Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

More Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Tuesday Night 7-26-16


Lostnq8:  Bruce Intel (Tidbits from The Big Call)

Per Bruce "Looking forward to the next little while." Have to be careful what we say.

Per Bruce: Early in the am the USN was made live.

Per Bruce: That had to be done before the RV.

Per Bruce: The last hold on the Administrative part was released last night.

Per Bruce: We are in a faster process. We are communicating between banks now (pinging)

Per Bruce: We are in a timeframe when those pings are being answered. Once those pings are fully received there is a procedure that codes will be entered and then 800 numbers will be released.
Per Bruce: We are not quite there there is a little bit more to do. Once there we are golden.

Per Bruce: A little faster than expected.

Per Bruce: We do believe we will be privileged to receive the 800 numbers
Per Bruce: Bruce is very very excited.

Per Bruce: Large pools of funds being sent around the world.

Per Bruce: Banks are further along with the new Delaru machines. ( Don't know the spelling). The information coming will come very quickly. Computers are talking . There is a lot of info coming down the pike. WF is the main player in all of this


Dedar: One thing we can all agree on is that all the intel is pointing to the fact that the RV is very close now.


Dinar Updates:

Q: [Speaking of supply and demand what is happening to the dinar notes once exchanged for $ ?]  

wmawhite  : first...remember, are you planning on exchanging in Iraq?  Of course not...because you will not get the you will exchange outside of Iraq?  Correct? 

So those IQD notes will be outside of Iraq the CBI will not see them...  They become assets of...the US...Canada...UK...France, etc.  Remember... banks... central banks...hold foreign currency reserves...they are assets.



LIA:  AWAKE IN 3D UPDATE ~ JULY 26th, 2016

Awake-in-3D:  All I can say at this moment, at this time, right here and right now is KABOOM! Nuff said!!! 

Waiting to Exhale  would be a VERY appropriate phrase in this shiftable nanosecond gateway. So get your SHIFT together people!!! Somebody pinch me!  :)))

[This is as close to BAD ROBOT hopium as you're ever going to get...]


Amarok: So someone was just asked if they thought the bond market would fail within the next week. Well, they replied if it was going to take that long they wouldn't be watching it hour by hour. hmmm. (Names removed to protect the innocent, and after all, we know all about that anyway!)


JustTom: From what I can tell it is just that


Cleoman:  It so Hot in Texas Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed Ice to keep them from laying Hard boiled eggs

Frank26 Video:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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