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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-27-16 Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-27-16 Part 2 of 2

Specialists: Natural dollar sales decline and will serve the domestic monetary policy
Republic Street in central Baghdad, which up old business district (Shorja) the rest of the areas of the capital Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)
Author: HH, ZJ Editor: BK, HH 26/07/2016 16:55 Long-Presse / Baghdad  He attributed the financial advisor to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Tuesday, lower central bank sales of foreign currency to the decline in demand for consumer goods by about commensurate with the current economic circumstance,
and with several economic experts "useful for monetary policy and in line with oil revenues decline and pressure government spending," confirmed oil Marketing company (SOMO), exporting around two billion and 508 million dollars of crude during the month of June.
He was placed source confirmed on Monday (25 July 2015), the central bank sales of the dollar stood at $ 17 billion, since the beginning of the current 2016 and so far, indicating that it recorded a decrease of three billion dollars over the same duration of 2015 past.
Saleh: low central bank sales caused by a drop in demand for consumer goods
He says the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The decline in central bank sales of foreign currency caused by a decline in aggregate demand for consumer goods, especially durable ones, and thus reduce the import of" denying "the relationship of that decline the actions taken by the central bank recently started" .
He adds the benefit, that "the import of energy today is lower than in the year 2013, and that the central bank sells foreign currency, according to the monetary policy that achieve exchange rate stability," he returned that "the demand for commodities is suffering from a contraction phase in turn led to a decline in demand for foreign currency."
And confirms the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, that "the decline in central bank sales of natural dollar as a result of the economic conditions of the country and has no negative repercussions as sharp as some believe," returned her "natural phenomenon commensurate with the economic situation of the country, especially the stocks of durable goods sufficient Iraq for up to three years. "
Expert: depreciation of the currency auction sales benefit the monetary policy
He says economic expert on behalf of Antoine, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the central bank reserves of foreign currency depends on oil sales, which declined during the past two years," noting that "the central bank has become in recent months, does not meet all the requests that come to him from currency auction, according to the monetary policy, as a result of the continued firming dollar sales claims.

