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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday PM Chat 7-30-16   Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Saturday PM Chat 7-30-16   Part 1 of 2
ol lar says to rcookie():what do you make of this :  The Central Bank sets the launch date of electronic currency
subgirl says to JETSET():   from rcookie in the forum.... Rafidain Bank: reinstatement of remittances all forms sold

July 30, 2016 1. 0  Our economy/Baghdad   Rafidain Bank decided to reinstate the money orders sold between branches and other banks, said a statement from the Director General called "the mighty endowed Bank decided to reinstate all forms sold transfers between branches and other banks offset by cash deposit or balance Verifier in the account the amount of remittance.
​She explained that the instructions and controls the drag is released in the next business day with the commitment of the treasurers of directions and instructions and follow correct work contexts.
She stressed that the decision comes to work to earn money and make more careful to gain customers.
subgirl says():from maddscout :) Rivers: the restoration of remittances sold with other banks
Views 60 Date 30/07/2016 - 23:10  Economy News / Baghdad ...
Rafidain Bank decided to re-work remittances sold between the branches of the bank and other banks.
A statement by the Information Office of the bank "Economy News" received a copy of it, the Director General Khawla student Jabbar as saying that "the bank has decided to re-work remittances sold all its forms, between the branches of the bank and other banks, which offset a cash deposit or verified balance in the account covers the amount of the transfer."
She explained that "the instructions and regulations provided for the withdrawal to be launched in the next business day, with a commitment treasurers directives, instructions and follow the proper work contexts."
She stressed that "the decision is aimed to the requirements of work to earn the money supply and make more careful to win customers."
subgirl says():from maddscout :) Parliamentary Finance meets with the new managers of bank
Views 58 Date 30/07/2016 - 23:10  Economy News / BaghdadParliamentary Finance Committee met on Saturday with the new managers of banks and discussed with banking issues and ways to save cash and prevent tampering.
Committee Chairman Faleh applicable in a statement received by the "Economy News", a copy of it to the members of the Committee met today directors of the new banks after receiving their positions as managers in two years , is several Iraqi banks to discuss the sender Banking Act of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. "
" We also discussed the most important banking issues and address the most important problems that contribute to save the Iraqi liquidity of waste being public money keeps the country 's economy."
The applicable during the meeting that these meetings aim to walk according to the reform project, as well as for the organization of Iraqi banks and prevent tampering.
Elane says():Wow thats awesome!!!!!
Nomad says():I am not a finance person but I think that is saying...they are meeting, discussing ways to "move dinar around the world". To make things better for their customers.
RickeyT says to Nomad():Fed ex
Nomad says():RickeyT Exactly! :(lol)
JETSET says():I like this one too from Madscout on FB...... "The progress of the development policies of the Institute held a seminar on the introduction of the electronic currency in doing business cash"
Nomad says():So, they will be able to use their newly issued Master Cards...its a good thing!
ol lar says to Nomad():soooo does sthis mean they can't use them til 2017
ol lar says to Nomad():
ol lar says to Nomad():Select the Governor of the Central Bank on the relationship, the 2017 launch date for electronic currency through electronic dinar or e-cards, except that it will facilitate communication between State institutions, predicting higher oil prices.
He said the relationship in a recent press release, that next year 2017, will launch the electronic currency after the Central Bank of the infrastructure needed to operate electronic payment through the electronic dinar or e-cards, facilitating communication between State institutions, indicating that the end of this year or next year will directly work on new Central Bank building.
Nomad says():I read where they were asking some citizens to come in and get their M. Cards. Whatever, as long as they have cards and knowledge the dates will work themselves out.
Nomad says():Thanks all, good evening...Nomad out.

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