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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes from 7-25-16  Part 1


Aggiedad77:  Hello Family, here are the notes from last night's CC with them.....go back over them....for they provide many answers to often asked questions that maybe you won't have to burden Frank with during the day.....enjoy    Aloha    Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Monday Night 07-25-2016

Frank26:  Let’s get started, each week we do a little review, kind of….sort of and here is what I want to tell you…..first of all…..the 2 by 2 by 2 I thought I had explained it last Monday in detail, but apparently there are like two of you among the thousands of you that listen to us that are still confused….and if there are two of you telling me that, then in my opinion there are many more that are confused who are not saying anything to me.
So let me just tell I am interested….for example….PR….you are a member of our forum and you just made a post asking….what is going to happen on this 2 by 2 by 2…..well we explained it last Monday… what I’m going to do tonight is explain or go over our notes with you that will also in turn explain 2 by 2 by 2.
Now let’s define it a little bit better….it represents weeks….a total of six weeks….so the last two weeks of this month….that was the first two….and then the other 2 by 2 represents the month of August….I’m sorry if your hopes were up that it was going to happen in July or June…..I’m going to be honest with you… that we are where we are now…..of course I was expecting it to….right along with you…..our studies indicated they were being brought into the international theater… the IMF, the US, and many other three and two letter agencies…..guess what….they are there.
Now we still need proof I suppose that is in written form that says they are international…..but I am not blind and I am not naïve and I am studious, so my opinion expresses they are international….and if you wish to share in that opinion that is up to you….if you don’t want to….again no problem….but I want to be on an even par with you so that you understand what this 2 by 2 by 2 means.
As much as you and I were excited about them entering the international world…..hey they should raise the value now right…..yeah…and I still agree with that 100%.....but when you make a decision to go from A to B…..please be fair and realize it takes time to go from A to B once you make that decision.
Let’s say you wanted to go and get something out of the refrigerator while  you were watching television….can you move your nose like Samantha, you know Bewitched, and have it pop into your hands….of course not….well can you do like Spiderman and just push that button right here at the bottom of the palm of your hand and snap open the fridge door and snap grab that can of pop and snap bring it right to you….of course not….it would be nice wouldn’t it….you aren’t even like Flash Gordon like the blink of an eye you are back with that can of soda you were thirsty for…….in the real world when a decision is made… action must occur….in fact Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to those….especially the first three.
Well I believe deep in my heart that Iraq has been brought to the steps that lead them not only into the international world….but leads them into the reason to raise the value of their currency…..this conference call tonight is going to explore that further.
Last Monday we explored the 2 by 2 by 2 and gave you 33 of 60 reasons that we have as a study guide as to why they have not raised the value….it satisfied 99% of you….but there is still that 1% of you that say fine but why haven’t they raised the value….seriously….we just told you why….but that was not enough… let’s continue to try and understand and analyze it a little further….the 2 by 2 by 2.
When you make a decision….that is mental….in order to implement the decision….that is physical….and I think that the physical activities that we are seeing right now are exactly what we want to see Family…..there are no woes….there are no troubles….there are no miseries…..I don’t even want to say delays.
I told you last Monday that the IMF, US, and Iraq are going about their reforms…..and they know what they are doing….it’s a progression…and if you don’t understand the progression….that is not their fault….and when you bought your dinars it did not come with a receipt……Dear Customer, when the value of the dinar goes up that you have purchased from us we will notify you with fireworks and pomp and circumstances and an email….no that too is fictitious….nobody is going to tell you anything.
So I like the fact that we are seeing the things that nobody wants to tell us about….especially over there in Iraq or with the IMF.
Of the 33 things we gave you last Monday….was not one of them that Abadi was told by the IMF and the US, you got to get some Ex-Lax in your government and the CBI….yeah…that was one of them…..and we also said…..look they have made a lot of changes in their government haven’t they…..Abadi has a list of technocrats that he wants to bring in doesn’t he….the CBI has changed a lot of the ministers that were in there didn’t they….and then all of a sudden what happened last week….hear ye….hear ye….what…..what….we are looking for Abadi….I’m right here….what do you need….

