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Thursday, July 28, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-28-16 Part 1 of 3

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-28-16 Part 1 of 3
Abtan for "direction": the success of the investment conference in Basra, Iraq, will make the first prize
28/07/2016 10:36 | Direction Press / special Transport Minister agency Abdul Hussein Abtan, said his ministry and all its formations, is now working to ensure the success to be held in the province of Basra investment conference.
Abtan said in an interview for "direction", the workshops of the Ministry, will announce investment opportunities in a transparent and clear and loud and planning coordinator.
Abtan He pointed out that the success of this conference will make Iraq ranked first in the carriage of cargo, which will arrive in the country directly from the exporting countries and at competitive prices.
He said Abtan during the workshop for completing the project port of Faw, on Wednesday that "the port of Faw will provide a decent living for the people of Basra, and Basra, the first fruits, the local government and the citizens of Basra them priority in such strategic projects which will be held on the territory of the province, and is supposed to work as hard as can to complete these projects. "
He added that "the opportunities if there will be Basra, capital investment and participation, and were not we proceed to complete the projects and the benefit of the citizens of Basra and run projects in the right way and provide employment opportunities."
He pointed Abtan, that "the local government and the federal government represented by the Ministry of Transport and the Investment Authority is willing to cooperate and the starting and opening investment doors for this gigantic project strategic," calling for "international and local companies and ministries to interact with the project and starting to complete it.";
 [tlm724] that the success of this conference will make Iraq ranked first in the carriage of cargo, which will arrive in the country directly from the exporting countries and at competitive prices. *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] during the workshop for completing the project port of Faw, on Wednesday that "the port of Faw will provide a decent living for the people of Basra, and Basra, the first fruits, the local government and the citizens of Basra them priority in such strategic projects which will be held on the territory of the province, and is supposed to work as hard as can to complete these projects. "
[tlm724] while we are on subject of Basra have a look at this from the COM
Cabinet approves develop the Basra refinery project 07/27/2016 14:38 The Cabinet decided at its meeting last Tuesday to approve the development of the Basra refinery 19-IQ-P. The resolution No. 193 for the year 2016 to add two hydrogenation to develop the Basra refinery out of the project the project (and cracker unit Catalytic FCC project), and authorize Messrs the Ministers of Finance the planning authority to address the Japanese government for a loan for the second installment of the project, taking into the new addition to the project that consideration is to walk so in accordance with the legal procedures necessary.
[tlm724] Basra is hot !!    Cool

