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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-26 -16 Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-26 -16 Part 2 of 3

Head of UNAMI in Iraq, Jan Kubis
Security Council extends mandate Kubis in Iraq for a year at the request of Baghdad 
Author: AB, HAA, HH Editor: AB, HH 07/26/2016 13:38   Long-Presse / Baghdad  UN Security Council voted on Tuesday to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission UNAMI and the like Jan Kubis in Iraq for a year at the request of the Iraqi government, and called on Baghdad to provide protection and support to employees of the United Nations Mission, while he was concerned about the current security situation in Iraq.
The UN Security Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN mission (UNAMI) in Iraq for another year, until the date of July 31, 2017, with a continued United Nations envoy Jan Kubiš representative of the mission, at the request of the Iraqi government, according to a statement of the Council I followed (range Press).
Council, the Iraqi government and called for "providing the necessary security protection and the provision of cross-market to employees of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, to ​​be able to perform their duties, which are in favor of the Iraqi people," stressing "the importance of stability and security in Iraq for the Iraqi people, the region and the international community."
He expressed the Council, concerned "about the current security situation in Iraq with the continuing presence of the threat of organized Daash terrorist groups," he returned to "the continued presence of Daash on Iraqi land represents a major threat to the future of Iraq."
The Council stressed that "the only way to address and counter the threat of regulation Daash is the uniformity of the Iraqis together to confront and meet the country's needs in the security and political side, too."   LINK
Economic parliamentary: the government and the consumer and the trader responsible for the downturn
History of edits:: 26/07/2016 11:14      {Baghdad: Euphrates News} The Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Harith al-Harthy, the government and the consumer and traders responsible for the downturn and exit of hard currency from the country.
He said Al - Harthy told {Euphrates News} "on the citizen that should encourage national product, and is keen on every cent out out of the country; but the citizen is pleased to reverse this thing import Statistics Goods unnecessary from abroad has encouraged many to defeat the national industry and this revenue dropped and increased inflation. "
He added that" the state wants to encourage the private sector but a lot of government departments are going the path of destroying the economy and lead to its collapse through lack of support for the private sector. "
" The losses are very big seller and the consumer and the state contributing to the waste of public money, "adding that "traders should be converted to the manufacturers and dealers for the advancement of the country because the losses in billions."
It is said that Iraq is going through an economic crisis suffocating as a result of the economy 's dependence on oil , which dropped its prices to a large degree which required finding outlets and other sources reap including imports, including industry, agriculture initiating state status plans and taken a number of resolutions for the advancement of the industrial and agricultural sectors, among others.
the industry had called earlier in all ministries and state institutions and citizens to the acquisition of national products and to support the local industry and dispensing imported foreign to Iraqi industry to recover , in order to thwart all plots targeting the identity and prestige of this country and seek to sabotage the economy ".anthy 1
tlm724     the government and the consumer and traders responsible for the downturn and exit of hard currency from the country.
that "traders should be converted to the manufacturers and dealers for the advancement of the country because the losses in billions."
Hear Hear !!

Near the completion of the first industrialized cities in Iraq
7/26/2016 0:00  BAGHDAD - The joy of pumice   with the approach of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and other stakeholders of the completion of the first industrialized cities in Iraq, the leading specialist industrial significance of this and its impact on the economic reality of the cities. The expert said Aqeel Abboud «morning»: The «This step aims to collect plants and small and medium factories and even the big ones , sometimes, in a single place where infrastructure and services of electricity, water, roads and transportation is available».
Industrial city known as the «custom scheme area her for the purpose of industrial development, and the version «simpler» which is a business park or office complex , which contains offices, light industry, rather than heavy industry. »
Abboud pointed to the importance of these cities, as the completion will contribute to the payment of the Iraqi economy forward by providing jobs for the unemployed , it is expected that the industrial city one operates from 5000 to 30 000 citizens, as well as the advancement of the Iraqi industry and provide local products compete with imported, especially with the application of the tariff , which called for an increase in the event of Iraqi industries began to meet market needs and gradually.
It is noteworthy that the head of the Investment Commission of Baghdad , Shaker al - Zamili revealed «morning» Recently, on the status of plans to set up industrial zones, declaring choose my part of Abu Ghraib, Latifiyah to identify land areas within them, pointing at the same time that the Authority aims of the establishment of plants for different products.
The General Company for the design and implementation of the Ministry of Industry and minerals projects have achieved advanced achievement in the project of establishing the industrial city in Dhi Qar ratios of up to more than 80 percent. Director of the Information Center and Public Relations at the Ministry Abdul Wahid Alwan al - Shammari said:
« The company has completed more than 80 percent in the implementation of the second phase, as the work included the establishment of a unit of water filter and road construction , modern buildings include banks and building workshop for Civil Defence, a restaurant and a workshop for Transport and the establishment of networks for water and sewer rainwater and network power supply and lighting, mobile unit for wastewater treatment plants, as well as pumping station rainwater.
The first stage was including the construction of a building for administration bunk and set up a fence industrial city length of 3 km and the main gate of the city of Foreign queries and networks of electricity, telephone and water networks, sewage and create a water tank. Basra province , also announced the completion of more than 90 percent of the largest industrial city project in Iraq, stressing near the opening.
A source in the province »Sabah», that « the city include a private station , you disconnect the oil from the water and power plants and Integrated Services for craftsmen on an estimated area 23 km ».]
tlm724     near the completion of the first industrialized cities in Iraq, the leading specialist industrial significance of this and its impact on the economic reality of the cities. The expert said Aqeel Abboud «morning»: The «This step aims to collect plants and small and medium factories and even the big ones , sometimes, in a single place where infrastructure and services of electricity, water, roads and transportation is available».  Very Happy
it is expected that the industrial city one operates from 5000 to 30 000 citizens, as well as the advancement of the Iraqi industry and provide local products compete with imported, especially with the application of the tariff , which called for an increase in the event of Iraqi industries began to meet market needs and gradually.