Abadi guess what….what…..ahhh seven of your ministers resigned and they hightailed it out of here…..they actually tried to get out the back door but the citizens were out there waiting for them….you know those million day marching events….really….yeah….but they didn’t get out of there quick enough….but I would like for you to know they haven’t hesitated now that the marchers were put away…..they handed in their resignations to you sir and they hightailed it out of Dodge very quickly….in fact the Interior Minister was one of them….and Abadi says to them….well I’m expecting many more….really… many….I don’t know….couple of dozen….really….yeah because I have a lot of technocrats that I want to put in….and these guys are pretty smart…..they are not smart-alecks.
You see Abadi says….our country has been raped….and when someone is raped it is because it is against their will….and it hurts…and it leaves scars…and it leaves anger….and it leaves a bitter taste in our mouth…and we want revenge… if you don’t mind Abadi…..when those ministers finally resign…..can we have them….and oh boy…..oh Abadi….they ran….and there will be many more….and this is huge….because the technocrats who will come in are coming from places that have three initials or two initials….they need all the help they can get…..I would like to put in my cousin…..look no more kissing cousins….enough of that….this is who you are putting in….oh ok….and the beauty of it all is that when junior was grabbed by the ear in December…..we haven’t let go of that ear yet….even if they have been shoved into the international world…..we still got them by the ear…..and we will kick them in the rear if they don’t continue to do what we are telling them to do and they are doing it.
Oil Minister, Transportation Minster, Construction and Housing Minister, Water Resources Minister, Industry Minister, Interior Minister…..I’m sorry those are reform ministers….yeah….so….well no….no…there is no so….Family they were given an ultimatum….get your butts out of here or we are going to put you out there with the citizens….which would you like….neither one….well you don’t have a choice…..they ran….they ran….it is amazing how a huge chunk of ugliness exits stage left Snagglepuss as quickly as possible and they did….with the support of the people….without you knowing about it….this is all IMO….but it’s all great news and that is not in my opinion because we know there is a new cabinet that Abadi has had for a long time… the decision was made to get rid of them….but now physically we need to see these decisions come true.
The mental thought into the physical act is what 2 by 2 by 2 is all about……they ran….so Abadi now has a clean slate of many minister’s seats that he is going to fill in Family….and with all due respect he needs time to do it…’s not like you would say….hey Henry….Joe….Mark…and David jump in there and fill the seats….they have to brought up to par and they are going to do all of these things and they have to write up the documents and they have to pass some laws and then they got them….they got these people…..then maybe in the next Parliament meeting we will see these guys….especially within the 2 by 2 by 2 frame that we study….and by the way it takes us to September 1st…..

September 2nd is huge….is huge….and you know what is going to happen….there is this new banking root system that is being brought into many countries….many banks….hey you want to be a part of this….what is it….it is a trading platform…..we got our own….yeah but this one is going to be connected with all the different countries and is going to be connected with Iraq…..Iraq….really….when….September 2nd…..everybody wants to get into Iraq….every country is pounding on the doors trying to get into Iraq…there is something like eleven countries…..look do you want to get in or not….yeah I want to get in….when is it….September 2nd….where do I sign….on the dotted line…….ok….and Iraq is going to be there right….yeah….everybody is trying to get into Iraq….this is another good way to get into Iraq….and their banking structure….ok I like this very much….where do I sign….on the dotted line.
So we have a bunch of new ministers that will help the reform blossom….they are not going to steal….that would delay the reform…you can actually see the reforms can’t you….and another thing are you noticing trillions…..I’ll give you the example tonight I promise…..they don’t talk in millions….they don’t talk in billions….they are just nothing but trillions.
Alright….indicators….I don’t know….not telling us everything….I guess….will they tell us everything….give me Mosul….are we going to talk about Mosul tonight….you bet.
Abadi’s team is forming…and when it will form….I don’t know….I pray that within the 2 by 2 by 2 that we’ve given you….but he is forming what we need….what the IMF wants….what the UN wants….the international world, the US both want….what you want….and these are good people….he’s replacing the old cabinets with some shiny new cabinets….they are filled with a lot of food for the citizens….they are not empty cabinets…..and they are not sealed coffins either….

