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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday Chat 7-26-16   Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday Chat 7-26-16   Part 2 of 3
geofitness says():Have we seen this already? Baghdad balances News   It announced the Office of the Inspector General in the Ministry of Finance, on Tuesday, signed the consultancy contract for the application of the overall banking system to provide scientific and basic requirements.
The office said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, "it was the consultancy contract for the application of the overall banking system in a bank Rafidain and Rasheed signature."
The statement added that "this comes for the purpose to keep pace with global technological developments in the Iraqi banking business and its contribution to the work to overcome the financial crisis and the development sectors of the country's economic and contribute in the face of financial volatility by participating investment and finance long industrial and agricultural sectors
He pointed out the office, according to the statement, that "the Rafidain and Rasheed contract a consultant with the company (Ernst & Young) for the acquisition of the overall banking system, which will be applied in the two banks, and during the period (125) actual working days to accomplish the date of commencement to work" .anthy 29 / A 43
kalis says():I am new to all this ,but i have been reading all this great news .. I am confuse it really does not say that CBI has to do anything with rate correct ? They do not have to do anything if they choose correct , but it would be in the CBI best interested to change the rate correct ??
larrykn says to kalis():Iraq wants to trade and invest with the world, to do that they sooner of later have to have a reality rate so they can do that, we don't know what that rate will be but they will change it. so yes , they need to change the rate and the CBI along with the guidness of the IMF will get that done
larrykn says to kalis():if they tried to keep it at 1188 they would go broke within a month IMO
larrykn says to kalis():the bring out the lower dinar notes is a great indicator that they are about to do something big :)
kalis says():Yes but I was reading Mr Cookie and Mr White said they are trading with the world as stated they would last Dec 2015 ,but still the rate has not change .. that\\
kalis says():That is what is confusing me . ?
kalis says():ok ..
larrykn says to kalis():they are trading oil and getting petro dollars for it then changing that to USD and dinar notes, its not a true trade as I see it but I'm not that good at understanding how they do that
kalis says():thank you for your time
larrykn says to kalis():yw :)
rcookie says():Attorney - Jubouri announce the appointment Zebari questioned about suspicions of corruption
Tuesday July 26, 2016 11:14  Alsumaria News / Baghdad MP for the Reform Front, on Tuesday, to set a date no later questioned Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari for files that relate to suspicions of corruption.
Jubouri said in an interview with Alsumaria's News, "It was determined on 25 August next, the date for the questioning of Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari by me all files to suspicions of corruption," noting that "the motion was submitted on December 15 of last year."
Jubouri said that "After the application be reciprocated and documents on the legal adviser to the Council of Representatives and his opinion Bmtabgueth to the constitution and rules of procedure of the Council decided to determine the day of the interrogation."
The MP Haitham al-Jubouri, vowed in October 21, 2015, Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, accounting in front of the House of Representatives in the event of a decision to apply for the salary scale, confirming the weakness of the role of parliament and the government to issue decisions not of their competence.
rcookie says():26-07-2016 11:21 AM US $ 23 billion Iraq losses after the fall of Mosul in 2014
A senior official in the Ministry of Construction and Housing, municipalities, revealed that Iraq's losses after the events of the fall of the city of Mosul, however Daash terrorist gangs in June 2014 exceeded US $ 23 billion.
The agent said the ministry Aestbrq thorns, according to a ministry statement, the head of the National Commission on Human Settlements in Iraq - Prime participating in the conference which will be held in Surabaya Andenossia for the period July 25 to 27 of the Iraqi delegation, said that 'the word Iraq offered to the suffering of Iraq is currently the situation was the growing preparation of displaced people, which exceeded 3.6 million displaced people scattered in the provinces of Iraq. "
He also 'Iraq's financial losses in excess of 23 billion US dollars for the period that followed the 2014 genocide against the Yazidis with approximately 3,200 woman and a child still Daash being held in addition to the theft and destruction of archaeological sites of the oldest human civilizations, which is one of the world's heritage, with growing slums and gatherings official and that was one of the causes of forced displacement due to the terrorist attacks'.
rcookie says():Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:02:44 Abadi: The hardest part of the battle of Mosul will be after liberation
The prime minister Haider al - Abadi said the battle to liberate Mosul is to liberate and protect citizens in Mosul , noting that the easier it will be for military operations, but it will be harder after the liberation, which requires unity of word and attitude between the components and spectra of the province.
He said that it came during a meeting with the governor of al - Abadi and deputies and members of the Nineveh provincial council.