Parliamentary Economy: Central loans for young people will contribute to ease unemployment
28/07/2016 11:30 | Direction Press / follow-up   Praised the economic and investment commission in the House of Representatives, Thursday, loans allocated by the central bank to the category of young people, while confirming that it will contribute to reducing the unemployment rate, called to mind the humanitarian graduates with competencies in these loans.
Said committee member Najiba Najib said in a statement that "the allocation of $ 900 million dollars by the Central Bank of Iraq in loans for young graduates is an important step, but the inventory of loans in the industrial and agricultural projects will contribute to deprive graduates students with humanitarian disciplines especially those who does not possess any industrial experience or agricultural ".
She said Najib, said that "the committees entrusted by the central bank to develop a plan for the granting of loans by taking into account the categories of graduates who have a humanitarian mandate through the central opening of these projects can engage them and get a job."
It is said that the past years have seen a large unemployment rate among young people, especially graduates for several reasons, most notably the growing proportion of the population doubled during the past decade, in addition to the continuing decline in oil prices and austerity measures during the past two years.  
 [tlm724] "the allocation of $ 900 million dollars by the Central Bank of Iraq in loans for young graduates is an important step
[tlm724] She said Najib, said that "the committees entrusted by the central bank to develop a plan for the granting of loans by taking into account the categories of graduates who have a humanitarian mandate through the central opening of these projects can engage them and get a job."
[tlm724] these committees are way too slow !!! These people need the money NOW. Show us the money !
Baghdad seeks to maintain the rate of oil exports and is negotiating to develop the southern fields and the establishment of the refinery
Author: AB, HAA Editor: AB 07/28/2016 13:43     Long-Presse / Baghdad   Oil Ministry revealed on Thursday for negotiations conducted by Iraq with oil companies to develop and establish a refinery south of the country fields, while those negotiations designed to keep Iraq's oil production rate of up to 4.8 million barrels per day.
According to the site (Bloomberg) US economic news, the Iraqi Oil Ministry revealed the commissioners with the company (ExxonMobil US), and (Petrojayna) Chinese to develop two oil fields in the south of the country, in an effort to keep the total oil production of the country up to 4.8 million barrels daily average day during the the remaining period of 2016.
The website quoted Undersecretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil Fayyad Grace's comments followed up (range Press), in which he said, "The two companies submitted bids for the development of fields Artawi and rivers Umar oilfields in southern Iraq, which the ministry that hopes their production rate together to 550 thousand barrels per day," noting "the production of the two fields now stands at 70 thousand barrels a day."
He said grace, that "The ministry wishes to embark on work on the project within six months," adding that "the sum of the total production of oil in Iraq currently stands at 4.78 million barrels per day, 4 million of them produced by Iraq fields in the south, while the Kurdistan Regional Government contribute to the production of the remaining , where you inject nearly 700 thousand barrels per day independently of the central government. "
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil, "the Iraqi oil exports from the south stood at 3.19 million barrels per day," likely that "the amount of oil exports to those fields rates to 3.2 million barrels per day by the end of July of this."
He revealed grace, for "separate negotiations conducted with Iraq (Petrojayna) Inc. (Kocaz) Korean, to reach a final agreement to build a refinery of 300 thousand barrels per day and the development of an oil field in southern Iraq."
The Iraqi Oil Ministry announced on July 25, 2016, the export of more than 95 million barrels of oil during the month of June, from Central and South fields, and while confirming the high fiscal revenue in May compared to the previous month.    LINK 
Parliament postpones vote on banning the Baath Party Law next Sabbath
History of edits:: 28.7.2016 13:36         {Baghdad: Euphrates News} postponed the Presidency of the Council of Representatives vote on the draft ban the Baath Party and entities, parties and activities of racist terror suspect law, to next Saturday.
According to a parliamentary source told {Euphrates News} "it was postponing the vote on the bill to the next Saturday, so duties by the different parliamentary blocs around him, and the disruption of quorum meeting." .anthy 1
tlm724     Agenda of the meeting No. (7) Saturday (30) in July 2016
July 30.2016    Fifth: the vote on the draft ban on Baath entities dissolved parties and racist terrorist and Takfiri and activities Party Act. (Committee of reconciliation, accountability and justice, the security and defense committee , legal committee , the Human Rights Commission ). (17 articles).
Twelfth: report and discuss the draft accountability and justice and the prohibition of the Baath Party Act. (Committee of reconciliation, accountability and justice). (22 articles).
Dhi Qar: Efforts to form a committee to manage file and marshes on the government to allocate funds to him
Local   Since 28/07/2016 14:09 pm (Baghdad time)  Special scales News   The local government called in Dhi Qar province, on Thursday, the central government allocated funds to file relics, including the marsh within the budget of 2017 to carry out vital and strategic projects, stressing the lack of signs of a dispute between the neighboring provinces around the marsh area.
The head of the Commission services in the province of Dhi Qar Rahim Khaqani, L / balance News /, that "after the end of voting on the annexation of the marshes and the relics to the World Heritage list, the local government in Dhi Qar are working on the implementation of management action plan has been prepared as a supplement with the file" noting that "the management plan represents the most difficult stage in the file management."
He Khaqani, that "the province is working to hold continuous meetings with the federal government, and today there is a meeting with the President and the Cabinet, to discuss the file", pointing out that "being discussed with the concerned parties to form a special committee to manage the file and the implementation of some of the paragraphs required by UNESCO."
He stressed that "the central government to allocate funds within the budget of 2017 for the implementation of vital programs and strategy, to be marshes file in the best appearance," saying by saying that "the annexation of seven archaeological World Heritage sites is a major achievement." 
He continued, "There are no conflicts, no signs of differences between neighboring provinces over the marshes file, and that each province to learn the proportion allocated to the marshlands area," However, he noted that "the largest percentage fall within the province of Dhi Qar," adding that "there will be joint meetings with the provinces in April and Basra in this regard. "
The voice in the 27 of July 2016 to include seven archaeological sites, including the marsh on the World Heritage List by the 21 countries held a conference in the Turkish capital Oenkerh.anthy
From: Inam Amaury           LINK
Tlm724      that "the province is working to hold continuous meetings with the federal government, and today there is a meeting with the President and the Cabinet, to discuss the file", pointing out that "being discussed with the concerned parties to form a special committee to manage the file and the implementation of some of the paragraphs required by UNESCO."

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