Abadi’s giving this country a chance….Abadi’s giving this country a hope….Abadi’s giving this country what they have been wanting….and dying for….for so long….they don’t have to die anymore…..all their poverty….all their problems….was because of corruption….Iraq didn’t know anything else…..but to be corrupt….2,000 years or more….it’s the way they survived…but these technocrats are brilliant…and if you look a who they are that they have told you about so far…..and what about the rest of them they are replacing…..I can’t tell you….but it is no more kissing cousins….these are sharp cookies…..

Family look….IMO….Iraq is ready to lift the value of their currency….but we need to let the paint dry…and the paint by the way is SUPER RED….as RED as can be….but you need to let the paint dry….I really feel they are ready….I mean we can use all kinds of metaphors here….they are tying up loose ends….but you know what…that might be the perfect metaphor because that is what they are doing IMO…..and I know my opinion isn’t worth jack….but Jack Lew is worth something and he did a lot of this painting that is drying right now…..

IMO I am waiting for something… is from an outside source….you could say that September 2nd is an outside source isn’t it….by the way….there is something about seven days later….remember we give no dates at KTFA….we give no rates…September 2nd we’ve already talked about what it is going to be, the international platform that Iraq is being invited into….unbelievable….and many other countries too…’s another way to sneak into Iraq….before they raise the value of their currency without having to commit….alright.
Don’t you love Monday night calls….you learn a lot don’t you….I know I do….I’m just the messenger….but I am waiting for something from the outside…..and seven days later from September 2nd is September 9th….remember when Abadi said that soon there would be a big…big change….a big historical change that would come to their government….remember that….but this is the Middle East for God’s sake….we need to truly see if Iraq will join this new banking platform system….we need to see that….on September 2nd…..

Did you see the Qi cards….did you see all the taxes…..everything we’ve been wanting….no….we need to see this….and in the meantime we are trying to get Mosul….but Frank you said….every Monday you learn something don’t you….we will get to it in a minute…..I’m waiting for an outside source….this is my opinion…and all my FRIENDS we know what we are looking for….you don’t….but I want to see a unity in Iraq….and the fact that the citizens were partially involved in a new cabinet….that is one heck of a unity…..did you hear that….does that make sense to you.
Now I want to tell you another thing….the Federal Court Law is being amended….but it is important to the citizens and to the reforms….and the citizens by the way….and the citizens are coming together under one cause now….their country.
I know some articles are still misleading and you don’t understand them….don’t worry about them….they disappear don’t they….you know when we see something negative or doesn’t make sense….it only hangs around for a day or two and then it’s gone isn’t it…..don’t worry about things that make no sense what so ever.
But the Federal Court Law is being amended…..and the country is grooming itself…..the bones that they themselves fractured among themselves are healing….there is a completion but there is no acceptance yet….which would give them Article 8.
This sectarian BS is slowly changing and this is a huge problem that we hope in the 2 by 2 by 2 we can advance….we know we can’t get rid of all of because it will always be there…..there is just so much going on in the country of Iraq….with the people of Iraq….with the government and banks of Iraq….that a unity….a coming together of all of these is forming IMO… is what I want to say…..they have found a way….IMO…to let the bad guys kill each other….now that is powerful if you really think about that…..the Shiites, the Sunni’s, the Christians….all against one common foe… I know you are saying….against terrorism right…..ok…but did you ever hear the old saying….”it’s us against the world”…..and what does that do….it unifies doesn’t it.
They couldn’t do this before…..Saddam would never allow this….Maliki followed in his footsteps….and to believe Abadi….backed up by the same people…USA….the same that backed up Maliki…and backed up Saddam….we are going to believe it a third time….it is a charm…..ok….well prove it to me…..and Abadi….IMO….has proven it to the citizens….he is not supplying the bullets to kill the citizens…..he is supplying the cities to give life to the reforms for the citizens….the citizens know all of this….the citizens are pleased about this.
Have you seen any bombings lately in Iraq…..actually last week was the 50th cluster bomb that was dropped in Iraq but there haven’t been any more.
Did you see Basra…..what did we tell you….one of the 33 of the 60 that we gave you for the 2 by 2 by 2 definition told you that once again Basra is going to become the Mecca of Iraq…..I told you three weeks ago that Basra would become the next Geneva, Switzerland….when you think of gold who do you think of….yeah….Switzerland….everyone used to hide their gold there…..when you think of gold….the next generation will only think of Basra….we will bow to this area….she will become our prostitute….we will pay her everything and anything….the whole world is converging back to the four rivers Family….how can you not see this….and the chip is ready for your hand…and the US….IMO….will go through a major change in the next one, two, or three years….