The statement , "We have achieved important victories in the first and second phases for the Liberation of Mosul and in secret in order to preserve the lives of our fighters , stressing that the Iraqi flag will raise soon, God willing , in Mosul and moving plans liberation."
Among al - Abadi said "political differences that benefited Daash to sow discord", stressing that "unites us and our work will bring us closer co - edit a lot of Mosul."
Ebadi said the international community "promised aid group and we are waiting to be fulfilled those promises, which began during the last few days as a result of a credible big victories achieved by our heroes of the world , there is optimism that Iraq can eliminate the gangs Daash militarily."
" The government 's policy is decentralization , which is moving it and are eager to give powers to the provinces is not irreversible."
He called for "no division of the popular crowd in Mosul , parties and clans because we want to fight in the battle," he said . "Mosul have the privacy of the multiplicity of components , a source of strength for her."
He also renewed his assertion that " the victory at hand and Aldoaash smitten and we will deal with those who have committed crimes in Mosul , according to the law."
He said al - Abadi to "start working to restore stability in Mosul and editing will be easier and less losses if united our word."
He praised " the sacrifices of our heroes in the armed forces in various different forms and who would sacrifice what we were able to edit our territory."
rcookie says):Parliament Speaker: We have not received any request from the Government on cabinet reshuffle
Written by : saad in: July 26, 2016 In: Iraq News No Comments views 47 views print E-mail
Nur News / Baghdad The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, on Tuesday, said the council had not received any request from the prime minister about the reshuffle or any request to accept the new ministers in the government.
Jubouri said in a hearing today, said that "the mechanism used in the acceptance Minister bench is selected by the prime minister exclusively, and the task of chairing the Council displayed the names of candidates for the board to accept or reject."
rcookie says():Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:12:51 Haitham al-Jubouri: Zebari rented homes in amounts of up to 188 million dinars per house
He said the parliamentary finance committee member Haitham al - Jubouri said his committee has more than a dozen corruption files against Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari , a process of questioning in the House of Representatives ..
Jubouri pointed out that the most prominent of those files is to hire a number of houses near the ministry , the headquarters of large amounts of up to one hundred and eighty - eight million Iraqi dinars per house, as well as rehabilitation of Massoud Barzani , the home at $ two hundred million dinars at the expense of the Ministry of Finance.
He accused al - Jubouri, head of the House of Representatives to "delay" questioned Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari and "compliment" the political blocs and the ministers, pointing out that Parliament awaits cabinet reshuffle for the purpose of delay questioning.
In the same context , said a member of the Economic Committee Najiba Najib in a press statement that "al - Jubouri , accused the parliament procrastination on the grill Zebari is a political no more the fact that Parliament did not disrupt unlike any files questioning of political figures, including Zebari."
She said parliament implements procedures routine in those files there is no stalling at the expense of the parliamentary role in favor of the political blocs
flint says():BGG said a link to last night's call will be available sometime tonight
larrykn says to flint():I looked its not up yet
flint says():no but I think he will get it done today
flint says():great call... covered a lot of topics
rcookie says():Iraqi government: al-Sadr represents himself no more
Department:Published on the political scene: Today, 12:38 Number of views: 1651
Follow-up / Sky Press  A spokesman for the Iraqi prime minister, "Saad al-Hadithi," against the background of the launch of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, threats against coalition forces stationed in Iraq, that the latter does not represent only himself.
The statement came newborn during the interview in touch with him and the agency "Almonetr," and I followed, "Sky Press" to indicate the official position of the Iraqi government from these threats, where he stressed that Iraq is linked to the Convention on the strategic framework with the United States, where Iraq see it as an important ally to counter the terrorist organizations that threaten Iraq .
Sabri also also praised the US role has done since 2014, of providing support for Iraq in its war against al Daash.
It should be noted that Almonetr, has pointed to the fact that al-Sadr is a real verbal threats, aiming to embarrass the Iraqi government with its allies for more, especially with the fact that US troops are currently stationed not actually targeted by any party so far.
rcookie says():Parliament speaker calls for parliamentary committees to convene tomorrow to discuss the election of the heads of committees
Tuesday 26-07-2016 | 1:33:02  Twilight News / Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri called on Tuesday for parliamentary committees to convene on Wednesday to discuss the election of the heads of the committees.
