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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-26 -16 Part 1 of 3

​Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-26 -16 Part 1 of 3
Abadi: The hardest part of the battle of Mosul will be after liberation

26/07/2016 09:42 |   Direction Press / Baghdad  The prime minister Haider al-Abadi said the battle to liberate Mosul is to liberate and protect citizens in Mosul, noting that the easier it will be for military operations, but it will be harder after the liberation, which requires unity of word and attitude between the components and spectra of the province.
A statement from the prime minister's office got "direction Press", a copy of that came during a meeting with the governor of al-Abadi and deputies and members of the Nineveh provincial council.
The statement, "We have achieved important victories in the first and second phases for the Liberation of Mosul and in secret in order to preserve the lives of our fighters, stressing that the Iraqi flag will raise soon, God willing, in Mosul and moving plans liberation."
Among al-Abadi said "political differences that benefited Daash to sow discord", stressing that "unites us and our work will bring us closer co-edit a lot of Mosul."
Ebadi said the international community "promised aid group and we are waiting to be fulfilled those promises, which began during the last few days as a result of a credible big victories achieved by our heroes of the world, there is optimism that Iraq can eliminate the gangs Daash militarily."

​"The government's policy is decentralization, which is moving it and are eager to give powers to the provinces is not irreversible."
He called for "no division of the popular crowd in Mosul, parties and clans because we want to fight in the battle," he said. "Mosul have the privacy of the multiplicity of components, a source of strength for her."
He also renewed his assertion that "the victory at hand and Aldoaash smitten and we will deal with those who have committed crimes in Mosul, according to the law."
He said al-Abadi to "start working to restore stability in Mosul and editing will be easier and less losses if united our word."
He praised "the sacrifices of our heroes in the armed forces in various different forms and who would sacrifice what we were able to edit our territory."
He stressed the importance of cooperation with "Kurdistan However Peshmerga forces in the liberation ofMosul operations." The sa 
 [tlm724] yeah they got their work cut out for them
[tlm724] The statement, "We have achieved important victories in the first and second phases for the Liberation of Mosul and in secret in order to preserve the lives of our fighters, stressing that the Iraqi flag will raise soon, God willing, in Mosul and moving plans liberation." Among al-Abadi said "political differences that benefited Daash to sow discord", stressing that "unites us and our work will bring us closer co-edit a lot of Mosul."
[tlm724] that the Iraqi flag will raise soon, God willing, in Mosul *hallelujah*
[cat] amen
[tlm724] ." Among al-Abadi said "political differences that benefited Daash to sow discord", stressing that "unites us and our work will bring us closer co-edit a lot of Mosul. *slap*
[tlm724] "The government's policy is decentralization, which is moving it and are eager to give powers to the provinces is not irreversible.
[tlm724] ata boy  Wink  
[tlm724] He said al-Abadi to "start working to restore stability in Mosul and editing will be easier and less losses if united our word."
[tlm724] as we alwasy say the GOI stablity will go a long way in keeping things safer for everyone
A coalition of law: forming a bloc (cross-sectarian) gives a positive result for political action
26/07/2016 01:13 |  Direction Press / special   Confirmed a coalition of state law Mohammed Ugaili today that "the formation of a transient political alliances for sectarian and other Titles, give a positive result of a maturing political process, noting that" the future alliances taking shape and pour into Bodqp national give a positive result to the political work under the political majority frame.
Ugaili In an interview with "direction Press," said the outlook for alliances in the political process, will be divided into three sections, and each section of these sections will contain most of the Iraqi social components for the purpose of building strong alliances to bridge the relationship between the components.
He added that the "heavy legacy of political problems makes it imperative for all political forces, the formation of a transient alliances Titles for each sub-identities, the Iraqi situation that led to the humor and the loss of wealth and the collapse of its economy.
He said that "such a political orientation is supposed to regulate the electoral law gives to this cross-sectarian and ethnic blocs to take the real space in political action, calling on" all politicians to heal the diaspora situation and the advancement of the political reality through solid alliances promote all aspects of the state and Tanthalh from loss.
