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Sunday, July 31, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 Chat 07-31-16   E-Dinar

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-31-16

BLC tlm724 Chat 07/31/2016   E-Dinar

tlm724     The central bank sets 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency is expected to rise in oil prices 
Author: AB, HH Editor: AB, HH 07.30.2016 17:12        Long-Presse / Baghdad
Select the central bank governor on the Keywords, Saturday, 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards, with the exception that it will facilitate dealings between the state institutions, the expectation of rising oil prices.
He said on the Keywords in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The next year, 2017, will see the launch of the electronic currency after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through the mail dinar or electronic tags, which facilitates transactions between state institutions," noting that " the end of this year or next year will work directly in the new Central Bank building. "

Keywords and added, that "the country is facing economic challenges and overcome them dependent on an improvement in oil prices as a financier President of Finance for the budget of the country," stressing that "there are indications demonstrate near the high oil prices in the global markets."    LINK  
[tlm724] the central bank governor on the Keywords, Saturday, 2017 as the date for the launch of the electronic currency through the mail or e-dinar cards
"The next year, 2017, will see the launch of the electronic currency after the termination of the Central Bank of infrastructure structures necessary for the operation of electronic payment through the mail dinar or electronic tags, which facilitates transactions between state institutions," noting that " the end of this year or next year will work directly in the new Central Bank building.
Lets talk about this announcement from the CBI and what it means. The technology age is finally arriving in Iraq. This electronic system is exactly what has been needed for years and we have said that all along.
tlm724   I spoke with BondLady about this article this morning and here are our thoughts.

BondLady   This a well thought out plan and it obviously has the IMF written all over it  Wink 
Remember when they stopped the auctions and what a fiasco it was.  Not a good plan ! It just proved how incompetent they were , thank God for the IMF and the likes of the World Bank etc...
But this is more to our liking, a well thought out plan to move the country forward with each step analysed and implemented at the appropriate time !
We have learned how Iraq has been setting up the smart card and getting the facilities ready in many of the provinces with the goal of having it in ALL of the provinces. This smart card not only covers rations and benefits but salaries are paid on it as well.
That action itself was the beginning of getting the people used to using an electronic system of money. As more people are included in the system the easier it will be for them to transition into the electronic forms of payments and receivables. In turn, this will bring in much of the dinar off the streets which we know is necessary to the currency reform plan.
The only way to get the people to give up the dinar under their mattresses was to get them to use this system, get used to it and protect their money.

The Deposit Insurance Law was published in the Gazette on July 24th, 2016 so that part is done ! The people will have to use the system whether they want to or not, no way around it going forward.
Iraq is now discussing modifying the tax code because it is hurting the people having to pay taxes on their salaries but they cannot go backwards on this.

The people should be able to pay their taxes as the currency reform continues. Oh they won't like to pay it just like we don't but it is part of the free market and how revenue is generated.
Prime Minister Abadi replaced many bank managers and the Speaker of the House Jubouri made a statement yesterday:
"Parliament speaker stresses importance of strengthening the role of the banking sector and make it more flexible and realistic to get out of the economic crisis"
He called on the Speaker of parliament to take all measures that will enhance the role of the sector banking to ensure updates the economic vision of the banking business and make it more flexible and realistic out of the economic crisis with minimal losses and record time.
for their part , the price to attend parliament 's role in supporting the banking sector through the procedures and laws legislated and which contribute to the recovery of the banking and economic movement in the country.
Information Office of the President of the House of Representatives Iraqi 07/30/2016;
tlm724    Love some record time  Wink . We saw Ernst & Young taking control of the state banks and they indicated it will take 125 working days max to do what needs to be done. Which should be somewhere around November for completion. The timing is no coincidence I am sure.
Back in June the Cabinet approved the launch of electronic applications for the 6 trillion dinar stimulus loans, even the Integrity Commission is electronic now.
So the announcement from the CBI is saying they preparing the infrastructure and facilities for E-dinar, getting everything ready for the end of the year or the beginning of 2017. Tis a beautiful thing !
This will open them up internationally,reduce corruption and eliminate red tape. There won't be much need for the currency traders either . Also it will stop much of the currency counterfeiting !
This will reduce and eventually eliminate the need for the dollar as the program gets into full swing.
This opens the door for the deletion of the 3 zero's !! This is everything "currency reform" the epitome of the plan !
The stars are lining up !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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