A bold step for the establishment of infrastructure projects and the quality of
7/26/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb    economist Hassan Hadi said that the biggest expenditures required in Iraq 's required of public services such as electricity, water, sewage, health, transport, roads, bridges, telecommunications and housing sectors,
pointing out that the adoption of the solution would be two options either to continue the policy of government spending , which riddled with many difficulties, and either the Ntenby bold step and N_khas_khas sector completely certain no part to achieve the desired economic viability by bringing international companies classified its jurisdiction and granted investment privileges commensurate with the volume of work and help ease the budget allocations for these projects.  
operational experience and added in an interview with «morning» that this approach requires work on attracting companies specialized international high operational experience in the required field and has the financial and technical ability high to set up the infrastructure needed by the country,
pointing to the importance that is given these institutions work permit for periods be of economic benefit reasonable to achieve financial goals, pointing to the importance to be extended the privilege between (50-75) years because of the high costs of setting up the infrastructure and we have in this case to be realistic not compare ourselves with countries that granted investment achievements which has a complete infrastructure and do not require a big investment size as the one we need.
International companies Hadi said that the polarization specialized international companies and classified we have to agree with them to be responsible for the infrastructure sector in full and that the Iraqi government is involved with income at reasonable rates 10 percent - 20 percent and achieved beneficial for both sides,
pointing to the importance of providing incentives Kaafaiha tax for periods of up to 25 years, and has to be that corresponded Iraq with these companies to put the proportion of its shares in the Iraqi financial market so that the Iraqi private sector have a stake in these companies with a portion of the shares to its employees from Iraq , similar to what is Mtaahid in the rest of the world.
save billions and between that when analysis of the results from such economic trend , we find that it provides billions of dollars (infrastructure spending) a year, which is not the state can provide and utilize them in other expenses necessary and assist in the economic sustainability,
also contributes to the completion of infrastructure quality is stepping up the country to the levels required to Iraq is concentrated among developed countries and assist in the continuing development of its economy. employment and pointed out that eases the financial and administrative burden on the government to transfer some workers from government institutions to the private sector,
and provide job opportunities for unemployed young people, especially college graduates and train them on the administrative and technical modern systems, as well as participation income will add to the government and to the state budget large sums exploit in other areas.
Hadi said the investment program helps feminine prepare ministries and convert some of them to the regulatory bodies , as is happening in many developed countries, and the conversion of ministries that are Trchigaha to the provinces in support Alladarh tasks decentralization in the country also are addressing the situation of redundant early retirement state in all cases responsible for the payment of their salaries better Chjaam to retire early and take advantage of them in the private sector.
tlm724     It's time to let the most qualified international companies rebuild Iraq !! " that the biggest expenditures required in Iraq 's required of public services such as electricity, water, sewage, health, transport, roads, bridges, telecommunications and housing sectors,"
that this approach requires work on attracting companies specialized international high operational experience in the required field and has the financial and technical ability high to set up the infrastructure needed by the country
the importance of providing incentives Kaafaiha tax for periods of up to 25 years, and has to be that corresponded Iraq with these companies to put the proportion of its shares in the Iraqi financial market so that the Iraqi private sector have a stake in these companies with a portion of the shares to its employees from Iraq
gotta give those incentives AND involve the Iraqi private sector, it can't be a win on just one side, everyone should benefit this time around !
Head of UNAMI in Iraq, Jan Kubis  Security Council extends mandate Kubis in Iraq for a year at the request of Baghdad 
Author: AB, HAA, HH  Editor: AB, HH 07/26/2016 13:38   Long-Presse / Baghdad  UN Security Council voted on Tuesday to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission UNAMI and the like Jan Kubis in Iraq for a year at the request of the Iraqi government, and called on Baghdad to provide protection and support to employees of the United Nations Mission, while he was concerned about the current security situation in Iraq.
The UN Security Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN mission (UNAMI) in Iraq for another year, until the date of July 31, 2017, with a continued United Nations envoy Jan Kubiš representative of the mission, at the request of the Iraqi government, according to a statement of the Council I followed (range Press).
Council, the Iraqi government and called for "providing the necessary security protection and the provision of cross-market to employees of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, to ​​be able to perform their duties, which are in favor of the Iraqi people," stressing "the importance of stability and security in Iraq for the Iraqi people, the region and the international community."
He expressed the Council, concerned "about the current security situation in Iraq with the continuing presence of the threat of organized Daash terrorist groups," he returned to "the continued presence of Daash on Iraqi land represents a major threat to the future of Iraq."
The Council stressed that "the only way to address and counter the threat of regulation Daash is the uniformity of the Iraqis together to confront and meet the country's needs in the security and political side, too."      LINK 

tlm724     The UN Security Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN mission (UNAMI) in Iraq for another year, until the date of July 31, 2017,
Council, the Iraqi government and called for "providing the necessary security protection and the provision of cross-market to employees of the United Nations Mission in Iraq, to ​​be able to perform their duties, which are in favor of the Iraqi people," stressing "the importance of stability and security in Iraq for the Iraqi people, the region and the international community.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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