There have been hundreds and hundreds of Marshall Laws that have been occurring right before your eyes in the last eight years of the leadership under the Democrats with Obama…..when they change things….you are going to rebel….you are going to be mad… are going to be angry….but they are going to ask you… don’t want to be an American citizen….well yes I do….then shut up….and you will….and you will conform and you will be quiet….but the Lord has brought you to this study and what you will have will more than supplement what will be taken away from you.
The change is coming in every direction around you….you think it is just Iraq…..I’m not giving you any paranoia….I’m not giving you things to fear….I’m giving you things to study….things you should know about Christians… now….there is nothing unknown….it is just in a hiding place….that is all.
Basra will be the place we all bow down to….Basra will become the next Geneva….the next financial center….the next headquarters.
So this place Iraq….is becoming very powerful…..right before our eyes….and those that don’t study it are frustrated….because they are only focusing on one thing….the Iraqi dinar….that is tragic….IMO…they will become lottery winners after the blessing.
When you stop and think about what is happening with the provinces in Iraq….not just Basra….look at all the different provinces….they are governing themselves now….as long as they pay homage to Baghdad and pay their taxes and pay attention to the budget and the Constitution and pay your taxes to Baghdad….you can govern yourself.
A change is coming in Iraq by Abadi….and this is what is causing the unity.
So what is Mosul really all about… is to reward the Kurds….in the next 2 by 2… when are we going to get Mosul…..we will talk about it tonight… is important for you to realize that Mosul has brought unity to the citizens of Iraq….mission accomplished….it was a strange way to do it….but mission accomplished….tactical warfare has to keep up with modern ways of doing things….those leaflets….and they don’t even talk about it….did the trick IMO… fact right after the leaflets Iran ran to London to meet with some very important three initial people to discuss things about their currency and what they are going to do with it.
I told you to pay attention to Boeing didn’t I…..and you brought articles and you saw….holy cow……Iraq is about to make its first payment to Boeing…..that is not happening at 1166….you know that don’t you….but you didn’t know they were ready to make their first payment to them did you.
We study together and we do a good job…..and by the way…..Boeing you have an expiration don’t you…..all of these companies have an expiration….but you fulfilled it didn’t you… the point where Iraq says we are to make our first payment…..Boeing why don’t you just cancel the contract…..they didn’t raise their value… certainly don’t want to lose money do you…..I mean a program rate is a negative factor it does not bring income….you are not that dumb…..but what did you do….instead you make arrangements for their first payment…..good for you Boeing….why didn’t you just cancel the contract…..Boeing would say IMO…..because when you cancel a contract in the Middle East….you lose ground… lose money…..remember we talked about that last week….you do….when you renegotiate….it is never going to be the same….well you said we could have this….well that was in the old contract….the Middle East is very barbaric when it comes to making agreements with others and each other.
So Mosul…..what about it…..I think it was Wednesday of last week when we came in on the forum and I said….”For me only Family”…..and I told the rest of my TEAMS the battle for Mosul was about to begin in a matter of hours……the following day you saw the reports….but Frank I thought we had Mosul….flag in the center…..flag in the middle….flag on the outskirts….flags being dropped  from the top…..

