Don't WAIT!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

More News, Rumors and Opinions on a Quiet Sunday Afternoon 7-31-16

Mountainman:   Remember, IRAN said they Would have their OIL at Pre-Sanctioned Levels by SEPTEMBER 2016.......This Article is Setting the STAGE for the Positioning of BLACK GOLD as Doc Calls it.......and THE SDR Universal CURRENCY=OIL is Going to SLIP n SLIDE Into It's NEW GLOBAL REALITY......(see article below)

Thus the Reason for (WHY) We are Seeing the RISE in Production......It will Settle GLOBAL COUNTRY to COUNTRY SDR ACCOUNTS=ONLY for A COUNTRY.......CRAZY 8's and AUGUST 2016 Will Be A SLIP n SLIDE INDEED........IMO
Blessings,Mountainman    (8)=New Beginnings.........for MANY MOVES for AUGUST thru SEPTEMBER........JUST IN TIME for OCTOBER,1 2016......fireworks
Don961:  OPEC likely rise in oil production to the highest level in modern history

31/07/2016 - 12:41
A survey published on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries production (OPEC) is likely to record the highest level in modern history at the time, which pumps when Iraq more crude while check Nigeria's success in exporting additional quantities of crude in spite of attacks by gunmen on facilities oil.
It emerged from the survey, "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the User OPEC kept output near record high with its coverage of the seasonal demand higher while the focus on maintaining its market share rather than reduce production to support prices."
OPEC production rose to 33.41 million barrels per day in July, compared with 33.31 million bpd in June to read, according to the survey which was based on shipping data and information from sources in the sector.
And it caused OPEC to increase production in the more downward pressure on crude prices. Oil fell from the highest level in 2016, which approached $ 53 a barrel in June to $ 42 a barrel on Friday under pressure from concerns about weak demand.
OPEC production may rise further if talks on reopening of Libyan oil installations succeeded after the country's production remained at very low levels compared to what it was before the war.
Said Carsten Fritsch, analyst at Commerzbank, "this could lead to pump more oil soon in a market with an oversupply of crude already," despite the fact that previous hopes for the resumption of production has not been realized.
OPEC production has jumped because of the return of a former member of Indonesia in 2015 and the accession of Gabon also this month, and that the production of the rest of the members in July amounted to 32.46 million bpd, the highest ever in the Reuters survey, which began in 1997.
The supplies also increased since the OPEC abandoned in 2014 for its historic role of reducing production to support higher prices, where pumping top producers such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran, the largest amounts of crude.
The largest increase came in July from Iraq by 90 thousand barrels per day as it was the largest export of crude north and south of the country amounts although a leak in a pipeline led to the disruption of some exports.






Tishwash:  are you watching Iran? this is goooooood

Banks Allowed Trade in Open Forex Market (IRAN)
Economy   Business And Markets

The Central Bank of Iran said Thursday commercial banks will soon be allowed to trade in the parallel foreign exchange market, as part of the initiative to scrap the dual exchange rates and move toward a floating currency regime.
CBI governor, Valiollah Seif, who has announced plans to unify exchange rates before the fiscal year ends in March, said banks will be allowed to buy foreign currency from their clients and trade with it at the market rate.

“Moreover, exporters will also be allowed to sell their forex revenues to banks or deposit them in their bank accounts,” he said, the CBI website reported.

Speaking in the holy city of Mashhad in Khorasan Razavi Province, Seif reiterated his pledge that exchange rates would be unified before the year is out in March 2017.

Based on a recent directive from tax authorities, profits made from the difference between transactions at the official forex rate and the market rate for exporters will be exempt from tax.
Iran was forced to revert to the controversial double exchange rate regime after nuclear-related sanctions unleashed turmoil in the forex market in 2011-12 in which the national currency lost almost 70% of its value within days.

Unification of forex rates is considered a crucial requirement for the reintegration of Iran into the global banking system and payment networks. The private sector has also been calling for unification of forex rates mainly to eliminate rent-seeking and corruption.

Fostering Economy

On the oft-mentioned issue of expanding credit to struggling industries, Seif called on provincial officials to do their best in identifying the businesses ion need, so that the banks “limited resources would not be squandered.”

The Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade, and special taskforces in provinces have been tasked by the government to list needy businesses in need of credit from the banking sector, in an attempt to help pull the economy out of the long and painful recession.

“Banks will not ignore their core banking business. Loans will be allocated only to enterprises that are able to repay.” Almost all banks are saddled with billions of dollars in troubled credit while companies are buried under high interest rates and low profitability.
Hasty plans for financing businesses and forcing banks to lend without sufficient collateral during the previous administration resulted in the huge non-performing loans It is said that, NPLs now account for 45% of lenders’ total assets.

Seif also referred to the government’s plan for implementing reforms in the banking sector and overhaul the inefficient and lethargic financial sector.”

“Once [the overhaul plan] is implemented, capital markets will restart financing businesses and banks will no longer shoulder the financing task alone,” he added.

Officials have unveiled plans for the capital market to finance long-term projects and thereby take the pressure off the banking sector–which now finances over 90% of the economy.

The government has long been trying to dispel misconceptions about the banking system, according to Seif, in order to "put the financial and monetary system on the right track.”
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New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply

By Anonymous Patriots

For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please take faith that initial measures have been taken to insure a not-so-hard landing when the Federal Reserve Note will be retired out of circulation, being replaced by notes printed and backed solely by the U.S. Treasury.

If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the time to read this article so that you can replace the old fiat currency of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) with new currency.

We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is unredeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United States, most of which will not be redeemable once the transition is made.
As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that you can take the message and disseminate to your constituency in a manner that will resonate with them. Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of the underground information pyramid for the New Fourth Estate and will need to know background and strategies for going forward.
In this article, you will learn:
    How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);

    How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;

    How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;

    How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as a symbol of the We the People choosing to govern ourselves again and eliminating Globalists from our banking and government systems;

    How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;

    A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a flood-fire-flood on Water Street;

    Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;

    How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;

    How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as We the People wake up and see the writing on the $100 bill.
From Recaps Archives:   New 100 dollar bills …


The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill!

Bix Weir

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

1 comment:

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