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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday AM Chat 7-30-16 

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Dinar Updates Saturday AM Chat 7-30-16  

NWBeauty says():Just an observation from Twitter this morning...
NWBeauty says():I got on the Haider Al Abadi website with Parliament meetings/speeches/etc
NWBeauty says():and it has not been updated since APRIL
NWBeauty says():they've accomplished a WHOLE LOT since then
JETSET says to diagyAAAE():yes, ideed, NWBEAUTY! let's go rv!
NWBeauty says():I was excited to read the site and see them brag about their progress but no such luck ;(
angus says():BGG on the question about what will the dinar come in at and I took from your answer that you thought that it would come in lower that a dollar and work up to it.... if so could they not be bought up so to speak knowing of all the growth that Iraq is having and going to have?
dlove4all says():currency question..... is zim a viable currency bond? first basket?? so much speculation
Toney11 says():Thank you so much You guys are awesome!!!
BGG says to dlove4all():It is not.
Nash says():Zim is good for wallpaper.... That's It
dlove4all says():awesome ty
dlove4all says to BGG():thanks BGG i have some but oh well collector case i guess
dlove4all says to BGG():ok then what of Dong and Rupiah? i do have Dinar btw
BGG says to dlove4all():Dong - maybe someday... Rupiah = more Guru hype.
bookumdano says to BGG():Just want to ask another question about what you said about Iraq being courted by the EU. Are you saying you think they might join the EU. And use the Euro?
DIGIman1 says to bookumdano():that was answered in the call
DIGIman1 says to bookumdano():they will use their currency....
Larrykn says to bookumdano():they have said they will be peged to the USD, but I think they will join the Eu
bookumdano says to BGG():You would think they would learn from Engand.
clay says to bookumdano():one would think
larrykn says to bookumdano():I don't know they are a new country with a new govenment , not like great britain, this might be a good thing for them easier to trade
BGG says to bookumdano():I don't know the answer to that - I am merely commenting on the News I see.
bookumdano says to larrykn():Why would they want to be used to prop up Grease, Spain, and the other countrys that cant stand on there own two feet.
bookumdano says to BGG():Thanks just wanted to get a bettler grasp of your thoughts.
BGG says to bookumdano():looks very curious to me - to say the least.
larrykn says to bookumdano():there are only a few countries doing that now,, Germany France, the rest are getting the advantage of that, to start wouldn't Iraq have to have help getting going, I don't know , for now it seems it might help them
larrykn says to bookumdano():but what do I know ({)
bookumdano says to BGG():Like everything else. It  will all come out in the wash eventually.
larrykn says to bookumdano():yep sooner or later we will know how it all works out (y)
bookumdano says to larrykn():The EU is just like any other BiG Idea that man has devised to solve the worlds problems. It creates more problems than it solves. So eventually it fails just like all of Man's Kingdoms have in the past.
larrykn says to bookumdano():I have to be honest once they change the rate I will be keeping an eye on where that goes but I won't be into their business anymore :)
bookumdano says to larrykn():No there will be much better things you can do with your time.
larrykn says():amen
clay says to bookumdano():AMEN
jeffusa says():( NINEVEH – Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) announced on Saturday that ten ISIS members were killed in an airstrike in the center of Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad).
Media official in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Ghyath Surji, through a press statement, informed, “The international coalition aircrafts this afternoon carried out an air strike, which was targeted on a house that was been used as headquarters by the ISIS at al-Hadbaa neighborhood in central Mosul. The airstrike killed 10 ISIS members.”
Surji added, “The house was competely destroyed in the bombing.”
larrykn says():Lie clear .. Saleem al-Jubouri, was taken from the argument of the employees' salaries for the protection of its provisions
30/07/2016 16:55 Policy Number of readings: 414  BAGHDAD / Babylon 24 / .. political source revealed, House Speaker Salim al-enter the same Parliament, in the political and media swirl with the government, on coverage of staff tax Balastqtaa, which is "not"
There is no truth to him, as well as the approval of the parliament itself so, while noting that al-Jubouri, "revolted" the government found the entrance, after a discussion of the deduction amounts of allocations of Representatives and the upper grades.
The source told / Babylon 24 / that "al-Jubouri's remarks and a number of deputies on allegations of tax Balastqtaa staff, exciting surprise."
"The government has confirmed that it has not decided to impose a tax on employees, Prime Minister's Office announced this a few days ago, and it was the presidency of the Council scrutiny that instead of wasting the Council's work is not."
He said the "tax mentioned, even if imposed, it stipulated in the law has prescribed the same Council of Representatives, and was rather presidency review the legislation before authorizing violation or not."
He continued, "Also, the House of Representatives is to impose a tax in the budget of 2016 to all employees, even low-income people without government approval on it."
He said that "what is discussed by the government is to impose a tax on the allocation of Representatives and upper grades, prompting President of the Council of the revolution against it," adding that "not professional by the President of the Council and weaknesses in the management of meetings, probably will increase the pressure for his dismissal."
