to finally be activated this procedure available since 2006. It is a logical stage and are an essential part of the anti-terrorism campaign."
The minister refused to comment on the identities of people who are covered by the decision.
Full name on the list two members of the family Bazaroj which cited the investigation as "providing asylum Jihad", was charged with one policeman on suspicion he helped Salah Abdel-Salam during his flight from authorities.
The newspaper "De Taad" Flemish-speaking that this information revealed that among other names Suspected gone to fight in Syria.
The list prepared on the basis of threat assessment analysis body after consultation with the judicial authorities.
According to the decree mentioned that people "suspected of having committed or attempted to commit terrorist offenses, facilitating and participating in them." 
rcookie says(): HOME
header Baghdad enters Guinness Book numbers of victims of the numbers since the invasion of Iraq
header The martyrdom and wounding 12 people , the explosion of two bombs in a logical towns and Abu Ghraib
header Grand: relief organizations are working with the Department of Immigration Relief and shelter the displaced people of Nineveh
header Massive demonstrations in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad toward the heavily fortified Green Zone
header Bloc citizens: most of the political blocs expressed a desire to form a cross-components of all the cluster
header Sacco calls on authorities to raise the legitimacy of the contaminated thought and terrorist acts
header Parliament will vote Saturday on five draft laws , notably the Baath ban
header Member of the parliamentary legal announce blocs agree to the re - trial of the accused in accordance with the confidential informant
header Red Cross warns of the possibility of a million people displaced from Mosul in the coming weeks and months header Appeals to provide logistical supplies to restore Mosul and work on opening outlets safe for civilians
Parliament will vote Saturday on five draft laws , notably the Baath ban
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