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Friday, July 29, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-29 -16 Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-29 -16 Part 1 of 2

Kaabi: the Kurdistan Regional Government to consider only the financial center as a partner
28/07/2016 07:16 |              Direction Press / special
He criticized the deputy of the National Reform bloc today the Kurdistan Regional Government to send a delegation represented in Nouakchott summit despite the participation of Iraq's foreign minister in considering this matter contrary to diplomatic and international norms.
Tawfiq al-Kaabi In an interview with "direction Press" emphasized that the government of Arbil act in isolation from the center and as an independent state dealing with external Almtgierat This is contrary to the Iraqi constitution, because Kurdistan is a dependent territory of Iraq.

He Kaabi Arbil and officials look to the central government only a financial partner and demanding a share of 17% on every occasion as well as the salaries of the Peshmerga who receive their orders from Kurdistan and not from the center, surprising at the same time of escalating statements separatist Kurdistan with the approach of the liberation of Mosul process elements Daash terrorist.
It is said that the Kurdistan outgoing president, Massoud Barzani, has told the media before the endeavor of the Government of Arbil to hold a referendum on secession from the center, while most of the political parties refused to hold this referendum, political, legal and economic reasons.     
 [tlm724] that the Kurdistan outgoing president, Massoud Barzani, has told the media before the endeavor of the Government of Arbil to hold a referendum on secession from the center, while most of the political parties refused to hold this referendum, political, legal and economic reasons.
[tlm724] see thats the thing Barzani isn't supposed to be the president, he has never even showed in the kurd parliament either to make it official , he is holding on to power and some of the kurd blocs are like WTH  
[tlm724] he is using his influence and power and is such a *wah* 
[tlm724] he wants the money from Baghdad but thats it
[cat] uh huh
[tlm724] and if he doesn't get his whey as BL says then he'll take his dolly and go home
[tlm724] and his Peshmerga army will stand back and let everyone else fight for Mosul, they will be the meet and greet party as the people leave Mosul 
[tlm724] his threats are real BUT the real saving grace is the money, he needs it so Baghdad holds most of the cards
[tlm724] we need to see the Kurdish blocs come together and force him to do the right thing and unify ! If that is done then the unification of the rest of the country will follow suit
Khalati: Abadi needs to compromise atmosphere to fill the vacant ministries[/size]
29/07/2016 11:16 |Direction Press / Agencies
MP from the parliamentary Hasan Khalati that the bloc of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi needs to compromise atmosphere to fill the vacant ministries.
Khalati said in a press statement on Friday that "we have seven ministries vacant and has become imperative for the Abadi provide alternative names for these ministries, as he needs to compromise atmosphere to provide these names to the House of Representatives for a vote."
He stressed "the need to speed up the resolution of the ministerial positions to fill the vacancy existing ministries."  
 [tlm724] that "we have seven ministries vacant and has become imperative for the Abadi provide alternative names for these ministries, as he needs to compromise atmosphere to provide these names to the House of Representatives for a vote
[tlm724] that another important thing, filling the empty seats !
[tlm724] they must get rid of the proxy ministers too. That is part of the IMF agreement, remember ?
[tlm724] he must seat qualified people in these positions and do it ASAP, it won't be easy because parliament has to vote them in and all agree but once it is done this should eliminate the quota system and make laws etc easier to pass.
[tlm724] here's a quote from a different article : "Ongoing consultations with the Prime Minister to decide on the issue while providing names of ministers to the House of Representatives."
Deputy: We will not allow to pass privileges in the House bill[
29/07/2016 12:08 | Direction Press / MP stressed citizen Salim Chawki, said the bloc bloc will not let pass the provisions of the privileges of members of Parliament in the paragraphs of the House bill.
He said Shawki, in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it, "we will stand deduced from the privileges which appeared in the Iraqi Council of Representatives Act," adding that "these privileges mentioned by the law are incompatible with what is going through the country's difficult economic situation and not commensurate with reform desired, as it does not represent the aspirations of the rational reference which called for reducing spending. "
"We reject in the mass citizen and will not allow to pass these privileges in a country where abound widows and orphans and the poor, unemployment and most of his men in the fronts and in dire need of support." 
Shawky said that "the head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, criticized in recent speeches strongly this wasteful, and called for the abolition of these privileges."
He stressed, "We are with the law sustains MP legislation and supervision, not privileges unexplained, so reassure our people that we will be secretarial or prefer ourselves to them," pointing out that "the first reading of the law have been but it does not mean that he will pass Bamtyazath."
"The first reading just to see."
 [tlm724] bloc will not let pass the provisions of the privileges of members of Parliament in the paragraphs of the House bill.
[tlm724] "these privileges mentioned by the law are incompatible with what is going through the country's difficult economic situation and not commensurate with reform desired
[tlm724] "We reject in the mass citizen and will not allow to pass these privileges in a country where abound widows and orphans and the poor, unemployment and most of his men in the fronts and in dire need of support.
[tlm724] you tell em ! Way too many of your citizens are suffering and they want to give themselves more privileges  
[tlm724] "the first reading of the law have been but it does not mean that he will pass Bamtyazath." "The first reading just to see."
[tlm724] this bloc just wanted to see and understand the bill !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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