He pointed out that "the country is facing many challenges which require legislation in order to help him overcome them, rather than getting involved in things false political propaganda intervention more than it contributes to the country and serving the citizen".
The parliament voted in the June 28, 2016 to cancel the private Cabinet decision subjecting the first-class staff and the second of the tax deduction for violating the constitution outright.
As al-Jubouri said the same day, the government has yet believes the authority to mandate that granted her the House of Representatives and the Council canceled later, calling for the preparation of formula clear and specific decision obliges the Cabinet not to encroach upon the constants and laws legislated and respected.
The government has threatened to "accounting" in the case taken any action contrary to the Constitution.
jeffusa says():( MOSUL – Iraqi Media War Cell announced on Thursday about the death of an ISIS military Wali in an air strike in Qayyarah, south of Mosul.
The cell said in a press statement, said, “The international coalition aviation killed ISIS military Wali of Tigris, Abu Shuaib, in an air strike that targeted an ISIS meeting at Qayyarah. A large number of ISIS leaders were also killed in the strike.”
jeffusa says():another ISIS leader finds the virgins.....
clay says to jeffusa():workin.......again 8-)
watson1 says to larrykn():i agree with if or when the rate changes i really not care what they do over there
larrykn says to watson1():I might have overstated that, I believe once they do go international the investment opportunity will be huge , I might want to get into that :)
Jeff19 says():   The central bank sets 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency is expected to rise in oil price
30/07/2016 17:12  Long-Presse / Baghdad  Select the central bank governor on the Keywords, Saturday, 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards, with the exception that it will facilitate dealings between the state institutions, the expectation of rising oil prices.
He said on the Keywords in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The next year, 2017, will see the launch of the electronic currency after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through the mail dinar or electronic tags, which facilitates transactions between state institutions," noting that " the end of this year or next year will work directly in the new Central Bank building. "
Keywords and added, that "the country is facing economic challenges and overcome them dependent on an improvement in oil prices as a financier President of Finance for the budget of the country," stressing that "there are indications demonstrate near the high oil prices in the global markets."
Elane says():   Parliament to raise its next Monday
Saturday July 30, 2016 - 17:36  It raised the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, the parliament session, which was held on Saturday to next Monday, after the vote on banning the Baath Party and entities defunct law.
A source in the Council press statements followed tow, the speaker of parliament lifted seventh regular meeting of the Council of the first legislative term of the third legislative year to Monday.
The source added, that the parliament session that saw today's vote on the ban on Baath Party and entities defunct law, "while pointing to the" occurrence of debates during the hearing on this law.
The House of Representatives held a decade, earlier on Saturday, its seventh regular legislative term being headed by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 215 deputies, with parliamentary source that the meeting will vote on the draft ban on Baath Party Law and the draft anti-terrorism law and the first reading of four bills.;
Elane says():  Thankyou Andrew B. from DU/FB: Gathering signatures legal for the inclusion of the Federal Court and the amnesty agenda of the next parliamentary sessions
Gathering signatures legal for the inclusion of the Federal Court and the amnesty agenda of the next parliamentary sessions
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} A member of the Legal Committee on the mass of the citizen Salim Chawki, Saturday, for the collection of signatures for the inclusion of a legal Federal Court, amnesty and the minutes of the next parliamentary sessions.
He said Shawki told {Euphrates News} Today, "after the parliament was recovered to pick reunited all of us are working on the task and broken and activating the supervisory role at the same time to legislate."
He added that "there are signatures collected by the House of Representatives for a legal Federal Court View, amnesty laws and other important topics on future meetings."
He noted "the existence of desire of the House of Representatives and sincere intentions to enact laws broken even come up with the completion can offer the Iraqi people."
The House of Representatives since the start of the new legislative term a number of important laws which initiated and discussed the National Higher Education Act and the general body was to ensure the rights of the provinces and the law of the sale and rental of state funds and the law of the Supervisory Commission Alqdhaia.anthy p       Fed crt / amnesty
rcookie says():Rafidain Bank: reinstatement of remittances all forms sold

July 30, 2016 1. 0  Our economy/Baghdad   Rafidain Bank decided to reinstate the money orders sold between branches and other banks, said a statement from the Director General called "the mighty endowed Bank decided to reinstate all forms sold transfers between branches and other banks offset by cash deposit or balance Verifier in the account the amount of remittance.
She explained that the instructions and controls the drag is released in the next business day with the commitment of the treasurers of directions and instructions and follow correct work contexts.
She stressed that the decision comes to work to earn money and make more careful to gain customers.
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