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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday PM Chat 7-30-16   Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Saturday PM Chat 7-30-16   Part 2 of 2

subgirl says():from maddscout :) The text of the law banning the Baath Party
2016-07-30 22:40:03 | (Voice of Iraq) – Baghdad  Text ban the Baath and entities, parties and activities of racist and terrorist and takfiri, voted by the House of Representatives during its Saturday Party Act.
According to the text of the law:
Based on the provisions of item {first} article {7} and {item} first article {61} and {item} Third article {73} of the Constitution, Law issued the following:
{Number} for the year 2011
Banning the Baath, entities and racist parties and Takfiri and terrorist activities Party Law
Article 1 The provisions of this Act shall apply to {} the dissolved Baath Party and every entity or party, activity or program that adopts racism, terrorism or ethnic cleansing or atonement , or incites or glorifies, promotes him.
Article 2 of this law is aimed at the following:
I. prevent the return of the Baath party under any name to the authority or political life and not allow him to be part of the political and party pluralism in Iraq.
Second entities and ban political parties and organizations that adopt the ideas or attitudes incompatible with democracy and the peaceful transfer of power principles.
III entities and ban political parties and organizations that contradict its goals or activities with the principles of the Constitution.
IV define and regulate the procedures and sanctions to implement the prohibitions referred to in this article and to punish violators of the provisions of the law.
Article 3 I. prevents the Baath party from exercising any political activity or cultural under any name and by any means of communication or media.
Second it prevents the formation of any entity or political party pursues or adopts racism, terrorism or ethnic cleansing or atonement , or at the instigation of or glorifying him or promoted or adopt ideas or approaches are incompatible with democracy and the peaceful transfer of power principles.
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subgirl says():   III prohibits the exercise of any of the activities referred to in item {second} of this article.
Article-4 includes a ban on the Baath Party and its members under this law the following acts:
I. belonging to the Baath Party and under any name whatsoever.
Second force, threat or gain any person to belong to the Baath Party.
III do any political activity or intellectual would encourage or promote or glorification of the thought of the Baath Party or encouragement to belong to him.
IV participation in general elections or local referendums.
V. use the media audio-visual and print to spread the ideas and opinions of the Baath Party.
VI published by the media of all kinds of activities and the thoughts and opinions of the Baath Party.
VII participate in any rallies or demonstrations or sit - ins.
Article-5. The provisions of Article shall apply (4) of this Article to all parties and political entities and organizations that pursue or adopt racism, terrorism or atonement , or ethnic cleansing , or incite or glorify him or adopt the ideas or attitudes incompatible with democracy and the peaceful transfer of power principles.
Article 6. I.-A committee spokesman {Implementation Committee banning the Baath, entities and racist parties and Takfiri and terrorist activities Party Act} as follows:
A Minister of State for the Council president Alnwab-
B Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice , a member
C Undersecretary of the Ministry of Human rights : member
W head of the state - member Shura Council
( C ) two judges of the first category designated by the President of the Judicial Council Top- members.
Second problem Committee shall under item {first} of this article surveillance and follow - up of parties and political entities and organizations and to verify non - exercise of any of the activities prohibited under this law.
III authorizes the Commission the power to call people and make the administrative verification of information obtained or what is being offered by the state agencies in matters related to activities banned under this law.
rcookie says():He noted that the National business Iraqi Council proposed increasing import licenses fees and numbered under barcode types of imported goods and the collection of customs duties and taxes directly and can be done by private sector companies that customs clearance pre - payment.

