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Friday, July 29, 2016

BGG & Member Chat Room News Time Part 2 of 2

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Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

BGG & Member Chat Room News Time Part 2 of 2

satrib says():what do yu think about Saleh?
coco1 says():same question about Saleh.
BGG says to coco1():kind of a head scratcher there - he's with the "in crowd" for sure...
he's got direct ties to Shabibi and the IMF
BGG says to coco1():I used to not care much for him - he always seemed to contradict Shabibi - however,
satrib says():he's been awfully vocal
BGG says to coco1():lately - I have to say..  not impossible.
coco1 says():But Maliki jailed Saleh at one time too, right?
BGG says to coco1():BIG TIME.
BGG says to coco1():Seems to have done his overall attitude some good.
bibi says():We heard from the IMF that Iraq was going to enter the world market the first half of 2016. Mr. White and Rcookie have commented that that has indeed happened. Can you give a brief summary of the evidence of that.
wmawhite says():(lol)
bibi says to wmawhite():Maybe I'm misquoting you. Sorry.
bibi says to wmawhite():I've listened to all the call.
puffdragon says():Deposit insurence law printed in gezzett, what possitive should we see from that ?
bibi says to wmawhite():I mean, it's not that "nothing happened".
BGG says to bibi():"Start the process"... and all you have to do is peruse the articles in THE FORUM... regularly... it's all there...
bibi says to wmawhite():ah, okay. "start the process" is clearn.
BGG says to bibi():the velocity at which they are moving is INCREDIBLE. Miss a day - miss alot.
wmawhite says():Evident?????
Would the IMF be evidence enough????
The IMF stated the "now" members of the G7 are able to approach Iraq for the purpose of making financial arrangements.......
bibi says to wmawhite():yep. I agree with that.
wmawhite says():Previously,.......they were not able to do that.
BGG says to bibi():I understand people have lives... but - it's only one of the biggest windfall investments (in history)... there are few that compare.
bibi says to wmawhite():thank you. There's so MUCH news sometimes it's difficult to recall the biggest events
BGG says to bibi():this recent IMF - WB oversight really feels like what kickstarted everything in motion... AND
david334 says to MrsBGG():Are there such a thing as historical bonds
BGG says to bibi():IMHO - since the EU is on board (which will be MAGNIFICENT for them) - they appear to be dealing with some of the "hard rightie Shiities" who continually try starting race divisions...
david334 says():That are somehow connected to the change is value of the dinar?
bibi says to BGG():thank you for that.
BGG says to david334():I am not certain on that subject.
david334 says():Its from the nuts comspiracy group
BGG says():Well there you have it.
david334 says():yep answered my own ?
BGG says to david334():You did... guess what I'm talking about tonite??
david334 says():Iraq
BGG says():OK - GREAT Q & A session gang... really good stuff.
MX says():(y)
clay01 says():(lol)
BGG says():Not where I was planning on going - but WOW - Cool.
BGG says():Be sure to put THE BLOG
david334 says():Thats what happens when yoi call a referendum
We're gonna' take a 10 min break and light the call up on the other side... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
MrsBGG says():Thank you 'all for joining us!! Love & Blessings!
MrsBGG says():Dinar Updates “After Call - LIVE”!!
“Immediately following News Time!!”  

7/29 "Tell all After Call" -  w/BGG 641-715-3640 pin #528733
Nash says():Wow
clay01 says():got it thanks
bibi says():Thank you very much, Mr. BGG and Mrs. BGG!
bibi says():Thank you, Mags!
david334 says():Love the BGG group
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