I thought we had Mosul….yeah….but in the 2 by 2 by 2 many things have to be accomplished physically…..WE got this place for them…..THEY must take the credit for themselves…..last week and this week the battle begins officially….and allow me to say they are about 48-50% done with Mosul….but Frank…..I thought we had……shhhh…be silent in order to hear…..hear what….the battles that are occurring in Mosul are for them….and they are over 40% done…..they are just doing the cleaning part….and then they will be victorious and they will claim it….then it will bring more glue…..because the citizens have become glued to Abadi….the citizens have become glued to Dr. Shabibi and the CBI…..the citizens have become glued to the new ministers…..the citizens have been glued not to our GI Joe….but to their own GI Joe….in these final little battles….

Makes you feel good doesn’t it citizens….makes you feel good doesn’t it Sadr….Sistani….the glue is going to look good….everyone is going to look good….no….I don’t think the Democrats are going to look good this time around…..what…..well you see we do this every ten years IMO…..and it is called the Marshall Plan…..we don’t go into jungle warfare’s because we just don’t like those environments….so technology was developed to go into war in desert environments and they really aren’t wars they are battles conflicts….batta-bing….batta-boom….we are in and out and we accomplish what we want….but it is the places where they got oil….you know Middle East….Africa….oil….we want to control it….because everywhere we go to help out and change that currency….we never leave.
 So the last time we did this and we were successful was in Kuwait and Clinton the President was made to look really good….balance the budget….pay off some of our debt….and because we were victorious in Kuwait…woohoo….he added a few volumes to his library didn’t he….but that was like only six months before the end of his term…..I don’t think the Democrats have a squat of a chance for any claim about Iraq.
Hey check it out….I’m President Obama….we now have peace in Iraq….we now have a stable country there…and we are now doing business with their currency with our government here….we claim victory in Iraq and it all went very well…and by the way we have balanced a little bit more of our budget….if you notice I did that just recently….we got more now….but you know something… don’t have time to do that….because going from a mental act to a physical conclusion takes time doesn’t it sir…..and you don’t have the time to do that…..oh yes I do….I am campaigning for Hillary Clinton….I am out there and I’m doing it…the Democratic Party is going to be victorious and she will win and we will proclaim Iraq….not when you put the blame on the Bush’s….no….you should have shut up.

So Mr. President you go right ahead and help Hillary Clinton….she’s got more emails than she knows what to do with….she just got another batch….you think the lady would ever learn….well of course not because it is going to be given to her….do you think that the American citizens care….no….if they did there would be a big action against what she did….and what she did again….citizens of America are too busy trying to survive and make a penny….they get up and do their 9-5, come home eat their TV dinner, kick the dog or cat, kiss the wife good night, and then get ready to do it all over again….they work for the backbone of the United States of America finances…..called income tax…..they don’t care about anything else.
Look I would like for you to take a survey…..walk into a mall with a clipboard and pencil and paper…and ask 100 people….excuse me I would like to get your opinion on what you think about investing in the Iraqi dinar as a foreign currency to supplement your portfolio….the what….the Iraqi dinar….the IQD…..Iraq…bombs…..bad….what about it….the currency have you invested in it…..the currency…no…what are you talking about…and I will bet you that you won’t even get won’t even get might get .5% that would tell you…..oh yeah I know….people don’t care about the politics that are going on with this investment right now Family….Iraq….they are doing an amazing job IMO.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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