Don't WAIT!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Saturday Night 7-30-16


Rocker66:  Hey all, thanks for the support last night with the call. Wanted to report that today has progressed even better than yesterday to enter into finality

Silverfox:  Rocker; question is the USN paper bills or just digital?

Rocker66:  Silver, I am not sure of the form they will undertake when this goes but they are real


Mangelo: I am hoping for tomorrow !!!!......

I don't think the world market can take it much longer...(the bond market & banks) and the fact that Iraq is issuing MC for their Olympic team to use at an international rate!

DPChamp:  Blackeyedpea just announced that he got a text saying they are expecting the 800 #'s shortly….. BEP said that on the prayer call

Fireball92:  Anybody following the Visa card for athletes news?

Robert001:  Yes fireball,, keeping my eye on that. Got to be a telling event’

Mangelo:    today is a good day!! I hope we get the 800# today!!!!

Rocker66:  Mangelo, keep that thought for the rest of the weekend

Mangelo:  I will Rocker66..... with ever thing we hear...the logical thing is that we really have to be so close we could bump

Rocker66:  Mangelo, we may have just bumped into it


Emailed to Recaps:

The Fed Is Preparing For Negative Rates - Here's The Sign Everyone Missed
by Tyler Durden

I think it’s possible that the Fed will push rates below zero when the next recession arrives.
In Congressional testimony last February, a member of Congress asked Janet Yellen if the Fed had legal authority to use negative interest rates. Her answer was this:

In the spirit of prudent planning we always try to look at what options we would have available to us, either if we needed to tighten policy more rapidly than we expect or the opposite. So we would take a look at [negative rates].

The legal issues I'm not prepared to tell you have been thoroughly examined at this point. I am not aware of anything that would prevent [the Fed from taking interest rates into negative territory]. But I am saying we have not fully investigated the legal issues.

So as of then, Yellen had no firm answer either way.


Frank26:  I am asking that you listen very carefully and take notes from the video but I'm about to release \m/   KTFA   Frank

Frank26 Video:
HootOwl:  sounds like to me,,iraq might remove the three zero,s on the second ,give ten days to announce to the world ,,,would put us around the 13th of august for it to be posted on the un operational rate system and be active on the 15th,,,,jmo

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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