Antoine believes, that "the central bank sales decline of foreign currency affect the imports, and these are interrelated problem," calling to "encourage productivity imports that serve industrial companies and encourage employment and promote national resources, rather than goods and consumer goods."
Attention economist to, that "the depreciation of the currency auction is useful for monetary policy in Iraq sales and not have negative repercussions, as some believe, being kept in dollars for the purposes of development for the development of various labor and industrial and agricultural production and operation of the hands of the working sectors to reduce unemployment."
 The falling dollar sales in line with the decline in oil revenues and government spending
He says economist Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The decline in central bank sales of foreign currency three billion dollars is not large compared to a decrease of the general budget and imports of Iraq's revenues from foreign currency as well as lower government spending."
Rehn adds, that "the decline was consistent with the rest of the economic activity of the country," pointing out that "the recent actions taken by the Central Bank of Iraq, which is unrelated to the amount of what sells it from the dollar."
Explains economist, that "foreign currency can be up to the private sector than ten windows or even twenty and quantity of the same," he said. "When punish banking company or a financial transfer or a bank, depending on the deal with the central bank window for foreign currency, this does not mean reduce foreign currency sales because the same quantity sold to banks or other companies. "
Sumo: exported oil worth 2.5 billion dollars last June
For his part, reveals a source in the National Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), for "the export of Iraq's 95 million and 200 thousand barrels of oil during June 2016 from the southern ports."
According to the source, who asked not to be named, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The cash revenue realized from the sale of oil to last June, amounted to two billion and 508 million dollars," returned as "good if what has been calculated over the year, according to specialists."
The central bank sold dollars to banks at the moment of the amounts transferred to accounts in banks abroad at a price (1190) dinars per dollar, and the cash sales price was 1190 dinars per dollar.    LINK 
[tlm724] Saleh said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The decline in central bank sales of foreign currency caused by a decline in aggregate demand for consumer goods, especially durable ones, and thus reduce the import of" denying "the relationship of that decline the actions taken by the central bank recently started"
[tlm724] that "the import of energy today is lower than in the year 2013, and that the central bank sells foreign currency, according to the monetary policy that achieve exchange rate stability," he returned that "the demand for commodities is suffering from a contraction phase in turn led to a decline in demand for foreign currency."
[tlm724] Antoine believes, that "the central bank sales decline of foreign currency affect the imports, and these are interrelated problem," calling to "encourage productivity imports that serve industrial companies and encourage employment and promote national resources, rather than goods and consumer goods."
Attention economist to, that "the depreciation of the currency auction is useful for monetary policy in Iraq sales and not have negative repercussions, as some believe, being kept in dollars for the purposes of development for the development of various labor and industrial and agricultural production and operation of the hands of the working sectors to reduce unemployment."
In the parliamentary member of the Integrity calls to monitor grants allocated for the displaced Exchange
History of edits:: 27.07.2016 9:43   {Baghdad} Euphrates News called the Integrity Commission, member of the parliamentary Ammar al-Shibli, vice-provinces that have been displaced citizens after the terrorist attacks to the custom to grant relief to the displaced exchange control.
He said al - Shibli told {Euphrates News}, that "any money if it does not subject to the transparency in the distribution will get them , as happened in the beginning of the exodus when I went {money} to commissions and purchases may be fake or luxury or the disposal of the delegations that go to follow up on the issue of displaced people."
He added , "must deputies provinces that have been displaced citizens control the money allocated for the displaced and grants, it is shameful that go into the pockets of the corrupt."
He pointed Shibli to that, " the manipulation of the money will become a little bit, because most MPs provinces where the displaced followers to this matter, as well as the a few allocated a ten money what he needs of displaced persons. "
the Ministry of Displacement and migration announced last Monday, for Iraq on financial assistance amounting to 104 million euros from the European Union for the purpose of relief to the displaced. for
its part the State Department, last Thursday, the 31 donor countries donated to Iraq $ 2.1 billion to house the displaced and support the stability and reconstruction in the areas Mahrrh.anthy 1
 [tlm724] the United Nations has the con of the money for this one  Wink
Deputy for the powers: the parliament will be crucial to confront the pressures and expose corruption
History of edits:: 27.07.2016 13:26     {Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP from the Union of Iraqi forces and Healing Abdel Azim said, that the House will be crucial during the next two years to uncover the files of corruption and face the pressures.
He and Healing in a statement Skhva told {Euphrates News} that "some of the priorities in which it operates the House of Representatives are some important laws recognize and continue to vote on the remainder of the previous meetings ,

​" pointing out that " the President of the Parliament gave the commitment at the beginning of the current legislative term that the next two years would be different, and there will be real and professionally Council role and the face of political pressure and blocs , which are an obstacle to uncover the files of corruption and pursue parliament the right track. "

He added that" previous hurdles behind the expose corruption represented political agreements existing between the blocks on the assessment of Ministers, with a quota system that prevent this. "
he pointed Healing that" the general attitude of the House of Representatives is crossing sectarian and open the files of corruption , "and that there is an insistence by the members of parliament on the interrogation and to hold accountable corrupt."
the Committee on parliamentary integrity, announced on the ninth of July of this, sent more the issue {corruption} to the prime minister 's office to inform them, especially the Ministry of Defence files , according to the Committee 's decision Friday Bahadli. it is
noteworthy that, chairman of the Committee Talal Zobaie revealed earlier, the formation of a tripartite committee composed of { the judiciary and the Office of financial supervision and integrity} to resolve all My files of corruption , including arming, detectors Almtfjrat.anthy 1

[tlm724] the President of the Parliament gave the commitment at the beginning of the current legislative term that the next two years would be different, and there will be real and professionally Council role and the face of political pressure and blocs , which are an obstacle to uncover the files of corruption and pursue parliament the right track
[tlm724] He added that" previous hurdles behind the expose corruption represented political agreements existing between the blocks on the assessment of Ministers, with a quota system that prevent this. "  Suspect

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