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Thursday, July 28, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-28-16 Part 3 of 3

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-28-16 Part 3 of 3
Opening the door for investment for local and foreign companies for the implementation of the port of Faw
7/28/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - morning , announced the Minister of Transport Agency Abdul Hussein Abtan open the door of investment for local and foreign companies in the port of Faw predicted the local administration of the province of Basra , said the project is investigating the case of accomplished finance imports of up to ten times those of other enterprises.
Declare Abtan came during a workshop companies wishing to invest in the port of Faw with the participation of 13 companies and representatives from the interior, defense and oil ministries and the governor of Basra Majed Nasraoui and provincial council chairman morning Albzona and deputy governors.

​ strategic projects , said Abtan during his speech at the workshop: the «Basra , the first fruits, local government and the citizens of Basra them priority in such strategic projects which will be held on the land of the province, and is supposed to work as much as possible to complete this important project ».
 stressed the need to complete the project until Basra and its citizens benefit from the operation of the projects in the right way which leads to job creation for young people».
 Abtan He noted that «of the Ministry of Transport and the Investment Authority is willing to cooperate and start and opened the doors of investment for this project is the giant strategic federal government».
 He said that we are «We expect the companies attending and non - attending local companies and the Iraqi ministries interact with this project and starting to complete it ».
Finance imports doubling his part , said the governor of Basra Majed Nasraoui said the port of Faw will give 10 times as much as give it the rest of the Iraqi ports. he said Nasraoui in his speech Wednesday:
the «Basra is the only water port where the ports and five in the presence of everyone 's going to be the biggest footprint in the port of Faw«, indicating that « the governorate has implementers border crossings are important with neighboring Iran and Kuwait, and we have a project for the opening of the third port with Saudi Arabia ».
 He said» Basra has a large population density, where six consulates do not exist in all provinces except the province of Kurdistan what makes an incubator for investors, as well as the presence of more than 100 thousand foreigners working in the oil sector and ports, a guide to it an attractive environment for investors, knowing that he did not suffer an alien to any security incident, and they have lived together with the people of the province ».
Nasraoui He noted that «Faw port will reach between my way the Gulf states, and is« interesting tool »to accommodate hands optic Iraqi working all, as we will complete through this project , all the infrastructure , a railway to create the port to be reverberate positively on Iraq.» Also he pointed out that «
The aim of this conference is to invest in the province and give a clear message that the ministry and the Investment Authority and the local government stand together and benefit from it that we hear from the companies, as well as there are obstacles when companies need to be heard directly in the presence of those responsible and oversight, to see the problems and constraints and security required companies to visibility ».
 governor of Basra , continued by saying:« we want to get to the mutual benefit between the central and local investor the two governments will hold a second workshop negotiating to reach an integrated ground and for the benefit of all ».
remove red tape either Prime Basra Governorate Council morning Albzona MacKay referred in turn, to that the province will not allow to disrupt the project port of Faw.
among Albzona that « the Council is unaware of the reasons that delayed the project port of Faw so far», adding that « the port was competing port of Khor Abdullah Kuwait, but we have a local as a government , we will not allow anymore to delay the port project
FAO ». He added that« politicians have managed to end their differences , politics and security men also succeeded in freeing land operation, but the men of the economy where their role?
 We have a lot of idle facilities, as well as Basra ports », saying« Today we need to economists, and apply positive steps because there are resources other than oil ». He said« we support and help for all companies involved in the establishment of the port of Faw to maintain, We do not accept that there will be Off companies and will remove all joints of red tape to speed up its creation. »
tlm724    that «of the Ministry of Transport and the Investment Authority is willing to cooperate and start and opened the doors of investment for this project is the giant strategic federal government». He said that we are «We expect the companies attending and non - attending local companies and the Iraqi ministries interact with this project and starting to complete it ». Finance imports doubling his part , said the governor of Basra Majed Nasraoui said the port of Faw will give 10 times as much as give it the rest of the Iraqi ports.
It is intended that Basra would be Economic Capital of Iraq and it certainly appears they are achieving just that  Wink
Here are two artist renderings of the completed project :
Kurdistan borders
Author: Mohamed Abdul - Jabbar carp    28/7/2016 0:00    «Disputed areas» candidate to be one of the hot complex problems in Iraq after the «Daash». But the controversy around it jumped to the surface now.
The phrase "disputed areas" were not traded before the fall of the dictatorial regime of Saddam; we did not use the opposition days , but invented by the State Administration Act , which placed under Bremer. Then the permanent constitution came to dedicate this term.
