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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat 7-26-16   

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Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat 7-26-16   
david334 says to Baxter():I read they are going to have counterproof ID cards for the citizens and more check points with fences. Abadi will solve the blowback for the rest of the world.
Baxter says():I hope they get going soon.... Im more than ready
david334 says to Baxter():The terrorist and criminally insane attacks statistics world wide are freightening . Where is silicon valley when you need them
Baxter says():I know...... the Pulse shooting here in Orlando was horriffic... six weeks later.. there are still survivors in the Hospital.
geofitness says():interesting
clay says to Tex():getting harder every month
Tex says to clay():Maybe its about over
clay says to Tex():we can only hope
Tex says to clay():I haven't got to spend much time in here lately,,, but sounds really good
clay says to Tex():it sure does Im waiting for the fall of Mosul
Tex says to clay():Yeah hopeing that will make a differnce
clay says to Tex():I cant think of anything else holding this up
Dr Dave says():Clay with cell phone service restored to Mosul........ISIS is Toast,,,,where could they hide??
wisconsindinar says():Dr Dave ...behind women and children
slh5282 says():one thing i have not been able to get anyone to answer is how can they have joint holdings with Kuwait and their currency not be close to the same exchange rate?
slh5282 says():seeems like that would be hard to settle.
subgirl says to slh5282():I think it will be close to Kuwait's currency as soon as everything is ready for the revalue!
subgirl says to slh5282():and that could be anytime now...
subgirl says to slh5282():We just don't know what it will be coming out as, but we do know they need a change in value!
subgirl says to slh5282():me and that is IMO :)
subgirl says to slh5282():hope that put a smile on your face!!! Come on IRAQ~~~ :)
slh5282 says():IT DOES THANKS
subgirl says to slh5282():I have not read today's news at all but I will after a while!:)
subgirl says to slh5282():can not wait till BGG puts up the call from last night?
subgirl says to slh5282():that was awesome newstime!!!
subgirl says to slh5282():yes they have... and it is very exciting... i know parl has been very very busy!!
subgirl says to slh5282(:we know for fact that they have...
slh5282 says():yes we do
slh5282 says():just hope everyone continues to show up..
subgirl says to slh5282():until all the T's are crossed and I's are dotted then they will revalue... but til then we keep reading the news and pressing onward! :)

slh5282 says():for sure
slh5282 says():bbl
subgirl says to slh5282():I am pretty sure they will... did you see how many peopel Abadi has already let go?
subgirl says to slh5282():ok :) cya
slh5282 says():yes the last count i had was 7
subgirl says to slh5282():Abadi is cleaning house!!!
subgirl says to slh5282():(y)
slh5282 says():he is going to get the technocrats in place
subgirl says to slh5282():you got that right!!! :) WOW!
subgirl says to slh5282():so we all need to be positive and no neg nellies!!!!
slh5282 says():wonder if he will change the head of CBI? or can he do that
subgirl says to slh5282():Oh I bet he can, i think i read where he was going to change some??
magnetlady says():Yes RCookie, do you have information on that?
BGG says to rcookie():Whoa - big news.
rcookie says():THIS WAS FROM THE 21ST.....
rcookie says():Iraq: negotiations complete reshuffle kicks off today
Osman Mukhtar   July 21, 2016   Embarked on Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, first steps toward a cabinet reshuffle again, after it was approved, the first on Tuesday, on the resignation of six ministers from his cabinet , most of them belonging to the National Alliance
The Iraqi sources had confirmed for "new Arab", the Abadi plans to reshuffle includes a number of ministers in his government and heads of independent institutions, such as the Central Bank and the Council of the Judiciary and the Electoral Commission.
According to information obtained "new Arab" from high-level sources, it is scheduled to be held Abadi, on Thursday evening, the first direct meeting between him and a number of leaders of political blocs to discuss the new cabinet reshuffle after accepting the resignation of six ministers from the government his booth considered as came upon prior agreement with the bloc to which he belongs resigned ministers.
The statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office, on Tuesday evening, has made it clear that the ministers are all from Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and Transport Minister Bayan, and the Minister of Construction and Housing Tariq Kikhany, Minister of Water Resources Mohsen al-Shammari, and Minister of Industry Mohammed Darraji, as well as Minister Interior Mohammad Al Ghabban.
It is noted that the six ministers are all from the ruling National Alliance blocks of the country, divided between the Supreme Council and the Dawa party and the Fadhila and the Badr and the Sadrists.
rcookie says():Amid fears of a new political crisis plaguing the country, especially that crises are being raised with every call for reform and the elimination of corruption, a student member of the Iraqi parliament from the bloc citizen Habib Terminal, Abadi choosing new ministers without anti or shunned the political spectrum that represents the Iraqi people, and wondered about the compatibility accept the resignation of a number of ministers with the current reality.
For his part, a political science professor at Baghdad University, Hassan Alaidani, believes that the ruling National Alliance is suffering from a real split on the back of accepting the resignation of several ministers.
The Alaidani, in an interview with "new Arab", that the citizen bloc, which had controlled the ministries of oil, transport, and Badr, which was in control of the Interior Ministry, and other blocks, will not accept the decisions of the Abadi accepting the resignation of its ministers easily unless it is to persuade them one way or the other
It warns the government from entering the vacuum cabinet in the event of failure to obtain a parliamentary vote on the new ministers, especially the al-Abadi plans to make a cabinet reshuffle in stages
rcookie says():The Iraqi sources had confirmed for "new Arab", the Abadi plans to reshuffle includes a number of ministers in his government and heads of independent institutions, such as the Central Bank and the Council of the Judiciary and the Electoral Commission.
dale says():Rcookie : Remember that one ....
magnetlady says():WoW
magnetlady says():That seems really big to me.

