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Friday, July 29, 2016

 BGG & Member Chat Room News Time Part 1 of 2

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 BGG & Member Chat Room News Time Part 1 of 2

NEWSTIME WITH BGG Friday, July 29, 2016
BGG says():Ok - any questions before we kick off tonite?? Open things up with a little Q & A to get going??
magnetlady says():You are welcome Mrs. BGG
BGG says():150 people in here - surely someone has a question.
david334 says():Evening how is there any movement on the WTO admission
BGG says to david334):How so??
BGG says to david334():Or are you asking "Is there...  ??
JETSET says():maybe we should do questions after the "tell all" i bet there will be questions after that! (lol)
david334 says():Sorry asking if you guys have heard 
wmawhite says():Yes to David..........the EU stated that they will assist Iraq with the remaining requirements for the WTO.
The requirements for the WTO are non stop.......never ending   finished

david334 says():Okay thanks Mr White
BGG says to wmawhite():Nice!! - I found the timing of Straun Stevenson's blistering review of Maliki (the last few days) kind of interesting with the EU saying they would help Iraq back up...
wmawhite says to BGG():Yes......very interesting
BGG says to wmawhite():This feels a lot like an EU counter punch to the jibberish Maliki had put out via al-Baghdadia News accusing Jubouri of being "in league" with al-Hashemi and ISIS... that whole thing stank like fish.
flint says():People I know are saying there must be 30 trillion dinar and that will affect the RV. What do think of that?
BGG says to flint():I think very little of that - direct sources have relayed such numbers are not accurate - therefore of little consequence.
flint says():ok thanks
BGG says to flint():short story - the CBI knows - and remains unconcerned about that aspect (mostly)...
flint says():thanks BGG
wmawhite says():If you have 5 $1 notes that is $5 USD total and 5 notes.....................but if you have one $5 note....that is $5 but one note.    In is the note count that is important.
BGG says to wmawhite():Thanks!!
scottiegirl says):Is it still possible that Alak may be removed?
BGG says to scottiegirl():Not only possible... likely... look at this...BRB
Iraq: negotiations complete reshuffle kicks off today
david334 says():I pass I am not typing well thx
MrsBGG says to david334():No problemo! you are welcome!
BGG says to scottiegirl():Embarked on Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, first steps toward a cabinet reshuffle again, after it was approved, the first on Tuesday, on the resignation of six ministers from his cabinet , most of them belonging to the National Alliance
The Iraqi sources had confirmed for “new Arab”, the Abadi plans to reshuffle includes a number of ministers in his government and heads of independent institutions, such as the Central Bank and the Council of the Judiciary and the Electoral Commission.
BGG says():Pay attention - who are they talking about??
scottiegirl says():Saw that article alluding to his possible dismissal. Seems Abadi has met some resistance still. STILL.....ugh!
scottiegirl says():But good news!
BGG says():(I left this article on THE BLOG - for today - still pretty important - maybe...)
scottiegirl says():No doubt he will win.  Thank you!
BGG says to scottiegirl():that may be true - but they are nearing the end. RCookie was pointing out eariler that they were very near a conclusion to the negotiations on the cabinet reform... on THE OBSERVER TODAY.
BGG says to scottiegirl():rcookie (Dinar Guru) - Article: “Salem: Abadi and blocs failed to reach a final conclusion on the bench names of ministers“ THERE WERE REPORTS THIS WAS GOING TO BE FINALIZED IN TOMORROWS SESSION...
scottiegirl says():Yes! Thank you so much for clarifying that!
BGG says to scottiegirl():they were reporting it might have been done tomorrow - still might. If this previous article means anything - ALAK is likely in the "mix"...
satrib says():Care to venture a guess as to replacement? 
BGG says to scottiegirl():according to Abadi - he's been eyeing Alak for a while... and - to hear Maliki talk, he acts like he knows it is going to happen and he's "chiming in" to get rid of the crooks in the CBI (which he put there in the first place...)
BGG says to satrib():NOT SHABIBI... 99.5% sure.
satrib says():lol I knew that
BGG says to satrib():three reasons...
wmawhite says():99.9999999999999% sure
scottiegirl says():Thank you again BGG!
BGG says to satrib():1) Maliki isn't in exile...
2) Maliki isn't in jail (yet)...
3) Maliki isn't dead yet...
BGG says to wmawhite():you are a TINY BIT more sure than I am
mainegirl says():yet!
wmawhite says():4) Shabibi is still working out with me in Florida

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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