Administrative Law said in the fifty - third article:
«recognize the Kurdistan Regional Government as the official government of the territory , which was administered by the that government on March 19 , 2003 , located in the provinces of Dohuk, Arbil and Sulaimaniya, Kirkuk, Diyala and Nineveh».
This means the state Department of Law acknowledged the expansion of the borders of the Kurdistan region to the outside , " the three Kurdish provinces , " which was composed of self - rule in the previous regime area.
but the permanent constitution retreat from this detail, saying only in Article 117:
 "this Constitution shall affirm, upon coming into force, the Kurdistan region and powers list, a federal region. "
as if the state administration law had predicted that the difference between the limits of self - region and Kurdistan , which has expanded will raise the problem of the added land , which will be called" disputed territories , "he said in the article eighth session:
« postpone the final settlement of the disputed territories, including Kirkuk, until the completion of the above procedures, and conduct a census fair, transparent , and until the ratification of a permanent constitution. Should this settlement is performed in accordance with the principles of justice, taking into consideration the will of the people of those territories. "
Permanent constitution and returned to this issue in Article 140 , where he said:
« First: The executive authority will take the necessary steps to complete the implementation of the requirements of Article steps (58) of Iraqi state Transitional Administrative Law, with all its clauses.
Second: the responsibility of the executive power in the transitional government, and provided for in Article 58 of the Iraqi state , the Transitional Administrative Law shall extend and continue to the executive authority elected in accordance with this Constitution,
to be completed full (normalization and census and concludes with a referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine the will of the people) in a maximum period of atheist Thirty of the month of December the year two thousand and seven. "
remained the problem revolves around the application of this article and the lag that took place in the application and the end of the period prescribed for it sparking a debate about the survival of the validity of art or is it has become null and void after her.
but the invasion of «Daash» of the conductor and regions of Kirkuk and other then the Peshmerga forces liberated large areas of the occupied territories returned to the forefront once again the debate on these hot spots after becoming subject the authority of the Peshmerga and no longer need the three stages set by the constitutional article above.
a new issue that the Ministry of Albeshmrگh announced imaginable to the issue of the withdrawal of Kurdish forces from the liberated areas. A ministry statement said: "The withdrawal under the memorandum after the liberation of Nineveh will be under a specific plan to be agreed upon between Erbil and Baghdad after stabilization.
This paragraph does not mean in any way a withdrawal from areas liberated during the past two years , but it will be the city of Mosul only. "Newspaper" life " of London quoted Saeed Moszenh spokesman organizations , the Kurdistan Democratic Party, as described by the newspaper as saying:" The Albeshmrگh will not withdraw from the areas liberated because they are part of the territory. "this statement has not considered formally or statistically him but the statement of the Ministry Albeshmrگh with a different affair.
The United States , which is this disagreement, and editing operations, under her eyesight taken Porter attitude aspects and can be described as ambiguous .
A spokesman for the International Alliance of Christopher Garver said: that traded between the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Albeshmrگh data "Iraqi political affair has nothing to do us in." In short, the borders of Kurdistan has become a variable since 1990 , as follows:
1. The borders of the autonomous region.
2. The borders of the Kurdistan region , which expands to the limits on March 19 , 2003.
3 for sale . The borders of the Kurdistan region by adding the liberated areas of authority «Daash» to the extent of this moment.
4 for sale . Areas that will be freed later. .
5. Kirkuk province.
Will require the resolution of this issue difficult negotiations the two parties have two Iraqis can solve the problem on their own are unable through peaceful negotiations as an official party did not intervene and has a respectable word if I want Iraq to avoid another new war after war «Daash.»;
tlm724    postpone the final settlement of the disputed territories, including Kirkuk, until the completion of the above procedures, and conduct a census fair, transparent , and until the ratification of a permanent constitution. Should this settlement is performed in accordance with the principles of justice, taking into consideration the will of the people of those territories. "
tlm724     BondLady has always said 1. The Kurds need Baghdad more than Baghdad needs the Kurds and 2. that the Kurds fudged their population numbers to get more money from the budget and without an accurate census who could dispute what they said ? But the good news is that on Saturday July 30th parliament has the census law on the agenda:
Thirteenth: report and discuss the draft census law. (Committee on Economy and Investment). (23 articles).
tlm724      We don't expect a swift resolution to Article 140 and the disputed areas or the borders, the Constitution has to be amended and they must reach an agreement, a mutual consent among everyone .
There is a reading of the borders law in parliament on the 30th as well :
Second: the vote on the draft of border crossings into law.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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