The House of Representatives held its regular earlier today under the chairmanship of Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of members of the various parliamentary blocs.
diagyAAAE says():Ages: more than $ 23 billion in losses after the fall of Iraq’s Mosul
26/07/2016 10:40   Ages - more than 23 billion in losses after the fall of Iraqs Mosul
[Oan- Baghdad] ,a seni r official in the Ministry of Construction and Housing, municipalities, revealed that Iraq ‘s losses after the events of the fall of the city of Mosul , however Daash terrorist gangs in June 2014 exceeded US $ 23 billion.
The agent said the ministry Aestbrq thorns , according to a ministry statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, who is president of the National Committee on Human Settlements in Iraq – Prime participating in the conference which will be held in Surabaya Andenossia for the period July 25 to 27 of the Iraqi delegation, said that ” the word Iraq offered what suffered by Iraq is currently the situation was the growing number of displaced people , which exceeded 3.6 million displaced people scattered in the provinces of Iraq. ”
He also” Iraq ‘s financial losses in excess of 23 billion US dollars for the period that followed the 2014 genocide against the Yazidis with approximately 3,200 woman and a child still Daash being held in addition to the theft and destruction of archaeological sites of the oldest human civilizations, which is one of the world ‘s heritage , with the growth of slums and informal gatherings, which was one of the causes of forced displacement due to terrorist operations. ”
and among the thorns , ” he has been presented the measures taken by the Iraqi government as part of a revival of that devastated areas as a result of terrorism and remove distortions Urban through sovereign wealth fund for reconstruction of the affected areas and the allocation of $ 400 million in the first batch, and local development projects, and the settlement and rehabilitation of communities slums and modernization plans, policies and strategies for sustainable development in Iraq in cooperation with the programs of the United Nations development and human settlements. ”
He noted to ” the CBI initiative to allocate $ 5 billion in soft loans for agricultural, industrial and housing sectors to revive local economies and create productive employment and to encourage individuals to spatial stability.”
engaged Iraq in the third preparatory meeting for the United Nations human settlements Programme in the framework of the preparations for the United Nations Housing Conference and development of sustainable urban [Alhbettat third in October 2016 to strengthen international support for Iraq to counter the risks of terrorism , the challenges and address the economic, social, cultural and environmental crises afflicting for organizing Daash terrorist with the difficulties faced by the Iraqi government in financing the reconstruction campaign in the shadow of the financial crisis that Iraq is experiencing a series due to lower oil prices. ”
the preparations are underway at the global level for the purpose of the United Nations Conference for housing and sustainable urban development in Quito / Ecuador for the period next October 17-20 where they will adopt a new urban agenda for the future of urban best for the coming years twenty with the vision of achieving prosperity comprehensive urban and sustainable through equal opportunities for all, social Tazizaltmask and uproot poverty and respect for human rights and provide decent services and shelter with the productive employment of the affected communities to disasters and protect the community of diversity and respect for others and the protection of cultural heritage and participation in urban life without fear of violence and discrimination.   end
diagyAAAE says():Extending the mandate of UNAMI in Iraq for a new year
26/07/2016 8:06  Extending the mandate of UNAMI in Iraq for a new year[Where – Follow – up]
UN Security Council adopted a resolution extending the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq , “UNAMI , ” for a full year ending in July 31, 2017.
The resolution , which the United States drafted its “deep concern at the current security situation in Iraq , the continued presence of terrorist groups and the threat posed by these groups, particularly the organization of Daash and associated armed groups.”
He called on the Council , which holds the No. 2299 resolution , “all political entities in Iraq to intensify efforts to overcome divisions and engage in inclusive political process under way at the right time in order to consolidate Iraqi national unity and strengthen the sovereignty and independence of the country.
He urged the Council decision of the Iraqi government to “continue to strengthen governance and institutional reform in order to raise the standard of living of citizens , including through anti – corruption and promotion of human rights and the rule of law and improve the conditions of women , especially women affected them from organizing Daash. 
the resolution also urged the government also to” accelerate its efforts to support stability and sustainable development in order to create conditions conducive to the return of refugees and displaced persons is voluntary and lasting way safeguard their dignity and the intrusion of their safety. ”
He condemned the Security Council in its resolution , ” the destruction of the cultural heritage of Iraq, especially by al Daash, including the deliberate destruction of places of religious monuments.”
the resolution expressed readiness of the Security Council imposed sanctions on more individuals, groups, undertakings and entities who support Daash.
the United Nations Mission to help Iraq [UNAMI] was established under Security Council resolution 1500 of 14 August 2003 , and was scheduled to expire for another extension of its work before the end of July of this decision to extend for a year.   END

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