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Friday, July 29, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-29 -16 Part 2 of 2

​Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-29 -16 Part 2 of 2
Deputy for Law: Most Kurdish parties do not want to secede from the central government
28/07/2016 06:15 | Direction Press / special
Deputy state law today head of the Kurdistan Massoud Barzani's remarks on a referendum on secession from the central government as the mixing of papers and escape from the internal problems faced by the government of Arbil.
Mohammed Chihod In an interview with "direction Press" confirmed that Massoud Barzani loss of legitimacy of the fact that the duration of his presidential term ended and his survival in office is a violation of the Iraqi constitution, as well as the Kurdistan constitution so he may not issue orders or to talk about the separation, indicating that the internal political and economic problems in Arbil many and complex and Barzani is trying to escape from these problems by firing default statements and distracting political parties Eduard self-determination.

He added that most of the Chihod Kurdish parties is in favor of the idea of ​​separation from the Baghdad government, especially the party of the PUK and Change, calling on all parties in Kurdistan to uphold the Constitution and to choose another character to head the government of Arbil.
The head of the Kurdistan outgoing Massoud Barzani sent a letter to all political parties and forces of Kurdish students in which to hold a meeting to take the required steps to unite political position on the issue of the referendum and independence through starting formal and explicit Bembagesat with Baghdad. 

 [tlm724] Barzani's remarks on a referendum on secession from the central government as the mixing of papers and escape from the internal problems faced by the government of Arbil.
[tlm724] see Barzani does everything he can to keep things screwed up
[tlm724] confirmed that Massoud Barzani loss of legitimacy of the fact that the duration of his presidential term ended and his survival in office is a violation of the Iraqi constitution
[tlm724] as well as the Kurdistan constitution so he may not issue orders or to talk about the separation
[tlm724] yeah what he said Suspect   
[tlm724] *dontthink* Barzani
[tlm724] calling on all parties in Kurdistan to uphold the Constitution and to choose another character to head the government of Arbil.
[tlm724] character lmao
[cat] hmmmm
[tlm724] now Barzani is running around town trying to garner support for separation and any other thing that tickles his fancy, what a maroon
The Red Cross plans to increase its budget for Iraq and the likely exodus of a million people during the liberation of Mosul
History of edits:: 29.07.2016 12:48     {Baghdad} Euphrates News International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Friday that up to one million people have been forced to flee their homes in Iraq in the coming weeks and months with the increasing intensity of the fighting to liberate the city of Mosul from Daash gangs.
She said according to a press statement that it "seeks to raise 17.1 million Swiss francs for another program in Iraq, is the third - largest programs in the world to become its budget for this country {Iraq} 137 million Swiss francs."
He {Robert Mardini} , director of the Red Cross operations in the Near East and the Middle East on his return from Iraq "can not predict the situation but we have to prepare for the worst."
was launched on 28 June, a military operation to free hand Qayyarah south of the city of Mosul in preparation for the liberation of the city, security forces and achieved through significant progress edited a number of villages in the process axes .
he was the first Chief of army Staff Lt. Gen. Othman al - Ghanemi, he explained that the southern Mosul , began operations within the grand plan to continue to the end of this year , according to a statement of the Ministry of Aldvaa.anthy  

 [tlm724] that up to one million people have been forced to flee their homes in Iraq in the coming weeks and months with the increasing intensity of the fighting to liberate the city of Mosul from Daash gangs
[tlm724] it "seeks to raise 17.1 million Swiss francs for another program in Iraq, is the third - largest programs in the world to become its budget for this country {Iraq} 137 million Swiss francs."
[tlm724] 137,000,000 Swiss Franc equals 140,953,762.46 US Dollars
[tlm724] I'm sure the people of Iraq thank you Red Cross !!!
Abadi: empowered invoke the protection of the poor by reducing electricity demand wages
Economy   Since 28/07/2016 19:28 pm (Baghdad time)  BAGHDAD - balances News           Ruled Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Thursday, cancel the collection, noting that the cancellation means no electricity, as pointed out that the enablers invoke the protection of the poor to the call for lowering the wages of electricity.
Ebadi said during a televised interview ministerial committee followed the energy / balances News / "The electricity cost financing the Iraqi government more than $ 10 billion a year, pointing to the existence of bottlenecks energy networks in some provinces to cause issues in the distribution mechanism."
He criticized Abadi what he described as "cries the rich who said they consume 80% of the energy and invoking the protection of the poor to the call for lowering electricity wage", ruling that "the Iraqis equipped with electricity for 24 hours without stopping waste and impose a levy on citizens, while pointing to the reserve price a barrel of oil, which sold Iraq during the first half of this year to $ 31. "
Abadi said that "stop the collection means there is no electricity," calling to "put the budgets of electricity in the homes of those responsible for the collection of sound" .anthy 29/33 h    LINK    

 [tlm724] "The electricity cost financing the Iraqi government more than $ 10 billion a year, pointing to the existence of bottlenecks energy networks in some provinces to cause issues in the distribution mechanism."
[tlm724] "cries the rich who said they consume 80% of the energy and invoking the protection of the poor to the call for lowering electricity wage"
[tlm724] so all the fat cats are using most of the power to run their A/C's , fancy appliances etc... while the poor people suffer with little power at all !
[tlm724] ruling that "the Iraqis equipped with electricity for 24 hours without stopping waste and impose a levy on citizens,
[tlm724] Abadi said that "stop the collection means there is no electricity," calling to "put the budgets of electricity in the homes of those responsible for the collection of sound"
[tlm724] Abadi says no more we will restrict their usage and get more money out of them while we're at it !
Central Bank calls for the adoption of his official only to learn about the financial dealings of banned
Author: AB, ASJ Editor: AB 07/28/2016 15:38   Long-Presse / Baghdad
It called on the central bank, on Thursday, to adopt its official website only to identify the names of the people and the various entities of the financial institutions and banking in relation to a suspected financial and commercial Bamaamladtha, while calling for precision and caution and credibility in dealing with this news and statements. 
The central bank said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "the publication of the names of persons and the various entities of the financial and banking institutions, with respect to the existence of suspicions of financial and business Bamaamladtha in light of the coordination with the relevant authorities, internally and externally."
He denied the bank, "All what is published in some media about Rod ban and publish the names of some of the personalities and entities is published by the bank on its official", calling for "the accuracy and caution and credibility in dealing with this news and statements."       LINK

[tlm724] It called on the central bank, on Thursday, to adopt its official website only to identify the names of the people and the various entities of the financial institutions and banking in relation to a suspected financial and commercial Bamaamladtha,
[tlm724] in other words the CBI is the only source for accurate information about the people involved and the financial institutions that are under suspicion or banned from financial activity
tlm724     The central bank is threatening to publish entities and institutions for which there is suspicion of financial dealings names

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