rcookie says():BUT.......
rcookie says():BRB...
magnetlady says():There's that word again. (smile)
JETSET says to rcookie():question...
JETSET says to rcookie():this is the article you posted on the 21st.... is there an update to it or is this just a reminder of what we are looking for?
jeffusa says():Al-Abbar, in a press statement, said, “The number of ISIS members in Mosul, before releasing Qayyarah base and the surrounding villages, was around 9000 including Arab, foreign and local nationals.”
Al-Abbar added, “After the liberation of Qayyarah, the number of ISIS members have declined as a number of them have either been killed or escaped the city.”
Alabbar said,”Over 1,500 ISIS members comprising of Arab and foreign nationals have fled from Mosul and have headed towards Riqqa.”
jeffusa says():Nineveh – Member of the National Coalition Haneen al-Qadu informed that the United States has allocated over 20 million US dollars for rehabilitating Qayyarah airbase, which will be ready in one month.
Qadu, in a statement said, “US is keen to reconstruct and rehabilitate Qayyarah airbase south of Mosul to serve as the launching airbase of Iraqi aircraft towards Nineveh for fighting ISIS.”
“The United States has allocated over 20 million US dollars to rehabilitate the airbase within one month. This base was chosen due to its strategic location near the operations area in Nineveh,” he added.
Dabmac says():If these Isis members are fleeing Mosul, why isn,t someone shooting them as they leave? 
jeffusa says():Confirmed federal police captain Raed Shakir Jawdat, Tuesday, that the Iraqi forces are determined to go in the coming days to the city of Mosul, to release it from the control of the organization "Daash," adding that these forces "will not be deterred accusations", as called for officers and soldiers to be fully prepared to achieve "victory" in the city.
jeffusa says):COMING DAYS???? nice
jeffusa says():ERBIL – Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed the importance of cooperation with the Kurdistan region and Peshmerga forces in battle to liberation Mosul.
The Prime Minister’s Office, in a statement, said,”Al-Abadi met with the governor and deputy members of the Board of Nineveh province and stressed the importance of cooperation with the Kurdistan Region and Peshmerga forces in the operations for liberating Mosul.”
“We have achieved important victories in the first and second phases of Mosul liberation operations. The Iraqi flag will be raised in Mosul soon,” Abadi added.
“ISIS has been benefited from the political differences to sow discord. Our joint work will bring us much closer,” Abadi concluded.
jeffusa says():they need the Kurds
sheila3 says():guess its time to say goodnight to you all >>>>>>>>
sheila3 says to jeffusa():(y):)
DTE says to sheila3():Good Night:-*
jeffusa says():We have achieved important victories in the first and second phases of Mosul liberation operations. The Iraqi flag will be raised in Mosul soon,” Abadi added.
jeffusa says():I like that soon... lol
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