He Ugaili that "the step taken by Mr. al-Maliki, a bold and significant step and will rise to the level of alliances, adding that" many political forces Stnsr in this coalition, especially that "our Alnibaabh reform bloc, which contain more than one variety and color of Iraqis, will have a big impact in the the formation of this alliance.
It is said that the leader of a coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki has held, Monday 18/07/2016, a visit to the province of Sulaymaniyah for a meeting of the Kurdish leaderships, including the Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Jalal Talabani and Prime mass change Nushirwan Mustafa.
 [tlm724] He Ugaili that "the step taken by Mr. al-Maliki, a bold and significant step and will rise to the level of alliances, adding that" many political forces Stnsr in this coalition, especially that "our Alnibaabh reform bloc, which contain more than one variety and color of Iraqis, will have a big impact in the the formation of this alliance. It is said that the leader of a coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki has held, Monday 18/07/2016, a visit to the province of Sulaymaniyah for a meeting of the Kurdish leaderships, including the Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Jalal Talabani and Prime mass change Nushirwan Mustafa.
[tlm724] I don't care who gets this done, just form whatever you have to and make it work, bring unity and includes the Kurds, P.S. could ya *slap* Barzani for us while your at it      (tongue)
Jubouri stresses the importance of the development of micro-credit program to reduce unemployment
26/07/2016 09:04 | Direction Press / Baghdad  The head of the House of Representatives, Saleem al-Jubouri, the need to support the private industrial sector and the need to develop it to contribute to the advancement of the national economy in the country.
He Jubouri, according to a statement his office received "direction Press" a copy of it, during a meeting on Monday, the president and members of the Iraqi Federation of Industries to "ready the House of Representatives to enact a number of laws needed by the industrial sector to contribute to the implementation of the necessary projects in the country," stressing "the importance of the development of micro-credit program and to suit the establishment of industrial projects to encourage the private sector and reduce the unemployment rate. "
For his part, head of the Iraqi Federation of Industries of the "thanks and appreciation for the care of House Speaker private industrial sector and for the support of the legislative institution to offer this important sector."
 [tlm724] "ready the House of Representatives to enact a number of laws needed by the industrial sector to contribute to the implementation of the necessary projects in the country," stressing "the importance of the development of micro-credit program and to suit the establishment of industrial projects to encourage the private sector and reduce the unemployment rate.
[tlm724] this micro-credit program is important
[tlm724] Microcredit is the extension of very small loans (microloans) to impoverished borrowers who typically lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history.
[tlm724] so everyone can have a chance not just the privileged or the already employed !
Transportation searching tomorrow with 13 global investment project port of Faw
26/07/2016 09:11 | Direction Press / Baghdad  Searching the Ministry of Transport, on Wednesday, with 13 international companies to invest the project to build the port of Faw in Basra province.
A statement by the company public ports of the ministry received "direction Press" a copy of it today that it "will receive tomorrow, Wednesday, 13 international companies in a workshop to discuss the completion of the port of Faw."
The Ministry of Transport announced on the tenth of July of this sending invitations international companies specialized, to come to the conference to be held the end of July of this in Iraq, to ​​announce new investment opportunities for the implementation of the breakwater and quays of the port, "Mukdh he" resorted to offering build the breakwater and piers project, investment due to austerity Almalesh, and the lack of possibilities it has to be implemented, it is expected that the port starts to receive goods within the next two years. "
The government had estimated earlier, the total cost to complete the project port of Faw, to 4.4 billion euros, has begun implementation of the first phase of which included the establishment of the engineering designs for the eastern and western breaker waves, in 2010.    
 [tlm724] that it "will receive tomorrow, Wednesday, 13 international companies in a workshop to discuss the completion of the port of Faw.
[tlm724] *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] it is expected that the port starts to receive goods within the next two years.
[tlm724] now that'll be a quantum leap if I ever saw one

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