rcookie says to larrykn():HEY THERE LARY!!!.....
puffdragon says():BGG or Rcookie could you comment on these numbers posted here on DU the other morning please. " todays turnover rose to 12.67 (billion) shares compared to 873.71 (million) shares Yesterday," I believe was monday. "
Also trading rose to 5.54 (billion) dinars compared to 825.96 (million) dinars Tuesday session " Im no economist but those numbers are a staggering increase in a 24 hour period, so if true what significance does it have to what we are all waiting for !
Also was wondering the significance of the port of FAW being open to outside investers, I believe was also reported the same day! Maybe the cause of the jump in the ISX ?
rcookie says():Rafidain Bank: reinstatement of remittances all forms sold
July 30, 2016 1. 0  Our economy/Baghdad  Rafidain Bank decided to reinstate the money orders sold between branches and other banks, said a statement from the Director General called "the mighty endowed Bank decided to reinstate all forms sold transfers between branches and other banks offset by cash deposit or balance Verifier in the account the amount of remittance.
She explained that the instructions and controls the drag is released in the next business day with the commitment of the treasurers of directions and instructions and follow correct work contexts.
She stressed that the decision comes to work to earn money and make more careful to gain customers.
puffdragon says to rcookie():Thanks rcookie for your thoughts ! (
rcookie says():A special body for banks
7/31/2016 0:00 Baghdad morning saw a financial expert , Thamer al - Azzawi , the founding body for banks is necessary to serve the banking sector , both public and private.
He said al - Azzawi in a statement »Sabah» that this kind of practice in all countries of the world bodies, as it will be responsible for national banks to develop, communicate and deal with international banks, as well as their contribution to the resolutions and mechanisms that support the economy.
The expert also pointed out that the developmental processes of public and private banks are a specialty of this type of Aoalheiiat institutions, either formulating monetary policy in the country is located on the responsibility of the central bank.
Among al - Azzawi , that this type of institution has the greatest impact on trade and economic development of the country, through the facilities and bank credits provided to customers, shareholders and investors.
rcookie says to puffdragon():PUFF.....HERE IS A WEEKLY RECAP FOR ISX...

 rcookie says to puffdragon():Last week's sessions in the height of Iraq Stock Exchange index
7/30/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Mostafa Hashemi rose Iraq Stock Exchange index in the last session for the week ending in the twenty - eighth of this month , by 1.50 percent to 568.770 points.
During the session trading of shares 33 companies contribute out of 96 companies listed electronically, shares of 18 companies , including, the decliners were shares of four other companies, while 11 companies maintained the price of its shares.
the total number of shares traded at today 's meeting billion and 89 million and 571 thousand and 32 shares valued at 767 million and 365 thousand and 652 dinars, achieved through the implementation of 416 contract traded.
the banking sector witnessed trading of shares 14 companies, shares of 7 companies, and reduced shares of one company, while preserving six companies on the prices of shares, and the number of shares traded with 994 million and 84 thousand and 27 shares valued at 657 billion and 339 million and 285 thousand dinars have been achieved through the implementation of 249 contract traded .
saw the industrial sector trading of shares of five companies, shares of three companies, while two companies have maintained the price of its shares, and the number of traded shares of industrial companies 68 million and 774 thousand and 632 shares worth 38 billion and 0.108, million and 763 dinars achieved through the implementation of 43 contract trading.
and saw the hotel sector trading of shares of 7 companies, shares of which 5 shares of one company which, while preserving the other on the price of its shares, and the number of shares traded for the hotel sector 2,000,090 thousand and 384 shares shares valued at 21 million and 254 thousand and 844 dinars have been achieved through the implementation of 31 contract traded.
The services sector witnessed trading of shares of 4 companies, shares of three companies and the price of shares of one company, and the number of shares traded for the services sector stocks 21 million and 567 thousand and 216 shares valued at 49 million and 253 thousand and 127 dinars achieved through the implementation 83 contract traded.
and saw the insurance sector trading of shares of one company, kept the price of its shares, and the number of shares traded with 2,000,261 thousand and 773 shares valued at one million and 269 thousand and 93 dinars achieved through the implementation of five contracts traded.
and saw the agriculture sector trading of shares of one company, dropped the prices of shares and the number of shares traded in the agriculture sector shares 17,000 shares valued at 126 million and 140 thousand dinars have been achieved through the implementation of four decades.
were carried out 39 contract for the purchase of non - Iraqi investors in the banking and services sectors, while the implementation of 81 contract of sale in the sectors themselve
rcookie says to puffdragon():

rcookie says to puffdragon():BROKEN DOWN BY SECTOR....
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